Because of the snow disaster, the farewell town has shrunk its tourist routes, and the number of tourists will decrease greatly in winter. Except for some tourists from the south, most people are not interested in the cold winter in Canada.

Therefore, there were not many people in Hickson's father's restaurant at this time, and only a few tourists were whispering.

Qin Shiou thought the old man was worried about business, so he smiled and said, "well, Dad, I think you should be satisfied, shouldn't you? The overall income this year should be good? "

Hickson nodded and said, "of course, business is really good. Why do you say this? Do you want to borrow money? "

Then the old man smiled, obviously teasing Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou said, "then why are you still sad? Be happy. Go outside and see the beautiful snow island. What a moving scenery! "

The old man turned his eyes and said, "fine, boy, you misunderstood me. I'm not worried about business, but about my wine! You know, my ice wine has always been the best in town. Many people like my wine, but damn it, I may not be able to provide you with ice wine next year. "

"What's the matter?" Qin Shiou asked. He really misunderstood the old man.

Hickson's father lay down in front of the cashier and said sadly, "the cold current and snow came too early this year. Damn it, the grapes were frozen before they were fully mature. There is no way to make wine."

This is not only the case with father Hickson. The weather in Canada is abnormal. The cold current swept the Atlantic coast early, and the grape production in Ontario has also been reduced. It is expected that Canada's wine industry will suffer a heavy blow this year.

While complaining, Dad took out a bottle of ice wine, opened the lid, poured Qin Shiou a glass and said, "while you can still drink, my child, drink as much as you like. You're drunk now, aren't you?"

Qin Shiou sipped his wine and said, "if you want to make wine, you might as well go and see my grapes. I recently checked the vineyard and found that although my grapes don't knot much, they are full of particles and the quality seems good."

The old man shrugged and didn't take his words to heart. He knew that the grapes in Daqin fishing ground were the first season of this year. Such grapes were not suitable for wine making, and the fishing ground was close to the sea, so it should be more seriously affected.

At this time, father Hickson noticed the smoked fish brought by Qin Shiou. He took it in his hand and looked at it. His eyes lit up and said, "who smoked the fish? Well done, good heat. "

He is an expert. He can roughly see the situation of smoked fish from his appearance.

Later, the old man tore another piece, and his face became more surprised. He murmured, "is the fish so tender? There is also a little toughness, which is the result of smoking. But why is the fish so tender? There's almost no fishy smell. The fresh smell is so strong. Damn it, it's better than the smoked fish I made, ha ha. "

Qin Shiou also smiled and pointed to himself and said, "this is made of our family's unique skill of smoked fish. You can't compare with your skill? Oh, I can't believe it. "

The old man said, "that's the truth. You must believe that the smoked fish I made is the best..."

The two chatted, and the only diner left. Before leaving, he left the old man a tip of 20 yuan. The old man didn't let them give it in vain. He gave them a roast crab leg and said that it would be a snack if heated.

When the diners left, Qin Shiou was leaving. The old man wanted to keep him for dinner. He said there were guests at home.

The old man quickly cleaned up the dishes on the table and said, "OK, I'll go to your house, too. I think you must be short of a Western Chef tonight."

Qin Shiou didn't refuse. Just after Weini was pregnant, no one made western food. It's best if Hickson's father is willing to help.

Of course, he would show dad his grapes by the way. He thought they could be used to make wine. The quality may be average due to the first batch, but they are better than dad's frozen grapes, right?

Qin Shiou opened the door to take the old man. As a result, the old man entered the garage and drove out of his favorite car. He rolled down the window and patted the door with a smile: "I'd better drive my old man."

Hickson's father owns the oldest pickup truck in the town, which is now the Ford F150.

The Ford F150 is the most classic pickup truck in North America. The first generation was born in 1948, and then up to now, it has derived twelve generations. If the F150 is compared to a family, it is really a big family.

Hickson dad's F150 is the sixth generation pickup truck launched in 1973. Compared with today, the model is very simple, but it has good durability. In fact, the sixth generation F150 is the most highly praised pickup truck in Ford's history. It is strong and durable, and a large number of galvanized plates are used, which can effectively prevent corrosion and aging.

The old man drove the car into the snow. The roar of the engine was still very deep and powerful, like a strong old cow. It can be seen that Hickson loved the car very much. The paint was smooth and clear, and every part was well maintained.

Qin Shiou went over and lay on the window and said, "this car is really good. It's amazing that it can catch fire in such a cold day."

The old man said proudly, "my old man has been to the North Pole. When we were young, we crossed the whole territory of Canada together. He is a stubborn and strong old man."

"Just like you."

"Ha ha, you're right, smelly boy, just like me!"

From a distance, the car is well maintained. From a closer look, it's a little bad. There were two silver metal barriers in the front of the car. There is an aluminum bar in the middle of the barrier. Now the barrier has been badly distorted.

In addition, there was a Ford logo on the front of the car, which was originally the four letters "Ford". These four letters should be very small. Now they are large letters, which are obviously replaced at the back.

Start the car and heat up the car. No problem. The old man took the lead in starting. Qin Shiou followed him and was ready to pick him up at any time.

The car drove into the fishing ground without going to the villa first. Hickson's father directly followed Qin Shiou to the vineyard.

The vineyard stretches for hundreds of mu, which is obviously not enough for a real large vineyard, but it is large enough for individuals.

Now the vineyard is not green in summer and autumn. Clusters of grapes hang on the vines dejectedly.

The leaves have long fallen. Even if there are still a few that have not fallen, they have become dry yellowish brown. The sea breeze is powerless to float. It seems that they will fall soon.

Of course, today's vineyards are not withered and yellow. Hongti, qingti and Heiti are rippling with the wind, adding a bit of style to the withered branches and leaves.

Qin Shiou picked a red teat. It was cold and crisp. When chewing, it felt like a small ice grenade exploded in his mouth. It was very sweet and cool.

He let Hickson's father taste it, but the old man picked a Riesling.

Riesling is specially used to make wine. If you eat it directly, it doesn't taste very good because of its thick skin, less meat, more juice and small particles.

But after eating the grapes, father Hickson looked at Qin Shiou with joy and surprise and said, "I've seen a ghost. Your grapes are very good and suitable for wine making!"