Qin Shiou knew that many years later, he would not forget that brilliant night. A group of drunken but cheerful drunks were around him. A woman who loved him was with him. The night sky was dark overhead, but there were gorgeous fireworks

Finally, they were accompanied by the Scottish famous song auld lang syne. Perhaps this also reflected the DJ's idea at that time: guys, let's have a lasting friendship!

Before midnight, Qin Shiou hardly touched the wine. After the new year, he drank like the song!

"Friendship lasts forever" has been singing for a long time. Qin Shiou held up the wine bottle and hugged the people. At the same time, he filled his mouth crazy with wine. So did others. Finally, Qin Shiou, who was awake, didn't know. Anyway, he was drunk.

On the first day of the new year, Qin Shiou was awakened by the cheers of Shirley's children. He got up, rubbed his bleary eyes, opened the curtains and looked out. It was still dark but bright outside, because the world wrapped in silver came back.

Shirley and others were running and fighting in the grass, and a group of little guys also participated in it. The big ears of tigers and leopards kept flying and running around in the snow happily. The bear stood lazily on the lawn, and the children were playing around it.

Qin Shiou looked at the time. It was just six o'clock. He rubbed his temples and quietly got up.

Winnie is still sleeping. She must have rested later than him last night. Simba the little lynx lies on Winnie's pillow. Her fat round face is full of comfortable joy. It looks like she slept better than Winnie.

Qin Shiou is dissatisfied with this. He is too lazy. You are a lynx. How can you be so lazy?

Put on your clothes, Qin Shiou grabbed King Simba with lightning speed and pulled him out of the bedroom before he was fully awake.

He went downstairs and went straight to the door. Qin Shiou threw the shivering King Simba into the snow. The latter became smart. As soon as he fell into the snow, he immediately took off and turned around. Then he took three steps and two steps to run back to the house.

Simba ran fast enough, but it was too small. As a result, something blocked it and directly bounced it back.

Mengmeng stared. King Simba saw the wolf king radish looking at it discontentedly.

Jen's family didn't mean to hit you. Simba skimmed his mouth and wanted to bypass the little wolf king.

In the face of the tiger, leopard and bear master, the little wolf king is a little carrot head, but in the face of a little lynx, the little wolf king who is almost one year old is a radish adult.

With a slap on it, the radish photographed the little lynx back into the snow. The tiger and leopard rushed up and shook their hooves to lift the snow, and "Shua Shua" buried the little lynx.

The little lynx staggered out and shouted at the tiger and leopard.

The tiger and leopard are the most naughty and mischievous time for LAA Wang. When they see that the little guy dares to yell at himself, they will rush up and attack him.

Big white couldn't see it anymore. He ran to stop the tiger and leopard, looking like a calf guard.

Looking at the bear's face, the tiger and leopard were not embarrassed. They shook the snow on their fur bitterly and continued to play by themselves.

The little lynx stuck to Dabai and shouted discontentedly at Qin Shiou. It was obvious that he hated him and pulled himself out of the warm pillow.

Qin Shiou just hoped that the little lynx could have a better relationship with the little guys at home. He didn't always sell cute and ask for caress. He held Simba in front of the little carrot's head with one hand and called the tiger, leopard, bear and white pineapple together to make them friendly.

Now the little guys have become bad, or they have become smart. Watching Qin Shiou, several little guys, all kinds of brothers and sisters, tigers and leopards affectionately help Simba lick the snowflakes on his hair, and Xiong Da let him lie on his shoulder.

But as soon as Qin Shiou left, several little guys immediately changed their faces. Xiong Da shook his shoulders and shook Simba off. The tiger, leopard and little carrot blocked it from three sides. Simba looked at Dabai pitifully. Dabai wanted to help, but it was blocked by pineapple.

Leaning against the wall and relying on the old lady, King Simba decided to rely on himself. His four claws had soft thick hair, which could help him walk in the snow without sinking, so he threw off his claws and jumped out of the encirclement like a hairball.

The tiger and leopard chased back, but Simba was very smart. He ran forward, only ran out a few steps, then turned around, rushed under the maple tree, and climbed up the tree like a monkey.

Then king simba sat on the branch and looked down. The tiger, leopard, bear and wolf stood under the tree in amazement. There was really no way.

North American opossum can climb trees, but how can white embarrass little lynx? Bear looked forward to watching his partner help him take down the lynx. Bai pretended not to see it and jumped to find the little yellow mouse family who had just climbed out.

Looking at the helpless tigers, leopards, bears and wolves, King Simba was proud and continued to chase me, soul light! Proud of himself, Simba opened his mouth and shouted in a childish lynx style: "ah woo!"

After roaring a few times, Simba turned back and was startled. He almost didn't fall down the tree: I saw a North American Red Squirrel behind him.

Maple is Xiaoming's territory. Little lynx dares to come uninvited. Xiaoming feels it necessary to show his dignity.

Fortunately, Qin Shiou returned in time. He knew what was going on as soon as he saw several guys looking up under the tree.

He came up and patted on his ass one by one. Qin Shiou whistled for the little lynx, put it on the bear's wide shoulder and warned: "if it falls down before breakfast, there will be no food today!"

If it's summer and autumn, Xiong Dacai is not afraid of threats. It's a big deal that he runs to the sea to dive and catch fish. But in winter, salmon return to the river to lay eggs, and there are no berries in the mountains. He really can't find food except at home.

Later, Qin Shiou went to step on the snow for morning exercise. Xiong Da sat helplessly in the snow. The snowflakes fluttered and fell down. He looked sad and didn't shake his hair to get rid of the snowflakes. He turned his head and looked sulky with Simba on his shoulder.

The tiger and the leopard hold it on the shoulder and want to stand up and bite Simba. The bear's big fat claws pull and push the two lalawang into the snow. Go away, little friends. Do you want to hurt me to have no food?

Pineapple and little carrot also came up to rob Simba. The bear angrily pushed them away and climbed into the door. These souls always want to harm me and don't play with them!

Xiong Da understood Simba's pee and went back to the house hoping that he would climb down by himself, but Simba felt that the bear's hair was also very warm, so he simply lay down on Xiong da.

You souls are against me! Xiong Da is really unhappy.