Although he didn't know the specific identity of the visitor, Qin Shiou estimated that it should be his own guest.

It's the end of the month. It's not two days before the engagement ceremony. Almost everyone is coming.

In this way, Qin Shiou and others just stayed outside because they watched little Chennault learn to fly, so they went to the wharf to meet the guest.

As the yacht with extremely windy shape approached, Qin Shiou knew who was coming. The outside of the yacht was painted with national flag and national emblem. The overall color of the national flag was green, with a line of words he didn't understand written in Arabic.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the meaning of that sentence. Considering that there are only two Middle East friends among the guests he invited, you can guess that it is alfev and Princess Samara.

After approaching the dock, the yacht began to slow down and retract its wings. This is another feature of high-performance winged planing boat. It can deform!

When spreading its wings, it can fly about one meter on the water and reach a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. After folding its wings, it will become a taxiing boat similar to a high-speed hovercraft on the water.

The ship is surrounded by a thin rubber flexible apron. After the wings are retracted, the air can be blown into the bottom of the boat through a hand-held blower to cooperate with the air inhaled by the outboard groove to form an air cushion at the bottom of the boat.

In this way, the pressure of the air cushion makes the apron full of gas, and then lift the hull off the water surface, so that the small boat can still drift close to the water surface. If you want to accelerate, there is a duct fan engine behind the boat, which can provide enough power to maintain high-speed and smooth gliding.

The yacht circled half an oval circle on the water surface, splashing crystal waves and flashing crystal colors in the sun. This is the performance of the extreme clarity of the sea water, then the speed became slower and slower, and finally leaned against the wharf.

Opening the door of the yacht, Qin Shiou greeted it. The first to come out were two black men in black suits, black sunglasses and black headphones.

After they came out, Zhuang solemnly stood on both sides of the wharf, which reminded senior officials of Qin of the African brothers who visited the president's face in front of Tiananmen Square.

After the big black man came out, two black suits came out. This time, it was white or standing on both sides. Then two more people came out from behind, two more people, eight people, all big men in black suits!

Lying in the trough, Qin Shiou is drunk. He knows that princes and princesses in the Middle East travel in style, but it's a little too big.

I allow you to pretend to be forced, but I don't allow you to pretend to be forced again and again in my fishing ground. Senior officials of Qin set their own rules for hospitality, and then waited for the emergence of alfev and the little princess.

As a result, after the bodyguards came out, a handsome man in a white casual suit appeared again!

Qin Shiou was surprised to see the visitor. This is the landmark Prince Hamadan in the Middle East!

Unexpectedly, Samara really kept her word and invited the young master. Qin Shiou must seriously entertain people. Hamadan is known as the world's fourth youngest man together with * * *, Prince William and Prince Harry!

Hamadan's etiquette and upbringing didn't matter. Although they weren't very happy together when they were on the Great Barrier Reef, when Qin Shiou held out his hand, the little prince shook hands with him politely, showed a sunny smile and said, "congratulations on your engagement, brother Qin Shiou."

Qin Shiou thanked him and asked him to go to the dock. Behind him was Princess Laurie like a little butterfly. She was still wearing a long pink dress. After jumping out, she winked at Qin Shiou and said with a smile: "are we late? Qin, who is your wife? "

"You are the first to come." Qin Shiou smiled when he saw Princess Laurie. He smiled more sincerely than the little prince.

Hearing Princess Laurie's inquiry, she came out with little Bush's Winnie and said, "Hello, princess, I'm Winnie, Qin's wife. It's a pleasure to meet you."

When Winnie appeared, Qin Shiou felt that Hamadan beside him suddenly widened his eyes. When he looked at the past, the little prince was still staring at Winnie and lying in the slot, which was quite reasonable.

The little prince's eyes made him a little creepy. He quickly introduced: "that's my wife. Does your highness Hamadan want to say anything?"

Hamadan blinked, nodded suddenly and said, "Oh, I see. I want to ask, is this a white headed eagle?"

Hearing his question, Qin Shiou suddenly realized that he misunderstood. The little prince didn't look straight at Winnie, but at George W. Bush in her arms. He had long heard that his highness loved famous horses, express trains and all kinds of rare birds and animals.

Qin big official waved and Winnie let go of George W. Bush. The latter shook her wings and flew to his shoulder. She turned her head sideways and squinted at the little prince next to her with a ruffian look on her face.

"Yes, this is a white headed eagle. I raised it from childhood. Its name is George W. Bush. It is a very good child." The last sentence is a little against Qin's wishes, but foreigners usually add this sentence when introducing their pets.

The little prince looked at the bald eagle with great interest. He wanted to get close. A bodyguard quietly pasted it to him. Obviously, George W. Bush, who is close to the adult body, has deterrent power. Once it attacks, half of the little prince's face will disappear with one mouth!

After Princess Samara, alfev also came out. His beard showed a rough laugh, hugged Qin Shiou, patted him on the back and said, "when I saw you taking Winnie on the Al Salama in Toronto, I knew you two would finally come together. This day has finally come."

Al Salama is the ultimate luxury yacht Qin Shiou and Winnie saw when they participated in the spring yacht show in Toronto for the first time.

Qin Shiou thanked them for their blessing and took them to the villa. Hamadan always wanted to flirt with George W. Bush. The latter was impatient. He had stayed on Qin Shiou's shoulder, but later slipped away when people didn't pay attention.

Winnie smiled and said to Hamadan, "Your Highness seems to like staying with small animals very much?"

With a reserved smile, Harman Dan said, "you can call me Harman Dan, not my prince. When I was studying in England, my friends called me by my name."

Qin Shiou secretly glanced. When he was in Australia, he was with the little prince for a long time. This guy didn't talk to himself so politely.

The little prince continued, "yes, I like to stay with small animals. They are so simple. I feel more relaxed with them. My family also keeps a very powerful bird, a golden eagle. "

Then, not knowing what was going on, he even raised an eyebrow at Qin Shiou.

Between men, this action is provocative.

Senior official Qin smiled and didn't fight back. He was a guest and a VIP. He wasn't in Australia. He couldn't let the Little Prince down again.