Sitting in the dock, Qin Shiou thought that these lawyers would pull a bull if they had nothing to do. We're here to talk about the ownership of the sunken ship. Who seized the sunken ship in the early stage and why?

However, the two sides directly talked about this issue. The Spanish lawyers asked the Canadian court to revoke the previously issued pre litigation arrest order and revoke the qualification of the manager of the small fish deep-sea sunken ship salvage company.

They believe that because the Spanish government has the most obvious historical, cultural and archaeological interests in the black axe pirate sunken ship and its accessories, the court should appoint the Spanish government as the manager of the object of litigation in this case. In addition, the small fish salvage company has to hand over all the salvaged items, including gold and silver coins, to the Spanish government.

So the wrangling began. The Supreme Court repeatedly stressed there that the court was not qualified to make a judgment on the ownership of the sunken ship of black axe pirates and its accessories and vehicles, nor did it have jurisdiction to make a judgment. According to the law, the court can only order the small fish deep-sea sunken ship salvage company to hand over the litigation object to the government for management, rather than the transfer of ownership.

In fact, there are reasons for the Spanish legal delegation to argue like this. It is not easy to judge the ownership of sunken ships and treasures. Not all deep-sea sunken ships are warships. There is no jurisdictional immunity of States and their property in many international seabed cultural relics salvage disputes, and the trial of substantive disputes is inevitable.

At the beginning, Odyssey suffered from the fact that the Mercedes was a warship and belonged to the Spanish government from all angles, even if the government changed.

Black axe pirate ships have no national ownership. At the beginning, they were pirates and wanted by all countries. Otherwise, they don't have to run to the cold Greenland Sea. Spain can't use the suit of suing aosaide company to deal with Qin Shiou and his party, so they don't enter the theme.

Finally, there was no result in the first court session. The presiding judge estimated that he was anxious to eat. Finally, with a gloomy face, he knocked on the table with a wooden mallet. The confrontation ended without any trouble.

Senior official Qin stood on the dock, worried and lying in the slot. What's the situation? Is this the end of the trial? Who does the wreck belong to? I'm anxious to sell these treasures. Do you have any?

When the court was closed, the jurors left, and the people who came to watch the trial also left. The media reporters gathered together and surrounded Qin Shiou and Spain, spitting out a lot of problems.

Now, Qin Shiou has experience in dealing with these. Like a trick, he took out a big sunglasses from his pocket and hung them on his face. Then he waved his hands and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. Now I don't accept an interview. If you have any questions, please ask my lawyer. Excuse me."

Auerbach looked at him and wanted to smoke him. What is asking your lawyer? What's there to ask?

In Qin Shiou's eyes, the court session had no result, but it was different in the eyes of expert lawyers such as Auerbach. After leaving the court, they were relieved. Auerbach directly said: "let little black prepare for the auction. The Spanish can't win."

Qin Shiou asked strangely, "how did you see it?"

A lawyer smiled and said: "the Spaniards did not directly attack the case itself this time, but questioned the judicial fairness and openness of the court, which shows that they are very dissatisfied with the attitude given by the Canadian authorities. I bet the diplomats of both sides communicated privately about this matter, and the final result was not satisfactory to the Spaniards. "

Qin Shiou asked strangely, "what do you mean? Isn't the case decided by law? What does the Ministry of foreign affairs mean by private communication? Shit, is justice just talk? "

Lawyers shrugged and Auerbach said, "how can there be so much judicial justice? In particular, this is an international dispute. The laws of the two countries are different from international law. How to judge? When you asked me about this case, I told you that you can safely salvage the sunken treasure, because from a purely legal point of view, we are sure to win, and the only variable is the diplomacy between the two countries. "

Qin Shiou understands that these court trials are actually a process. The laws in Canada are also very black.

In fact, we can't blame the government for manipulating and creating a black curtain on justice. Although Canada claims that its courts strictly uphold the attitude of judicial independence, as a part of state organs, the courts can't ignore the realization of national foreign policy objectives, or ignore Canada's foreign interests, and will be more or less affected by international relations or international politics.

Generally speaking, countries with close diplomatic relations with Canada are easy to obtain favorable judgments in Canadian courts, while countries with tense diplomatic relations with Canada are more likely to encounter difficulties in adjudication.

Of course, in addition to Canada, other countries are also like this. As for personal interests? The constitution of each country stipulates that personal interests need to serve national interests. After the judgment of the Mercedes shipwreck case, the vice president of Odyssey and Billy's brother complained that "the judgment is completely controlled by politics and even above the law". That's the case. How can the judgment of international disputes be absolutely fair?

Auerbach speculated that the Canadian foreign ministry must want to use the black axe sinking as a chip to exchange something for the Spanish, but the Spanish did not agree, so the two sides broke down.

For Canada, once the $2 billion sunken treasure is auctioned, the state can obtain a profit of $800 million to $900 million through tax. This money is not a small amount. Last year, Canada's GDP was less than $2 trillion. This time, the tax is one thousandth of the annual GDP!

After understanding this, Qin Shiou shook his head again and again. Damn it, who will tell himself that foreign countries pay attention to judicial justice? He must smoke. His life can't help himself. The crows in the world are generally black.

Auerbach admitted this: "it is impossible for governments at all levels not to take a share of high-value bulk goods such as shipwrecks and treasures. However, this does not mean that the government is a robber. Our government will only deal with it in a biased way in the process of sentencing. If it is in some countries in Africa and South America, the salvage of sunken ships belongs to the state, which is called the robber government! "

Qin Shiou disdained and said, "fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps?"

Auerbach smiled and said, "you can think so, but this is the reality. If you want absolute fairness, go to God. Only in heaven will God grant absolute equality to all living beings."

It's just a joke. Qin Shiou doesn't care. Since the court session is over, go back and wait for the next court session. It's a lot of hype for several times. In this way, the price of the sunken ship treasure can be raised when shooting in autumn. Anyway, the treasure still belongs to him!