After returning to the fishing ground, Qin Shiou called Butler and told him not to stare at the fishing ground all the time in the future publicity, but to look wider. Such a good environment and high air quality in the town are all part of the publicity.

Butler was stunned: "I know, but fish don't live in a small town, and they don't breathe the air above the water."

Qin Shiou said, "business mind, man, business mind! First of all, you care where they live and where they absorb the air. Do you know? Second, do bonito need to be dried? Can dried fish dried in the air and sunlight of a small town be the same as dried fish dried in those heavy industrial areas? "

"And kelp and laver, which grow on the sea. Can they be produced in the same town? We want to hype. I tell you, people have come to buy the air in our town. "

Butler said, "you're right. I'll include it in the later publicity, but what do you mean by buying air?"

Qin Shiou said what Wang changkai had talked to him today. Of course, he made a small addition to it, exaggerating the reputation of farewell town in China several times.

Butler laughed and said, "it's really fun. Now he sells not only pure water, but also pure air? However, Xuete, I'm not sure it's really a good business. I said you should leave me a place on your island. I remember your fishing ground has dozens of useless villa foundations, right? Leave one for me. I'm going to build a villa and provide for the elderly in the future! "

This is simple. Qin Shiou doesn't want money. Just let him come and find the construction team to build the villa at any time.

Marble, granite, red bricks, green tiles, evergreen trees and all kinds of flowers and turf have been transported into the fishing ground. This is the raw materials needed for garden construction, and it is only a small part. More materials will be delivered in the future.

Strong designer Andre also came back. Qin Shiou personally picked him up at the airport. The designer's position in the horticulture industry is equivalent to Cameron's position in the film industry, and he is also a close friend of Auerbach. He can't wait for others.

Seeing the old designer, Qin Shiou wanted to take him to the port. The old designer said don't worry first. He still has a lot of things here.

Qin Shiou waited for a while. Two airport transport vehicles came one after another. The driver said politely, "Sir, will your goods be delivered here?"

Qin Shiou was surprised and asked, "father Andre, these are not all things for building the garden, are they?"

He secretly rejoiced that he had not started to build a garden in the fishing ground before the wedding. As he had feared, it would be too chaotic.

The old man smiled and said, "no, these are not. These are my daily necessities, my clothes and so on."

Qin Shiou understood that the construction of the garden could not be completed in a short time. The old man had to live here for a period of time and personally supervise the construction of the garden.

This made him particularly moved and quickly thanked: "thank you, father Andre. I don't know what to say. You have to live here to supervise the development of the garden work."

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile, "no, no, you may have misunderstood. I moved my things here because I was going to live in a small town."

Qin Shiou asked in amazement, "move here?"

The old man smiled happily and said, "yes, move here so that I can drink tea, play chess and hunt with olbach. The most important thing is that the scenery here is beautiful and the seafood is delicious. Why don't I move here?"

Well, I'm amorous. Qin Shiou smiles, but he also welcomes it. If the town can attract more people like Andre to live, the fame and humanistic quality of the town will increase greatly.

Fortunately, he came by boat. He hired a pickup truck to pull a pile of suitcases and boxes to the port and put them on the boat, taking the old man to the fishing ground.

To catch the wind for the old man tonight, Qin Shiou went out to catch some Coilia Florida.

Fishermen are not surprised that there are all kinds of rare and famous fish on the fishing ground. Geng Junjie and others don't know this fish. Qin Shiou carefully handed it to shack and asked, "is this fish very precious?"

After absorbing the energy of Poseidon, Florida Coilia is getting fatter and fatter. It is no longer as thin as the fish in the original school. Each fish has to be 30 to 40 cm. However, this kind of fish is light, and such a fish is only a little more than a kilogram.

Shaq raised the fish and said, "precious? Ha, if these fish are put on the market, they can sell tens of thousands of Canadian dollars even if they do not enter Daqin seafood! If you put Daqin seafood, you can sell 100000! "

Geng Junjie and his party took a breath and repeatedly asked what kind of fish it was. It was more expensive than sea cucumber and abalone.

Shack said: "this is Coilia Coilia from Florida. It is very precious and rare. The meat is very delicate, but such a high price is hyped. Sea cucumber abalone is only cheap now. Didn't abalone still have a unsalable phenomenon last year? "

Qin Shiou smiled. Is sea cucumber abalone cheap? That's an ordinary variety. When his British Columbia spotted abalone population is stable, he will produce it outside to let the fishermen know what the sky high price abalone is.

Andre is a top horticultural master with extensive knowledge. He has eaten Coilia Florida several times, but this fat and tender Coilia is his first experience.

Canadians like frying, frying and fire roasting when cooking. Coilia Florida is suitable for steaming, so as to show the delicate and fat meat. Qin Shiou used lettuce leaves produced in the garden to pad when steaming, so as to better show the snow-white color of Coilia Florida.

It happened that the last batch of brewed beer was ready to drink. It was chilled in the refrigerator, and the temperature was a little low.

However, this is not a problem for Canadians. Canadians, like Americans, do not have the habit of drinking hot water and hot soup. Even in winter, they also drink cold water and beer cold all year round.

Like his Russian compatriots, Andre likes strong liquor and doesn't drink beer at ordinary times, but he can still drink some of his own beer because the beer brewed by the family workshop has higher alcohol content.

Beer is bottled, thick and sweet as the original pulp. The bottle cap opens and bubbles emerge, and the smell of malt fermentation is coming.

Andre took a sip after he got it. When he took a sip, the beer bottle was half empty. He said, "well, it tastes good. It's much better than water. Ha ha, just kidding, this beer is great, but it's not strong enough."

Qin Fu said, "do you like to drink spirits? It happened that some sorghum was harvested in autumn. Our hometown has a good way to brew sorghum wine. I'll give you a taste of high sorghum wine. "