e raging like a storm!

In just two or three days, the small place of Cape Nein became busy. The Secretary of the U.S. Department of justice came in person, and the assistant Prime Minister of Canada and the head of the judicial department also came here. Qin Shiou, as the captain of the ship involved, was received by these big people - oh, or asked.

In addition to the judicial authorities, more media asked him to interview, such as CBS, ABC, CBC and AFC. Qin Shiou met all the world's top ten famous media here, of course, CCTV.

Qin Shiou refused to be interviewed. He only attended an official press conference, at which he briefly introduced his identity and experience, and then did not accept any interviews.

He has said everything he knows, and there is nothing to say in another interview. Moreover, this "the most serious case in North America in the past decade" is bound to be dirty, and he doesn't want to get into it accidentally.

In addition to cooperating with the judicial authorities to investigate the matter, Qin Shiou will go to the ship to feed the seals when he is free.

All eyes were focused on the case and the only six crew members. The harp seals were abandoned, no one paid attention to them, not even one to feed them with water.

In fact, the seals are good. They store thick fat and can not eat for more than ten days in a warm environment. Otherwise, they will not survive. According to the Mexican chef, since the infighting, no one cares about them except that he occasionally sprinkles ice cubes on the seals.

The snowstorm raged for four days. On the fifth day, the storm stopped. The case began to be handed over to Ottawa and Washington. Qin Shiou was finally relieved and he could sail home.

As the marine police Colonel said, these harp seals were left unattended and were unloaded for local treatment. No animal protection organization or seal protection association paid attention to them.

Of course, this is normal. There are basically a large number of harp seals or seals, otherwise there will be no violent and cruel seal hunting festival in Canada.

Qin Shiou took the initiative to help deal with it, and then took the fishermen to carry all the seal cages onto the melon princess in the evening, filling the ship full.

These days, he brought fishermen to feed these seals. Therefore, when moving the cage, the seals in the cage, regardless of their size, were very calm. They should eat ice, eat ice and sleep. No one was frightened or disturbed the people under the boat.

But the fishermen are very tired. An adult seal is at least 100 kg. It's not heavy, but it can't stand a large number. At the back, the fishermen are panting and complaining.

Qin Shiou personally led the team, so although there were complaints, no one dared to put it down.

Shack lamented, "if we knew we were going to move them, we shouldn't feed them so much these days. I watched them fat these days!"

After transporting the seals, Qin Shiou didn't go back to the hotel directly. At dawn the next day, he sailed away from the wharf and went straight to bid farewell to the island while the wind was calm after the snow.

When leaving Labrador Sea area to enter Newfoundland sea area, it was evening. Qin Shiou looked at the beautiful burning clouds in the sky on the deck. At this time, suddenly, a dull voice sounded in the distance: "moo, moo..."

The sound didn't last long. It looked like two or three seconds. It sounded a bit like the cry of a cow from the deep throat.

After this cry, there were several dull roars: "moo, moo!"“ Moo, moo, moo! "

As the cry continued to ring, several water columns sprayed high, like a fountain, but the water columns were in the shape of a 'V', each of which was in the shape of two staggered water columns.

"Arctic right whale!" Winnie, who was looking at her daughter, cried in surprise.

The calls of whales are different. The call of right whales is especially special. It is this kind of sound like the cry of cattle. However, this is just the proper pronunciation for them to communicate with each other. This kind of whale has great language talent and can imitate other sounds, which is more powerful than beluga whales.

Qin Shiou released the Sea God consciousness. At first, four big right whales and three small right whales. Isn't this the group of whales they met a month ago? I didn't expect them to be here all the time.

And to his surprise, these right whales recognized the melon princess. They were just mooing to inform each other. Soon the jet of water was getting closer and closer, and they wandered over.

Shack had to slow down again and said reluctantly, "just because of these whales, we have to spend at least 5000 yuan more diesel!"

Yes, once a giant ship stops together, it will burn 5000 yuan of diesel twice, so many ships don't slow down when they find whales, but directly hit them and killed them. It's not that the captains are ruthless and helpless. They don't have so much money to waste.

Seven right whales swam around the melon princess, and from time to time a column of water gushed up. These guys got neutral in the water, stretched out half their heads and looked at the melon princess with their faces on their sides - no way, the right whales had flat heads and couldn't look forward together when they stood up, so they had to look with one eye on their faces.

Like this, it's a little obscene. It seems that hooligans use their spare light to see beautiful women.

After the right whales showed their heads, they opened their mouths. Qin Shiou thought they were going to cry again. As a result, there was no sound at all. They just floated on the water with their mouths open.

Winnie was stunned for a moment and then reacted: "God, they're not waiting for us to feed, are they?"

Qin Shiou said in amazement, "you said they were waiting here for us to come back and feed them?"

"Maybe our fish tastes too beautiful." Said shack with a wry smile.

Geng Junjie sighed: "when the taste is beautiful, our fish is so expensive. When I was in my hometown, I couldn't bear to eat such expensive fish."

Unfortunately, there was no more fish on board. When catching king crab, it was almost used up, leaving only some leftover materials.

But there are also frozen squid and other things they brought up from the Maine bulldog, which are used to make food for seals and can only be fed to whales.

The broken squid ice was thrown into the water. Seven right whales competed, but they didn't eat after only a few bites. They continued to stick out their heads and open their mouths to eat. A little whale cried greedily.

"Lying in the trough, your mouth is too big?" Qin Shiou was stunned.

The whales played a rogue, did not feed, did not leave, and swam around the melon princess.

Qin Shiou had to ask the fishermen to clean up, pick up the remaining leftover materials, mix them with squid ice and throw them down.

In this way, the whales are happy to eat. It can be seen that they are not very picky about food, but the fish pieces in the fishing ground are too tempting to them.