PS: if there is no accident tomorrow, it will break out at ten o'clock.

Opening layers of yellowing newspapers, a gray spherical ambergris appeared in front of Qin Shiou.

Qin Shiou swallowed his saliva and wanted to go up immediately and pick up the ambergris ball to absorb the energy inside.

However, guarding the veteran and Auerbach, of course he can't do so. The veteran reached out and touched the ambergris and sighed, "Alas, I've collected this thing for sixty or seventy years, and it's finally worth my collection."

Qin Shiou endured the * * he swallowed and said, "Grandpa Chen, did my grandpa eat this thing? How can you eat this, can't you? "

The veteran smiled and said, "yes, we asked brother Qin, too. Brother Qin said he had a strange disease. Later, I thought, maybe it's what the doctor said about pica or something, isn't it?"

Qin Shiou nodded and said, "I think so. I have a friend. He likes to eat orange peel, and it's still dried orange peel. He just knew it would, but it made me strange."

Believe in the reins and bullshit. He can't say that this strange material contains powerful Poseidon energy, which can promote the evolution of Poseidon's heart?

After the veteran asked them to see it, he wrapped the ambergris again, locked it in the box, handed it to Qin Shiou and said, "I've always wanted to give it to brother Qin. Alas, fortune makes people. Take it back. When I go to the grave in the future, help me burn it for brother Qin, which can be regarded as a wish."

Qin Shiou solemnly took the box. The veteran took out a thick album and began to look through it. For the old man, memory may be their favorite thing to do. The veteran looked at the album and became silent.

Qin Shiou and Auerbach went to the corner of the door and discussed: "Dad, I don't think grandpa Chen's economic situation is very good. How can I help him? It's no use leaving him some money? "

Auerbach pondered for a moment and said, "it's not good to just leave money. In this way, I remember there is a good veterans' day care center in Vancouver. Ask for the advice of the old man and send him there?"

There are no nursing homes in Canada. There are two kinds of day care centers, adult day care social center and medical day care center. The nature is similar to that of nursing homes, but the division of labor is more clear. The former focuses on social communication and is suitable for the lonely and widowed elderly, and the latter focuses on medical maintenance and is suitable for the sick elderly.

This day care center is of great help to the elderly who need to improve their social skills, such as veterans. It can provide a variety of activities and promote their interaction opportunities.

In addition, the classification of day care centers in Canada is quite detailed. Unlike ordinary nursing homes, the elderly are sent in and finished. They don't pay attention to the preferences and needs of the elderly at all. Such day care centers are divided into categories, such as veterans' day care centers. Most of them are veterans. When we are together, we have more topics and understand each other better.

But now the most important concern is Alzheimer's disease day care center. Canada is one of the highest incidence rate of Alzheimer's disease in the world, and five hundred thousand of the thirty million population.

Moreover, it is predicted that the number of Alzheimer's cases in Canada will more than double in the next two decades, from the current 480000 to 1.1 million. Therefore, the Canadian government pays special attention to the maintenance of such patients. In the next two decades, the demand for long-term care services caused by the disease will increase tenfold, and the cumulative economic burden to the society will reach $872 billion!

Let Auerbach talk about this. Qin Shiou has to take care of the Veterans' self-esteem. Maybe people don't want to go to the day care center. Anyway, he thinks domestic veterans don't want to go to the nursing home.

Leave the matter to Auerbach. Qin Shiou sneaked back to the hotel alone. He couldn't help it. Think about the people who had been hungry for five and a half days and saw a roast chicken

Holding the box directly next to find a hotel reservation, the waiter arranged a room for him and looked at him with strange eyes.

Qin Shiou fidgeted and knocked on the box, but he was unconscious.

The waiter handed him the access control card, then smiled vaguely and said, "Sir, are you here to travel? Do you need some special services? We have beautiful girls in our hotel. "

"I need your sister!" Qin Shiou scolded, picked up the box and went upstairs.

The waiter analyzed his words, resolutely picked up the phone and said, "1055, a man, find a younger sister to send it to him."

Qin Shiou didn't know that his impatient appearance had been misunderstood. He went back to his room, went directly to the bathroom, put water in the bathtub, and then put the ambergris down.

Ambergris is not completely covered by water. He can't absorb energy, so he is very worried. Suddenly, he remembered the words of veterans. His two grandfathers eat this kind of food directly. Maybe this has a higher energy utilization rate?

With this idea, Qin Shiou broke a cup, scraped some powder with a glass slice, put it into his mouth, closed his eyes and tasted it carefully.

Well, it tastes - it's fucking awful! It was like stone powder. It tasted very astringent. He swallowed some hard, but he didn't feel the palpitation of the heart of Poseidon.

Obviously, this way of absorbing the energy of Poseidon was useless to him. Qin Shiou gave up his heart and waited for the water in the bathtub to drown the ambergris. He covered his hands and closed his eyes to experience the pleasure of floating.

As a result, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Qin Shiou scolded secretly. He looked out with cat's eyes. A blonde with heavy makeup was winking at him outside.

Surprised, he opened the door and asked, "who are you and what can I do for you?"

The beauty reached out her hand to touch his chest and said with silky eyes, "Sir, didn't you say you needed a sister?"

I'll go to your sister! Qin Shiou said "I've found the wrong person" and closed the door directly. This time, he plugged in the socket, hurried into the bathroom, covered his hands with ambergris, and began to absorb Poseidon energy.

The familiar pleasure enveloped his whole body, as if every cell had exploded. An unspeakable pleasure dominated every cell and nerve of him, making him feel that he was the best person in the world at this time.

It's not the most important to experience this feeling. Qin Shiou wants to know how the heart of sea god has improved this time. After all, the ambergris he absorbed this time is big enough.

The consciousness of the four sea gods was released. Qin Shiou first noticed the change in quantity, not just the consciousness of the four sea gods. Now he has the consciousness of the eight sea gods, and the control range is greatly increased. The consciousness of the eight sea gods is launched at the same time, which can control the range of hundreds of cubic kilometers at one time!

In addition, there seems to be no other changes. Qin Shiou feels that he has a sharper sense of intelligent creatures in the sea and can give clearer orders, but there seems to be nothing else.

Qin Shiou felt that this should not be the case. Such a large piece of ambergris should strengthen him more.