He already knew when he inquired online just now that the flying backpack is different from the water aircraft. The price is much more expensive. The aircraft brought by little Hilton looks very big. In fact, a set is about 50000 Canadian dollars. The price of flying backpack is much higher than this. The price of rage is $500000!

In other words, Kennedy gave him a gift worth more than $2.5 million, and now even if there are $2.5 million, he can't buy so many flying backpacks. If it's worth that, it's even more amazing.

Kennedy's hearty laughter rang when he connected his phone: "you must have received my gift, Qin. I don't know what color you like, so I gave you one of the five colors JAK put into the market."

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly. Don't say he is a local tyrant in the future. The local tyrant is here.

He thanked him repeatedly. Kennedy said you like it. "In fact, this is not my gift, but the gift of our express group. We will give targeted gifts to each LV3 customer, so the focus is whether you like it or not."

"Very much, sir. It's a great gift!" Qin Shiou said.

After thanking Kennedy, he again invited him to take his family to the fishing ground for vacation. He must entertain him with the best seafood, such as fresh bluefin tuna.

Flying backpacks are more dangerous than water craft. The working principle of this thing is that people carry flying backpacks, and there are control levers at the positions of their left and right hands. When the two jet ports under the back bag are started, high heat airflow will be ejected, pushing the people wearing it into the air.

Backpacks can use a variety of fuels. The safest ones are hydrogen peroxide and nitrogen peroxide. They are not flammable and have high combustion conditions. Even if they leak, they will not be dangerous. But they also produce very little heat energy. A full tank can only support the flight backpack to fly in the air for two minutes.

Gasoline is the most used fuel. After burning, it can fly for about 10 minutes. If it is replaced with aviation gasoline with higher value, the flight time can be doubled to 20 minutes. When the load is 120 kg, it can fly at the speed of 80 km / h, nearly 30 km, and 1200 meters high!

So from this point of view, this thing is quite dangerous. If something goes wrong at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, even steel can become discus. Fortunately, JAK company considered this and added a rapid response parachute to the flight backpack.

In this way, because there is a parachute, JAK company suggests that users fly at a higher altitude, preferably more than 250 meters, because if it is lower, the parachute has no reaction time to open and use.

There is aviation fuel in the fishing ground, which is much more relaxed in Canada than in China. Of course, for a country that can buy machine guns, it is useless to strictly control aviation fuel.

Bird acted as the experimenter. Little Hilton grabbed him, looked at Nelson and said, "let your man go. I think he's ready to try."

It was just the weekend. Nelson brought Paris to the fishing ground. Hearing what little Hilton said, Paris was unwilling and said coldly: "what do you mean? What do you mean let Nelson go first? Is this using my fiance as an experimental mouse? "

The two women saw a word of discord and were about to quarrel. Qin Shiou took out the dignity of the fishery owner and said, "well, don't quarrel. Shall I go up first?"

Winnie coughed and said, "Why are you in such a hurry to fly to heaven?"

Shack, the bull and their party laughed. The three women had a play. They were ready to watch the play.

Winnie looked at the fishermen, but they were not afraid this time, because the recommended weight of the flying backpack was less than 120 kg. These fishermen had big arms and round waist, and at least 250 kg or more, which did not meet the requirements.

So Winnie beckoned and called little Shaq. The little boy was eager to try. He was not afraid of danger. Besides, in the eyes of a little guy of this age, where is the danger in the world?

Seeing this, shack's face turned pale. He rushed up and kicked his son out, and then said with a flattering smile to Winnie: "landlady, hey hey, my son is still young. Will you let him go?"

Winnie asked, "who will try?"

Shaq pointed to Nelson and bird and said, "let them try - let them go together!"

Little Hilton and Paris wanted to kill Shaq. They stared at him with sharp eyes. If their eyes could turn into knives, Shaq would have turned into meat sauce.

The matter was settled in this way. In fact, flying backpacks are not dangerous. They just make such a noise.

Qin Shiou thinks so, but little Hilton and Paris don't think so, but they have nothing to say.

The flight backpack relies on the control buttons on the joystick to control the jet thrust, so as to control the flight speed and altitude. This is very simple. Each joystick has five buttons up, down, left, right and middle, which can change the flight direction through body twisting. It is very simple to use.

Bird and Nelson hit their fists and bound a flying backpack respectively. Then they pressed the start button, and the jet turbine began to work. Two water mist like air columns sprayed out, driving them to fly.

"Wow, cool!" Little Shaq's eyes lit up with stars.

In order to ensure safety, after taking off, they glided along the beach at a low altitude, about two or three meters high, and the speed was very slow. Even if they fell down, they were fine, and the beach was delicate.

Seeing this, Gordon and others ran along, shouting and yelling as they ran, making tigers, leopards, bears and wolves run behind.

After driving about 200 meters, they twisted their bodies to change direction, and the flying backpack flew towards the ocean. At this time, the height increased a little, reached the position of more than ten meters, and the speed was much faster.

However, there is seawater buffer. At this height and speed, it is at most black and blue.

After flying for a while, bird fiercely pressed the up button, and then the flight backpack began to climb up. Little Hilton covered the tip of her mouth and cried. Qin Shiou looked at it. He didn't understand how the woman covered her mouth so tightly to make such a loud voice.

Of course, bird couldn't fly very high. After flying to 200 meters, he began to fall. In order to reduce the weight, they didn't bring an oxygen cylinder. There was no oxygen at high altitude. If they continued to rise, they had to need an oxygen cylinder.

In this way, bird and Nelson flew back one after another, and the flying backpack landed slowly on the beach, which is very safe.

Qin Shiou went up to test with a smile, but little Hilton and Paris grabbed it. They put on their flight clothes, put on their helmets and masks, and began to make a eager impact on the sky.

Conquering the sky has always been the dream of land animals.