Qin Shiou shook hands with Ferguson. Sure enough, he introduced himself and said, "I work in the Peace Tower. I'm a, um, guard. Of course, if I want to introduce myself, I prefer to introduce myself as a bell ringer, so you can call me Quasimodo."

Quasimodo is a character in the world famous work Notre Dame de Paris. He is a bell ringer with extremely ugly appearance: Geometric face, tetrahedral nose, horseshoe mouth, uneven teeth, one eye, deafness, hunchback

However, he is the kindest, most upright and bravest of almost all male characters in the book, and has all the virtues that men should have.

Qin Shiou said, "then you are a very handsome bell ringer. By the way, man, are you doing a good job?"

Ferguson smiled and said: "fortunately, at least enough for me to support my family. Thanks to the meritorious service I made in the army, they helped me get such a job. "

He shook his head a little reluctantly and said, "in the past, we were like heroes in the army. It was not easy to find a job like me when we retired and came to society."

"But now, at least you can live in a safe and calm environment. In fact, you don't have to be a hero, do you?" Qin Shiou said faintly.

Ferguson shrugged, said nothing more and invited them to the Peace Tower.

There is a viewing platform on the Peace Tower, which is the tallest building in Ottawa. Standing on it, you can overlook the city and watch the Ottawa River with infinite scenery behind.

Qin Shiou and Winnie overlook the beautiful scenery. Ferguson makes coffee, brings it to them, smiles and says, "usually when I'm upset, I'll drink a cup of coffee here. After drinking, I'll always feel much better."

Drinking delicious coffee, Qin Shiou said, "well, man, I don't have any trouble now, but I feel much better when I drink coffee here and look at the beautiful scenery."

Ferguson laughed and said, "come on, I'll take you to see Zhong Qin again. That's the best guy here. It's a super big guy!"

Zhong Qin is one of the main parts of the Peace Tower. It is composed of 53 bronze bells, covering four and a half octaves, with a total weight of 66 tons.

Ferguson said: "it's a pity that you came at the wrong time. If you come in the afternoon, you can hear its loud voice at one o'clock."

Finally, they went to see the four big clocks of the Peace Tower. There was the original movement of the big clock in one room. It was put into use in 1927 and synchronized with the official Observatory every 30 seconds to keep the travel time accurate.

However, this movement has long been eliminated. The big clock has used a motor to time since 1970, which is more accurate.

This encounter added a lot to their visit. When they left, Ferguson gave them a bell, saying that it was removed when the Peace Tower was replaced, which can be used as a souvenir.

At eight o'clock outside, the Capitol and various departments began to work. Some places can be visited, such as the library of Congress and the parliament hall.

The interior decoration of the parliament hall is magnificent. Qin Shiou feels that if there is a public knowledge to tell him how economical and low-key the office buildings of foreign governments are in the future, he must slap these people. At least from the decoration of the parliament hall, Qin Shiou has never seen a government building comparable to it.

The layout of the hall maintains the same decoration and seating arrangement as the British Parliament. It is rectangular as a whole. The podium is the focus of the room. The ruling party sits on the right and the opposition parties sit on the left.

Then visit the library of Congress. To go to this place, you have to go through a long corridor.

Winnie introduced him that this corridor is one of the most important buildings in the Capitol Hill and has made great contributions. There was a fire on the Capitol Hill. This corridor isolated the library from other buildings, so as to protect the library from fire.

The main reading room of the library is an arched hall with a statue of Queen Victoria standing in the middle and surrounded by statues of successive prime ministers of Canada.

Walking in the library, Qin Shiou couldn't help sighing and said, "fortunately, the fire was avoided at the beginning, otherwise so many books would be finished! What a loss! "

"It's not just about books. The building of the library is a whole wood structure. Once it burns, it will soon destroy the place," Weini said

Qin Shiou scratched his head and asked, "all wood architecture? How do I feel like stone? "

Winnie said: "well, in the past, the Capitol building was also a full wood building. Didn't a fire destroy it later? When it was rebuilt, we learned a lesson and changed it all to stone structure. At that time, only this library still retained the whole wooden structure. "

"About forty or fifty years later, the Capitol was caught in a fire again. This time, the stone Capitol was saved from the fire, but the library was on fire again. Therefore, during the reconstruction, the stone was also used as the main body."

Qin Shiou laughed in a low voice and said, "this Capitol Hill is dry with the fire, isn't it?"

The librarian began to work. Someone recognized Qin Shiou, greeted him, praised his brave performance in the sea murder case, and then asked him why he didn't bring the two little stars of tiger and leopard.

Lalwang followed black knife today because Qin Shiou had a meeting later. It was inconvenient to bring them to Capitol Hill.

He explained that the old administrator looked sorry and said that he liked Labrador dogs very much. He was a fan of tiger and leopard. He specially registered twitter to pay attention to lalawang's number for the two little guys.

Qin Shiou politely thanked the tiger and leopard. The administrator gave him a book, which is an introduction to the Labrador dog, which introduces the dog from all aspects.

After a turn, the sun rose and the temperature in Ottawa warmed up. Qin Shiou bought two cups of hot milk tea and found a place to sit down and rest with Winnie in the square.

After they sat down for a while, a little squirrel suddenly ran over. It looked at Qin Shiou curiously, sniffed, looked at him suspiciously, then slowly approached him, jumped on his leather shoes and sat down.

Winnie raised her camera to take a picture. Later, she smiled and didn't do so. She was worried about scaring the little squirrel away.

Qin Shiou guessed that the little squirrel should be attracted by the smell of Xiao Ming carried by him. Otherwise, even if the animals here are not wary, they won't be so close to people.

Canada's ecological environment is really excellent, even if Ottawa is the capital. In addition to the little squirrels, they also saw a group of fat marmots in this square.

The little marmots roared away, and some white pigeons roared in. Qin Shiou took a rest with Weini in the square for a while to see that it was almost time for a meeting.