Back at the hotel, Winnie was fighting with her daughter in bed. When she saw Qin Shiou coming back, she glanced at him, elongated her voice and asked, "how did you come back? Do you want us both? "

As soon as she turned her head, melon took the opportunity to stretch out a little fat hand and scratch her chest, and then giggled like a bargain.

Qin Shiou pinched Weini's pretty face from the other side. She was about to speak. As a result, Weini hurried back, covered her face and said in panic: "God, why are your hands so cold? Like a ghost! Don't touch me, I'm afraid of the cold... "

"Warm my hands." Qin Shiou caught up.

Without hesitation, Winnie immediately grabbed her daughter behind her, stuffed it into him and said, "give you a warm baby. She's very hot, hotter than me. You use her to warm your hands."

Qin Shiou turned his eyes and ran to his desk to study the box.

Winnie asked curiously, "what's this?"

"I don't know. Someone lost a bet to me in the bar, saying it was a baby picked up from the sea." Qin Shiou said casually. Weini laughed that he had been cheated, and then she stopped paying attention and concentrated on playing with her daughter.

The box is simple in style and wrapped in whale oil, so you can't see the details inside. It seems that there are many complicated patterns on it. The whale oil had been on the cold sea floor for hundreds of years and had solidified. He knocked with his hand and banged.

Put the box on the radiator. Qin Shiou didn't care about it. Bake it first.

He got up as usual at six o'clock. When he looked outside, it was still dark and dark. It was estimated that the sun would not come out at nine or ten o'clock.

Nothing to do. He went to study the box again. Maybe because of the long time, high water pressure and low temperature in the deep sea, the whale oil seems to have deteriorated. After baking all night, it is still as hard as stone.

In order not to affect the sleep of Winnie and melon, he went to the downstairs living room. The old couple got up and were busy cleaning. Bear had a pile of biscuits in his arms and was having a good time.

Seeing Qin Shiou, the old lady smiled and said, "young man, you get up so early. Except for the elderly, we probably won't get up before ten o'clock."

Qin Shiou shrugged and said, "I'm used to getting up early. If you're busy, don't worry about me. I'll find something to do by myself."

The boss brought him a plate of delicious chocolate cookies and a cup of hot coffee. Xiong Da smelled the sweet taste of chocolate, got up flexibly and sat next to Qin Shiou with cookies.

When the old lady saw this scene, her face was full of joy. She came up and touched the bear's big round ears and said, "young man, your bear is really great. Do you know it's very clever? This is a cunning and lovely little fellow. "

Qin Shiou looked at Xiong Da's stupid fat face and his meat pile physique like a hill. He couldn't see where he was cunning and where he was a little guy.

Three or two people eat the biscuits in their arms. Xiong Da stands up, shakes up his fur, sprinkles the biscuit crumbs on it, and then pulls Qin Shiou's shoulder to stand up and looks at the biscuits.

Qin Shiou took two and stuffed them for him to sit quietly. Then he asked the boss for a hammer, a knife and an awl. He carefully removed the solidified whale oil outside the box.

When the boss came to deliver the tools, he saw the box in his hand, his eyes lit up and said, "Hey, young man, where did you get the pirate box?"

"Pirate box?" Qin Shiou asked strangely.

The boss smiled, nodded and said, "yes, pirate box, you know the origin of the name Greenland, don't you? It's the name given by the pirates. It used to be a paradise for pirates, fugitives and villains, you know? "

Of course, these Qin Shiou know that the English name of Greenland is' Greenland ', which means green continent. It was named by a big pirate named Eric. He explained the reason for doing so in his diary: "if this place has a moving name, it will attract many people here, so I can do a lot of business."

Qin Shiou said what he knew. The boss nodded and said, "do you know where Eric's diary was found?" He pointed to the box on the table. "Pirate magic box, this is the box where pirates record important things, such as log books, robbery logs and so on."

"How do you see that this is the pirate box?" Qin Shiou asked excitedly.

The boss smiled, "it's very simple. Vikings know it. The pirate magic box is usually sealed with animal grease or whale oil, which can be waterproof and antifreeze, and ensure that the contents are protected from corrosion by sea water and humid air. That's your box. "

After the explanation, the boss left and went to pack up again. Qin Shiou asked, "aren't you curious about the things inside?"

The boss looked back and said, "no, I'm not curious. To be honest, young man, don't have too much hope for it. First of all, this may not be a real pirate box. In fact, many fishermen here will close the box in this way; Secondly, even if it is a real pirate box, most of these guys have written some mysterious things. "

Qin Shiou opened it patiently. He didn't hold much hope. He just used it to pass the time.

The whale oil solidified together, which was very hard, but also very fragile. Qin Shiou knocked for a while, and the whale oil broke into pieces, revealing the brown black box. He carefully opened the box. There was really a booklet and a circle of gold coins in it.

Because of the high pressure and cold environment, and the sea water and whale oil to isolate the air, these gold coins are different from those found by Qin Shiou at the bottom of the sea in the past. They have no rust and emit golden light.

Qin Shiou took a look and quietly buttoned the box. At this time, the fishermen also got up. There were more people in the hall. It was not good to find these gold coins.

Put away the box, he opened the pamphlet and read it. The paper of the pamphlet should also be salted lamb skin, soft and tough, and suddenly encountered the air without being oxidized and broken. If ordinary paper had been isolated for hundreds of years and suddenly exposed in the air, it would have been over.

However, to his disappointment, the word used in the booklet was Latin. He couldn't understand a word, which made him very disappointed.

Fortunately, he had someone he could turn to for help. After carefully photographing each page of the booklet, together with the photos of gold coins, he sent them to Billy and little black for help in translation.

Neither of them was online. Qin Shiou waited for a while and no one replied. When he saw dawn, he left the hotel.