Have a great weekend! Have a great weekend! Have a great weekend! Shell case wishes every brother and sister a happy weekend. In addition, I hope the brothers and sisters who see the inverted paste can return to the starting point and see the genuine version, which is even better****

Surrounded by the crowd, there were two dogs, a bear and a wolf. The little lynx was suddenly afraid. As soon as it waved its little claws, it magically popped up pink nails

Qin Shiou was afraid of being hurt by it, so he put it on the ground. As soon as the lynx's claws stuck to the ground and its short tail waved, it quickly ran to Qin Shiou's upper, then four small claws grabbed his pants, climbed and jumped, quickly ran to his chest, and then got into his clothes.

"Wow, it takes the boss as its mother?" Shaq exclaimed.

The black knife rolled his eyes and said, "please, it's dad, isn't it?"

Qin Shiou was speechless, so he had to hug his arm and hold the little lynx. He asked helplessly, "who can tell me what's going on now?"

Bird analyzed: "obviously, Bush frightened the lynx when he caught it. Just now the boss picked it up and gave it a warm hug. According to Freud's psychological research, the little beast in this case will subconsciously have a sense of trust in the protector - well, I can't make it up. Who knows what's going on?"

The group spread their hands. Now it seems that the little lynx depends on Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou doesn't mind having an extra mouth at home. Anyway, Weini is going to have a baby, so she should prepare a playmate for the child. But the problem is, this is a little lynx. Mother lynx will be worried if she has no children?

In this way, Qin Shiou can only look at George W. Bush and ask, "where did you bring this child?"

George W. Bush looked up at the sky blankly. He quacked and quacked a few times. The sound became smaller and smaller. Finally, he simply turned his head and stuffed his head into his wings.

"Fark! This fool! " Qin Shiou was speechless again.

He put the little lynx on the ground and let it go home. The little lynx blinked its big watery eyes and immediately climbed into his arms.

It is worthy of being a top cat hunter. The little lynx has a strong climbing ability. It climbs up Qin Shiou's body like walking on the ground.

Qin Shiou had to put it on his shoulder in the hope that the lynx could find it, but the little thing was too cold and climbed down into his arms.

There was no way, Qin Shiou had to take the little lynx back to the fishing ground.

Back at the villa, Winnie is directing the fishermen to tidy up the game brought back from the mountain first. The big wild boar and deer should be put into the freezer.

There may be hundreds of kilograms of cicadas stuffed in the freezer. All of them are pickled in salt water and then frozen. You must be careful not to touch them, otherwise it's hard to clean up. The little things will disappear as soon as they roll. They can't be found on the spot and will rot in the future.

The ice warehouse is most afraid of rotten things. Rotten means microorganisms, which will produce a chain reaction and pollute other things.

The little wild boar and deer are locked into the farm. Now there are a group of native pigs in the farm. Both sides have no attack power and the area is large enough to live in peace.

Qin Shiou's restraint is now working. There are still two pairs of native pigs he brought from his hometown, two boars and two sows. Sows have been bred. Sows were found pregnant in September. It is estimated that piglets will be born at the end of the month or early next month.

Big pigs give birth to little pigs, and little pigs give birth to little pigs. Qin Shiou thinks this thing can be linked up endlessly.

Seeing that Qin Shiou's clothes were covered with snow, mud and grass leaves, Weini motioned him to take them off and change his clothes.

Qin Shiou blinked, put his clothes in her arms and said, "there's an unexpected joy in it. Guess what?"

Winnie smiled and opened her clothes. The little lynx suddenly appeared and looked at Winnie. It twitched its small black nose, immediately rushed out and got into Winnie's arms. Moreover, it was very comfortable to find the position in front of her chest, soft and hot

Qin Shiou was angry. He thought that the little thing insisted on lying in his arms because he had the smell of sea god. Now it seems that he is amorous.

"Wow, what a lovely little, little, little - is this a lynx?" Winnie cried out in surprise, then stunned.

Qin Shiou was surprised that Weini could recognize it as a lynx? Fark, why didn't he recognize it at a glance?

Winnie pointed to a long black ear hair growing on the little guy's ear and said, "look at this. This is the sign of lynx."

Qin Shiou came up to have a look. He really didn't notice before. It turned out that the little thing had grown ear hair.

Shirley and others ran back from school. As soon as they entered the house, they saw Qin Shiou lying on wini's chest. Big Laurie was full of unhappiness and said, "there are minors now, so Qin, please pay attention to OK?"

Qin Shiou turned back angrily and said, "what are you thinking? The little child's head is full of dirty things. I'm looking at this... Well, you see, I picked up a kitten today. "

He tried to trick some children into playing.

Big Lori ran over to have a look, then looked at Qin Shiou pitifully and said, "no, Qin, this is not a kitten, this is a lynx. It will eat kittens. It's terrible to have no culture. "

Qin Shiou is going to collapse. What the fuck is going on? How come everyone knows this thing, but he doesn't? Even Shirley knows it's a lynx?!

Powell then explained: "we just learned cats in science class. There are pictures of lynx in textbooks and teaching videos, so it's easy to recognize its short tail and ear hair."

Ear hair is that the lynx has some slender black hair on the top of its ear. This thing is not for decoration, but can move towards the sound source at any time. It can collect sound waves. If it is lost, it will affect the lynx's hearing, which is very important to this animal.

However, it was these ear hairs that led to the near extinction of the lynx race. In a quite dark period after the middle ages, the lynx was widely hunted and killed by human beings in Europe as a vermin.

At that time, in addition to threatening livestock, the black ear hair on the ears was supposed to be a symbol of the devil and regarded as the pet of "Satan". Until now, some people still think that lynx is the form of hell's three headed dog walking in the sun.

Lynx is a cat. Like distant relatives of cats, they are sensitive, delicate and timid. In order to avoid killing, they had to hide in the depths of mountains and old forests. However, in the 19th century, they were completely wiped out in many European countries.

Winnie is a Christian. Knowing this past, she is full of love and compassion for the little lynx. As soon as she holds it in her arms, she cries sweetly and goes to the kitchen to pour some hot milk for it.

Seeing the milk, the little lynx was finally willing to leave the warm embrace. It jumped down and licked the milk as happily as the kitten licked the water. After licking for a while, it came up and rubbed vini with its head.

Qin Shiou immediately finished the calf. This little thing should not be too smart. Winnie will be crazy about motherhood just because she is pregnant. Good guy, there will be more children at home.

Sure enough, Weini immediately chased Qin Shiou and asked if she had a good name for the little thing. Qin Shiou naturally wanted to give the opportunity to Weini. She couldn't lose her eyesight.

Winnie lay on the table happily watching the little lynx lick the milk and drink. After thinking for a while, she cheered like a little girl and said, "just call Simba, okay? Simba the lion king! "