After reaching an oral agreement with Nick Du, Qin Shiou shook hands with him and said that he would prepare cod fry when he went back. When he was ready, he would send them to him by transport ship.

Nick Du was very excited and said that he would prepare the shrimps immediately and would also prepare them for him in the fastest time and then deliver them.

Carter was angry. He took Nick du to find Matthew king, repeated what had just happened, and then roared: "it's too bullying! Mr. Minister, they are bullying me! I will never allow such a thing to happen! Never allow! "

Matthew king listened to him carefully, told him to shut up and asked Nick Du about it. After finding out, he naturally said, "what's the problem? Am I not clear enough? This auction is actually a fair. You can trade freely after the fair. The important thing is to let resources flow. "

Carter said angrily, "but why is the price of shrimp fry sold to me so expensive, but the price this guy sells to the Chinese is so low? If there is no fairness, what is the need for the auction? "

Matthew King patiently explained to him: "as I said, the purpose of the auction is to promote the flow of aquatic resources. As for the so-called fairness and unfairness, I presided over the meeting. I don't think someone forced anyone to bid for anything at the meeting."

Carter stared at Matthew king. He thought something was wrong, but he couldn't find a refutation. He could only shout 'unfair'.

Matthew King shrugged helplessly. He asked Nick Du, "Mr. Du, what do you think of the auction?"

Nick Du Mei danced and said, "it's great. I'm not a person who likes to say good words, but I have to say now, Mr. Minister, you have done a good thing for the people! We should have done this for a long time, let resources circulate, so that everyone can spend less money to buy better resources! "

What he said at this meeting was sincere. At this auction, Nick Du thought he was the one who gained the most. He not only met Kaizi and sold the shrimp fry at an incredible high price, but also harvested the COD fry from the famous Daqin fishing ground at a low price, which he dared not think before!

After listening to Nick Du's words, Carter got stuck in his throat and almost suffocated. Finally, he saw that Matthew King ignored himself, so he played a rogue and said, "if you can't do justice for me, Mr. Minister, I refuse to pay for my auction just now."

Matthew king held his glasses and said, "according to the law, this is allowed, but according to the regulations of our fishery auction, you will lose your qualification to participate in the annual fishery auction."

With that, he gave Carter a good look and left. Later, there was a press conference to analyze the auction, which he naturally wanted to participate as the protagonist.

Carter stood there alone and felt that the whole world was full of malice. To tell the truth, he really didn't want to pay for those useless prawns. If it's okay to say Maine lobster, after all, the price of Maine lobster is super high, but what's the use of prawns for him?

The idea of not paying is to think about it. This fishery auction is the key activity of this year's fishery organization. There is no stream auction of seafood at the auction, and no one breaks the contract after the meeting. If he becomes a black spot, he will offend the Ministry of fisheries.

He can not participate in the future fishery auction, and he can also offend Matthew king, but he can not offend the Ministry of fishery, otherwise a lot of work in his fishery can not be carried out in the future.

These things have nothing to do with Qin Shiou. He attended the auction and was ready to go back to the fishing ground. Before going back, he said goodbye to Cameron, who was directing the cameraman to make a framing analysis of the Basque port. When he saw Qin Shiou coming, he asked him to wait a minute.

Cameron continued to work for more than an hour before he came to Qin Shiou and said with an apologetic smile: "just now I was shooting several important scenes. I can't go away. What's the matter?"

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Shiou came straight to the point and said he planned to go back to the fishing ground.

Cameron motioned him to go with himself and said, "why don't you go after lunch? I found a great French restaurant here. Their ginger crispy cod pieces and Basque dishes are very authentic. In addition, if you like foie gras, the main dish of this restaurant is delicious. You must try foie gras with fruit. "

At the invitation of the great director, Qin Shiou had to admire him.

The name of the restaurant is St. Pierre's restaurant. It is very famous locally. It is a small hotel with a strong French style of the 18th century. The decoration is simple, nostalgic but warm.

The whole restaurant has only eight tables and a private room. When the boss saw Cameron coming in, he immediately took them to the private room and said with a smile, "I've always kept this room for you, Mr. Cameron. I'm honored to entertain you again."

Celebrities are good. When Qin Shiou walks into the private room, the walls are full of brand-new photo frames, including Cameron's photos and posters of his main films. The largest one is a group photo of him and the restaurant.

Cameron ordered two cups of coffee and a little dessert first. The boss asked Qin Shiou what he wanted and recommended: "if you are coming for the first time, I suggest you try our omelet and long stick bread. This is our signature dessert."

Qin Shiou nodded and said yes. He is not picky about food. He can eat as long as the taste is not too strange, such as Eskimo dark cuisine kiviak.

Drinking coffee, Cameron sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the first time I invited you to dinner, it was here."

Qin Shiou sighed more. He said, "I didn't expect that I could have dinner with my idol so closely and casually." he took out his mobile phone and turned on the front camera. "Come on, director, smile, let's take a group photo and take another one..."

Cameron: "

At dinner, Cameron asked him some questions about the fishing ground and the ocean. Qin Shiou found that his questions were quite professional, so he was surprised and said, "to tell you the truth, Mr. Cameron, your research on the ocean impressed me. Many of the questions you raised are really professional."

Cameron smiled: "of course, my research on the ocean must be more than your research on movies, isn't it?"

Qin Shiou must admit this. What does he know about movies? However, he wondered why Cameron suddenly wanted to make a film about marine disaster. The previous Titanic was the peak of this kind of theme. It seems unnecessary for Cameron to make this again?

Now their relationship has been more casual. He can ask this question at will, so Qin Shiou put it forward.

After listening to his question, Cameron pondered and said, "maybe you don't believe that Qin, an ocean theme film, has always been what I want to make most."