Xiong Da is now a tall adult bear. How can the plastic Island stand when he runs on the floating island? It shook violently.

The little carrot's head was tight all over, and his fine snow-white long hair was blown up. He raised his head and stared at the bear, shouting angrily: "Ow! Ow, ow, Ow! "

Qin Shiou stopped the night Thunder God. He looked back and immediately understood the meaning of the roar of little carrot's head: be honest! sit down! Or get out!

Xiong Da chose the last way. He ran to Shaq's fishing boat. When he reached the edge of the drifting Island, he stamped his feet and jumped into the water, swimming towards the fishing ground like a floating ball.

At this time, the drifting island is like an earthquake. Half of it is deeply immersed in the water. In this way, the plastic plate tilts up and the little guys on it slide down together.

Tigers and leopards don't care. They can swim. King Simba doesn't care. Water, drink and vomit. What's to be afraid of?

Little carrot's head was so frightened that his snow-white face seemed to be whiter

However, its claws were stuck in the gap of the plastic plate, did not slide down, and hung on the drifting island. In this way, when the drifting Island floats slowly, it will be safe.

Pineapple is not afraid of water. After falling into the water, it directly took a diving and went into the water to see if there is seaweed to catch and eat.

King Simba is also not afraid of water. After falling into the water, he swings his limbs leisurely. Then a few seconds later, the leisurely expression on his face disappears. Instead, he is frightened and slowly sinks into the water.

Qin Shiou turned around and looked at the little guy fighting in the water, and then asked shack, "can lynx swim, too?"

Shack said in amazement, "I don't know. Cats can't swim, can they? Didn't you say that cats were domesticated by the Egyptians? Egypt has no sea. How can they swim? "

The bull argued unconvinced, "it's nonsense. Isn't the Red Sea the sea? Where did Moses the prophet go in Exodus? Isn't it the red sea? "

Zach responded to the bull and said, "yes, man, you're right‘ When the time came, Moses stretched out his staff into the sea, and the LORD God withdrew the sea overnight with a strong east wind, and the water was divided, and the sea became dry land. The Israelites went down into the sea on dry land, and the water became a wall on their left and right. " Isn't it? "

Nelson also said, "Bangladeshi cats can swim - but why are we arguing about this? Boss, lynx can't swim. They live in trees and snow. How can they swim? "

Qin Shiou was stunned, then scolded "Xuete" and jumped from the thunder god in the dark night. The sea god realized that he found the little lynx. At first, this guy really can't swim. His four small short legs are fighting fiercely, but he is still sinking.

Worried about the accident of the little lynx, Qin Shiou rolled it up with Poseidon consciousness and sent it directly out of the water. Then he quickly swam to put the little lynx on the drifting island.

Nelson said on the boat, "lynx is not suitable for swimming. Its claws grow long hair in order to adapt to walking in the snow, just like wearing boots. I ask you, what can swim in snow boots? "

Qin Shiou looked. The fine hair on King Simba's short leg was wet. In this case, it was really a bully to let him wave his short leg to swim.

"Didn't you say that earlier?" Qin Shiou glared at Nelson angrily.

Nelson shrugged. "I didn't notice. I just want to know what bear is swimming towards us?"

Qin Shiou just knew what was going on. He said, "which of you has a fish hanging on the boat? What kind of fish is this? Why did you hang up so much? "

Dozens of fat fish were strung with fishing lines outside the side of the fishing boat. These fish were red and swayed in the sun. It is estimated that most bears were red eyed.

Shack pointed to the fish hanging outside and said with a smile, "this is red fin snapper, also known as red fish. It's very suitable for drying fish, because they don't attract flies."

Qin Shiou nodded. Nelson let the bull sail close to him, handed him a dry towel and said, "clean the lynx quickly. Except for a few kinds of leopards and Bengal cats, it's not a good thing for other cats to be soaked with water for a long time."

Qin Shiou climbed up the drifting island and moved the lynx to the central position.

Carrot's head used the smell of creeping forward, moved to the middle step by step, and then relaxed, and drilled his head into Qin Shiou's arms. He didn't look at the ocean, and his eyes were clean.

After playing in the water for a while, the tiger wanted to climb up. Qin Shiou went to push it back into the water. The leopard wanted to climb up from the other side, so he ran to push it again.

The tiger and the leopard were full of energy. They liked playing too much. They were not tired when they saw Qin Shiou playing with them. They swam around the drifting island and climbed up.

Qin Shiou ran up and pushed them down. Pineapple looked at them and ran to the game with interest. Xiong Da ate two red fish and slowly returned. Naturally, Qin Shiou didn't let it go to the island.

The bear was so quick eyed that he stretched out his big claws and slapped the drifting Island hard, which almost turned it over.

Simba and rob peed and roared at the bear.

Qin Shiou dragged Xiong Da to swim far away. Then he got on the motorboat and pulled the drifting Island away.

Xiong Da was so worried that his fat and thick claws beat hard, stretched his neck out of the water, and roared at Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou drove away. He looked back with a smile and suddenly found that Xiong Da didn't chase him, so he floated on the water and stared at him.

Seeing that Xiong Da stopped playing, Qin Shiou had to go back to find him. As a result, he was surprised when he looked closer. Xiong Da's eyes were full of tears. Although his head and body were full of sea water, Qin Shiou could still distinguish which were sea water and which were tears.

When he came back from the drifting Island, Xiong Da didn't climb up. He raised his head and stared at Qin Shiou, with big eyes dripping tears.

Qin Shiou hurried into the water, picked it up, reached out to wipe his tears, and then pushed it onto the drifting island. Now he regretted that he had played too much just now, which frightened the bear.

He followed him to the drifting island and took a towel to wipe bear's hair. Bear ignored him. He lay on the drifting island and buried his head in his claws. It seemed as if he was asleep. No one came and ignored him.

When he got back to the shore, Xiong Da got up and walked listlessly to the villa. Qin Shiou went up to comb the hair on his back. In the past, he did so. The turning over of Xiong general assembly made him tickle.

Not this time. Xiong Da walked with his head down, sobbed into the villa and went directly into Winnie's arms.

Little turnip head and King Simba also wanted to ask for comfort. After they ran over, they wanted to compete with Xiong Da for Winnie's arms, but look at it. The two little guys gave way to one side and sat beside and looked at it eagerly.