The air bag said, "the white tailed deer herd is medium-sized. There are 21 big deer and eight young deer. They are digging snow and looking for grass leaves to eat. The selected place is too open. It's not easy to siege."

Bird pondered for a moment and said, "maybe we can take the deer first, don't shoot the big deer, just catch eight deer with crossbows and electric shock guns. As long as we take them as bait, I believe the whole herd will eventually fall into our trap."

These action plans are the business of mercenaries, and the fishermen just sit in and listen.

Qin Shiou said, "don't do this? We have to give the deer a chance to reproduce. Let's shoot a few big deer and domesticate a few young deer. "

Nelson smiled: "this is a white tailed deer, boss. I'm afraid there are more than people in Canada. BC Province hired snipers to hunt this thing last year, so we don't have to worry about the extinction of the deer."

Qin Shiou thought about it and said it was up to you, but he still suggested not to make an extermination attack on the deer.

The mercenaries gathered together to discuss. They all replaced the shotgun bullets with anesthetic bullets. The black knife asked the tiger and leopard to lurk in the past and drive them away from the side.

In this way, the big deer are scared away, and the small deer are driven to their ambush circle, one deer per person. It's no problem to solve.

The tiger and the leopard blinked their small black eyes, soon understood the arrangement of the black knife, and quietly divided into two ways and disappeared in the woods.

Xiong Da also wants to follow. Qin Shiou catches him back. The guy's movement is too loud to be detected by the deer.

White tailed deer are very sensitive animals. They are timid by nature. They will run away when there is wind and grass.

This is the information Qin Shiou got from the TV popular science channel.

The deer graze in the middle of an open forest at the foot of the mountain. The open space looks like four or five acres. The big deer scrape the snow with their claws, find some fresh and tender grass leaves and eat them slowly with a relaxed attitude.

The tiger and the leopard quietly ran up the hillside, and then roared. The two little guys ran out together and launched an impact from the left and right.

As expected, as soon as the hounds rushed out, the deer were startled. The little deer "Yo Yo" screamed in panic and gathered together, while the big deer spread their hooves and ran away.

The tiger and the leopard were competing with George W. Bush, so they took out the momentum of a mad dog, barked and looked ferocious, and rushed to the deer with the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

The big deer were frightened and ran away in all directions. For a moment, they forgot the young deer behind them.

The tiger and leopard did not take care of the escaped deer, but drove the deer from both wings and drove the deer to the downhill position at the foot of the mountain.

The fawns have no experience of big deer. They don't know that they should disperse in a crowd when they escape. One runs in the front, and the other fawns follow behind their hips and run down in a swarm.

The mercenaries had already laid an ambush and waited for the deer in a fan. They allocated the quota and shot one by one in order.

At a distance of tens of meters, the mercenaries shoot accurately. In addition, the deer don't turn a corner when they run, they just rush forward foolishly. Such crisp gunshots sound continuously,

The fawn running in the front stumbled after being shot. The anesthetic bomb didn't work directly. It continued to run more than ten meters, and then stumbled up. Finally, its limbs still fell on the snow.

From the time the leading deer fell down, one after another, the young deer behind fell down one after another. The amount of anesthetic bomb was not large. They just couldn't stand up. They were still conscious, so they shouted "Yo Yo" and tried to stand up, but their limbs were soft and couldn't stand up at all.

The mercenaries went up and tied the deer with ropes. At this time, there was a clear gunshot in the mountains not far away.

Qin Shiou looked up and said, "who is so lucky?"

They can find deer so quickly because there is an excellent scout, George W. Bush, who is more useful than radar in the mountains. It is not easy for ordinary people to find wild animals in barren mountains and snow.

Beasts are more vigilant than humans, and they hide quietly most of the time except when they prey. Once they find danger, they will escape early, so they leave few opportunities for people to shoot.

The black knife shook his head and said, "no, boss, this is shooting at the sky. They shouldn't have touched prey unless they want to shoot birds."

With that, two little Cardinals flew to the top of the group, chirped twice, showed their angry faces, and then flew away.

Qin Shiou once wanted to raise two angry birds. Later, he read the introduction and said that the little cardinal had a low IQ and it was useless to raise this thing. Qin Shiou gave up this idea.

Nelson smiled as he knotted the deer. "Are they just going to hunt these little things?"

Qin Shiou took out his walkie talkie, adjusted the channel, connected the fishing ground, told the bull to stay in the fishing ground, and asked him to bring people and cars to pull away the deer.

The bull should come down and tell Qin Shiou a radio channel number, saying that this is the channel for hunting in the mountain. Hughes came to apply before, and he forgot to tell Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou connected the channel, and the noise rang: "... Oh, fine, who shot just now? My good reindeer, just found it, was scared away! "

"No, Cameron, you bastard, you must be talking nonsense again! You can't find reindeer, you can't hunt! "

"The second wave of gunfire was caused by little Hughes. He and Mellan had a mess..."

"What about the first wave of gunfire? I heard several shots. Has anyone found a boar or deer? "

Qin Shiou coughed and said, "Hi, guys, it's me, Qin. We just got some little white tailed deer... "

"What? You mean white tailed deer? Oh, I met a small group just now. These guys are so clever. I saw their ass and they slipped away... "

"When did the white tailed deer come down? I remember they usually hide on the top of the mountain? "

"There is no doubt that they predicted this year's snow disaster and came down early to find food to avoid the disaster."

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly, shrugged and turned off the radio. There was a group of people talking nonsense. It was meaningless.

After taking a herd of deer, Qin Shiou left Zach holding a gun here waiting for the bull and his party to take the deer back. They still continue to go deep. The hunting has just begun.

With George W. Bush and Nimitz, hunting is easier than playing games on the computer. After a while, George W. Bush flew back and rattled twice over Qin Shiou's head, leading them to the East.

The black knife and the air bag took the telescope as the vanguard. They followed George W. Bush's guidance and walked carefully forward. When they entered a sloping grove, the black knife ran back and said, "this time it's a red deer, a male deer with four female deer."