Looking directly at Qin Shiou's eyes, Weini said, "do you know what I mean?"

Before he could answer, she continued, "I want to tell you that I fell in love with you earlier than you fell in love with me, honey, I knew you had many shortcomings at that time, but I still fell in love with you. What I want to marry is not a good man, but a man who I think is worth trusting all my life. "

Qin Shiou hugged her as hard as he did after the first close contact with conabrook, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

Winnie's words successfully opened the knot in his heart.

Yes, Winnie is going to marry someone she thinks is worth trusting all her life. Is she such a person? Qin Shiou thinks that he is this person. If Weini has to marry someone, he thinks it must be him.

Besides, he thinks he can't compare with Armand. In fact, he is not. If he compares himself at home, he is much worse than Armand. But now, even if he excludes the golden finger of the heart of the sea god, he is still stronger than Armand in any aspect.

In particular, he has rich contacts, which is unmatched by ordinary men.

Winnie felt his breath. After he calmed down, she said, "I'll say something you don't know. Why did Armand behave like this when he came to the fishing ground? In fact, it's because you put pressure on him. He knows how excellent you are and has to try his best to show his best. From this point of view, you won, didn't you? "

Hearing his daughter-in-law say so, senior official Qin felt proud, but tried to look unbelieving and said, "is this a comfort to me? How is it possible? What's good about me? "

Winnie saw through his careful thinking, but didn't expose it. She praised him: "you're rich, especially rich! You have many great friends. You are filial, sensible and very capable. Isn't that enough? "

Qin Shiou sighed and said, "Hey, these are nothing. If it weren't for the fishing ground left by grandpa, I might have nothing."

The real key is the heart of Poseidon. Without the heart of Poseidon, even if he is given this fishing ground, he is estimated to have closed down now.

Winnie said, "you are very capable without discussing the economic situation. It has nothing to do with Grandpa, doesn't it?"

Qin Shiou wondered, "what can you do?" What he thinks he can do is related to the heart of Poseidon.

Winnie's pretty face was a little crimson. She drew a circle on his chest with her slender jade fingers like white onions and whispered, "child, you see, we have melons so soon. Armand and fox don't have children yet."

This really has little to do with the heart of the sea god. Qin Shiou's blood quickly opened: "you grinding goblin, but you're right."

Weini's family are still in the living room. Of course, they can't do too much. Qin Shiou got a little cheap from his hand and asked Weini to go down first. He said he wanted to have a rest upstairs. In fact, he put the Poseidon consciousness into the fishing ground.

When the fishing ground enters the harvest season, small groups of hairy scale fish float in the offshore waters. They are the vanguard of the race and wait for the arrival of large groups. When large groups of hairy scale fish come to the fishing ground and wait until the tide rises, they will go ashore to hatch their eggs.

The COD resources in Daqin fishing ground are definitely the most abundant in the world's sea area. There is nothing to be seen from the water surface. Poseidon consciousness enters the water and sees countless cod swimming in the water, whether it is narrow cod, Atlantic cod, black cod or silver cod

These fish range from small fish with a thumb length to big fish with a length of one meter. Big fish chase mackerel, herring and hairy scale fish. They are omnivorous. When they encounter small fish, they eat small fish, small squid and small squid, they will swallow them without hesitation.

Some jellyfish with light blue light float in the water. They are beautiful, but fish and shrimp will avoid them because they are poisonous.

The seabed sand layer is snow-white and delicate. Groups of giant lobsters shuttle through the sand. From time to time, they insert their big claws into the sand. After pulling them out, they often catch small cephalopods such as squid and eat them.

There are jellyfish at the bottom of the sea. These jellyfish seem to be free from force and float in various directions in the water, like small blue lights.

There are more big fish in the deep water. Qin Shiou met several ghost headed knife fish traveling. These guys have green heads and can be seen from a distance. The small fish will avoid immediately.

Ghostly swordfish swaggered in the sea, but suddenly they were frightened and ran wildly. A few seconds later, a group of three or four meter long drop like big fish, bluefin tuna, rushed out of their previous waters!

In the deep water area, there are still light blue jellyfish floating, and because there is no light all day, their color is more beautiful, revealing a faint mysterious smell, like countless Kongming lights flying at night.

Qin Shiou appreciated it and suddenly noticed something was wrong. What's the origin of the blue jellyfish? It seems that the number is a little too much?

Poseidon consciousness went all the way from the coral reef waters to the deep sea. As a result, these guys were seen in many places, and more and more in the deep water. Now there are tens of thousands of jellyfish in a group. Don't be too large!

Qin Shiou thought he would be wrong. Should this be a school of hairy scale fish? So he rubbed his eyes - of course, it was pure self deception - what Poseidon consciousness saw was still jellyfish, a lot of jellyfish!

In this way, senior official Qin has a big head. This is wrong. There have always been jellyfish farms, but there have never been so many. Sometimes even if the leatherback turtle hunts fiercely, it will cause the scarcity of jellyfish, and the leatherback turtle has to eat seaweed.

Nowadays, there are too many jellyfish. Even if the leatherback turtle population expands 100 times and 1000 times, it can't be hungry.

In Qin Shiou's memory, he saw so many jellyfish during the storm in St. Lawrence Bay.

Is there another storm? Qin Shiou was alert, but he remembered that when the jellyfish migrated collectively, all the jellyfish were fleeing, of all types and shapes. Now, the large groups of jellyfish in the fishing ground are almost the same.

A beautiful blue jellyfish.

The Sea God consciousness swept through the fishing ground quickly. Qin Shiou released the other three consciousness behind him, stroked the situation in all directions, and then found that the fishing ground suddenly broke out the problem of jellyfish flooding, which is found in many places.

Feeling that the situation was bad, Qin Shiou turned up. He inquired about the jellyfish on the Internet, and soon got the answer: blue sail jellyfish!

Then he searched the keyword blue sail jellyfish, and a series of news appeared, the most of which was: Blue disaster, sail jellyfish storm!