Qin Shiou patted Weini on the back, looked at her piteously and said, "isn't it disgusting?"

Winnie just retched, stared at him and said, "silly child, this is called pregnancy vomiting!"

Qin Shiou doesn't believe it. Because Weini is pregnant, he has become half an expert in obstetrics and gynecology. Vomiting is an early pregnancy reaction. It will heal in four months at most. Winie hasn't had much vomiting. How can it be?

Closing oneself is chaotic. It's nothing to vomit. Qin Shiou is worried that it has something to do with cold viruses. After all, Winnie's resistance is very weak now. He wants to take Winnie to Odom.

Winnie was speechless to him. She said it was nothing, so she didn't bother other people's doctors.

As a result, Vinnie felt vomiting all night, but she just retched. She couldn't vomit and had no appetite. She just drank some skimmed milk and went to bed.

Qin Shiou was anxious all night. During the day, he still didn't have the spirit to see Weini. He simply went to St. Mary's Hospital in St. Johns. Anyway, he was a VIP customer in major hospitals in North America and could jump the queue.

Passing by the Bank of Montreal, Qin Shiou didn't have much cash on him. He might need cash to buy things in the hospital later, so he stopped to withdraw money.

At this time, four or five young people in leather clothes and leather jackets came up. When they came to the door of the bank, several people looked at each other and suddenly coughed.

Qin Shiou, who was just about to get off, immediately locked the door. Weini asked, "what's the matter?"

Qin Shiou pointed to the five young people and said nervously, "look, they suddenly cough at the door. Is it a secret signal, robbing a bank or something?"

"You're kidding, aren't you?"

Security in Canada is the worst time in winter, especially before and during the snow. Canada is sparsely populated. Once there is snow after the robbery, it is difficult to find the trace of the robber.

Five young people entered the bank and everything was normal. Qin Shiou shrugged and said bitterly, "I'm too nervous to be with you now."

Winnie said helplessly, "please be normal. I don't want to be dragged down into mental illness by you!"

However, several people came back. They all coughed at the door of the bank and looked very painful. Qin Shiou opened the drawer of the bridge to look for something. Winnie asked him what he was looking for. He said he was looking for the instructions of the car.

Winnie asked strangely, "Why are you looking for the manual?"

Qin Shiou said, "I remember when I bought the car, the shopping guide said that the air freshening function of the car can filter viruses and bacteria."

Winnie was silly and spread her hand to show that she couldn't understand.

Qin Shiou solemnly pointed to the coughing people outside and said, "look, they cough when they come here. Will there be any infectious sources such as T virus and black light virus around? I have to protect you. "

Winnie smiled and said, "well, if you want to make me happy, you succeeded."

Qin Shiou said seriously, "I'm not kidding..."

"Don't make me hit you! I've never been soft on mental illness! " Winnie bit her teeth and interrupted him.

Qin Shiou sighed and got out of the car to withdraw money. As a result, he coughed not far away, and then ran back in a hurry.

Winnie was a little scared. She quickly opened the door and shouted, "what's the matter, honey? Is there really any virus? "

Qin Shiou scolded, "no, FAK, I came back to tell you not to get off! There is an Indian restaurant next to him. He cooked Indian food, not Sichuan and Hunan food. Why is it so hot? "

Winnie couldn't help laughing and laughed regardless of her image.

I went to the hospital for an examination. It doesn't matter. The doctor said this is morning sickness. Qin Shiou asked suspiciously that morning sickness will end in four months? The doctor asked you where you learned it. Qin Shiou said it was Google, of course.

The doctor sighed and said, "don't go to Google to see the so-called medical knowledge, OK? If Google works, why the hospital? Vomiting does not absolutely occur at any time. Many pregnant women recognize this reaction, which is related to the constitution of expectant mothers. "

When she came back, Winnie wore a wristband, a pregnancy and vomiting wristband.

The morning sickness wristband is a very popular thing in Europe and America to relieve the morning sickness reaction. Its principle is to stimulate the central nervous system through stimulating points to inhibit the morning sickness reaction to alleviate morning sickness and prevent seasickness.

He bought one for 150 Canadian dollars. Qin Shiou tied the wristband tightly on his wrist. The stimulation point on the wristband was just gently pressed on an acupoint on the inner side of his wrist. He said that this could inhibit the vomiting center in the brain.

After wearing the wristband, Weini rested for a while and nodded to Qin Shiou, saying that she had suffered a lot. Qin Shiou is relieved. Although he knows that this thing can't work so quickly, Weini just wants him to be relieved.

After returning to the villa, Qin Shiou saw bird and black knife surrounded Xiong da. He didn't know what he was doing. He strangely went over and asked, "what are you doing? Have you recovered from your cold? Well, go to sea and catch bonito and queen crab! "

Black Dao saluted an American military salute. Qin Shiou said take a break, and then black Dao said with a smile: "bird is training a big bear and wants to train him into a truffle bear."

"Truffle bear? What the hell is that? " Qin Shiou asked in surprise.

Bird explained to him that truffles only exist in the wild and have no rules to follow. Therefore, if you want to collect truffles, you need help.

In France, people used to regard sows as a right-hand man for harvesting black truffles. Sows have an extremely sensitive sense of smell and are very sensitive to the taste of truffle, because the smell of this thing is similar to androstenol, which induces sow sex impulse.

It is said that sows can smell truffles buried 25 cm to 30 cm deep at a distance of 6 meters, and then arch out and eat them.

In Italy, people prefer to use trained female hounds to find truffles. Usually, the hound will use its claws to make a mark on the location of the truffle. When the owner comes, it will carefully dig out the precious truffle from the soil with a small rake.

Qin Shiou scratched his head and said, "then what?"

"The bear's sense of smell goes beyond dogs and sows. If we can train the bear, we can let it go to the mountains to find truffles. This thing is much more expensive than gold. It can sell tens of thousands of Canadian dollars a pound!" The mercenaries said happily.

"Yes, we should seize the opportunity to dig up the mountain while the truffle is still rotten. God has sent this opportunity to make a fortune. We can't give up, can we?"

Truffle is a very strange fungus. It varies in size, from soybean size to fist size, but it has nothing to do with age, because they live only one year and grow only with the changes of the four seasons.

Generally, black truffles enter the maturity period in about December until March of the next year. If they are too ripe, the truffles will rot and disintegrate.