The farewell number dragged the drifting island to the sea. It was a good weather. The sun was shining all over the sky and the sea breeze was blowing. Although the outdoor temperature was still very low, it was not cold outside because there was no sea breeze.

Melon runs around on the deck with mink brother and mink sister. Mink brother and mink sister are sad and dare not move like a hairball. They shrink their bodies and close their eyes every time they are taken to the side of the ship by melon.

Diao Mei must have learned from sea otters. When she was afraid, she narrowed her head and waved her claws forward, but she could cover her eyes with her claws.

Qin's father and mother laughed when they saw this behind the scenes. Sister Qin reached out and touched sister Diao's hairy head and laughed: "Yo, this little thing you raise is really aura. What is it for? Afraid or shy? "

Qin Shiou said, "you can help me watch some melons. Don't let her throw two little ferrets into the sea. These two little guys are the heart of Wayne. If you throw the melon, it's estimated that Wayne can throw the girl into the sea."

The farewell number moved forward and drove for more than two hours. It felt that the farewell island could not be seen clearly in the sky. Qin Shiou found a suitable place to anchor and stop the ship, pack up things and go fishing on the drifting island.

Sister Qin and others also wanted to go to the drifting island. He shook his head and said, "it's not good to fish here. If you catch a big fish, it's not stable or powerful. You stay on the boat. I'll get some sea eels here. I'll cook them for you in the evening."

The fishing ground is rich in species, and there are almost no endangered catches. In the past, few American eels were caught. Qin Shiou has been prohibited from fishing for protection these years, and the protection effect is very good.

He released Poseidon consciousness to look for American eels after laying eggs. This kind of eel can lay five million eggs at a time. After laying eggs, the female eel will die, so it can be caught and eaten. Of course, the taste is worse than that before laying eggs, but the bottom is there. This is the top sea treasure produced in the Atlantic Ocean. It tastes very beautiful.

American eels like to live in shallow waters near the sea, but they can also be found in the depth of 200 meters. Although the sea area where Qin Shiou anchored seems to be far away from the land such as farewell island and St. Johns, it is actually an ocean highland with a water depth of only more than 40 meters. Many American eels live here.

After Qin Shiou released the Sea God consciousness, he soon saw several American eels with a length of more than one meter swaying their heads and tails in the water. These fish have the thickness of young children's wrists and are estimated to be about ten kilograms, which is the limit of the growth of American eels.

American eels that can grow to such a large size are basically male. Generally, when fishing in the sea, they catch males and keep females for reproduction. American eels are an exception. They can catch females because females will die for a period of time after laying eggs, and males should keep breeding.

Qin Shiou looked for it and found an eel half a meter long. The fish swam lazily close to the sand layer on the seabed, and its mouth opened and closed slowly looking for food. It looked mentally tired. This is the female fish after spawning.

With a sea god consciousness, he controlled the fish to bring it up, and other sea god consciousness continued to search. He threw a series of bamboo tubes down, found the female fish after spawning, and sent them into the bamboo tube.

When Xiao Hui saw it, he came over strangely and asked, "uncle, what are you doing with these bamboo tubes?"

Qin Shiou rubbed his hands and said, "guess."

Xiao Hui thought and said, "I can't guess. I only know that this bamboo tube can make rice, but I don't know why to put it in the water. I haven't learned it."

"This is for catching fish." Shirley explained to him, "Qin wants to catch eels or cartilage fish, and can also be used to catch small tongue sole, but tongue sole rarely comes to the water, so I guess he still wants to catch eels. They are like small snakes and like to drill into such containers."

Xiao Hui looked at Shirley From the corner of his eye and listened to her explanation. When he noticed that she was looking at herself, he quickly took back his eyes, pretended to know very well and said, "then I see. I have also used this to catch loach at home. Is American eel an eel? Is the eel an eel, uncle? "

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "no, eels are different from Monopterus albus."

"What's the difference between them?"

"Eels are coyotes and eels are coyotes. Do you know the difference between coyotes and coyotes?" Qin Shiou thief asked with a smile. He deliberately teased the silly little nephew.

Xiao Hui was young, but he was not stupid. When he heard that his uncle meant something, he ran away shyly.

Shirley also knows, but she is used to it. Anyway, as long as there is the opposite sex, she is the focus. From five to 50, she can kill.

In winter when there is no sea breeze, the sea really has a charm. She has the feminine beauty of nature. The vast sea has no waves and is calm as if it were a mirror. Because of the light pollution in winter and the small fluctuation force of the ocean current, the sea water is particularly clear. The afternoon sun shines on the sea. The color of the blend of blue and orange is thrilling.

Standing on the boat and looking into the distance, Qin Shiou felt that the bottom of his heart was slowly becoming peaceful. Looking at the front, it was a clean blue. Looking back, it was the same. In any direction around, it was clean and free from a trace of dust.

In the afternoon, the sun gradually tilted to the West. Qin's father, mother, sister and brother-in-law did not catch any big fish. But it's not because they didn't encounter big fish. You know, the fishery resources are very rich. Qin Shiou doesn't know how many catches there were in Newfoundland's fishery at the peak, but he thinks it must be less than his own fishery now.

He doesn't know how many large fish groups there are in the fishing ground. There are herring and mackerel groups in the shallow water layer and tuna groups in the deep water layer. There are tens of thousands of bluefin tuna worth thousands of gold outside. Of course, most of these bluefin tuna are fry, and the fish herd has successfully multiplied.

In the middle water layer, there are the most kinds of COD and halibut, as well as snapper and salmon. On the seabed, there are countless queen crabs, treasure crabs, lobsters, sea cucumbers and so on. Fishery resources are extremely abundant!

They have met big fish, but their skills are not up to standard. These big fish either break free from the hook or break the fishing line. The strength of Qin father and Qin mother is not enough to deal with big fish. Qin Shiou wanted to help, but they are unwilling.

It doesn't necessarily take much to go fishing. They just want to experience the feeling they have in the process. Qin Shiou doesn't have such a sense of harvest if he goes to help.

The days are short in winter. Soon the sun falls below sea level and stars appear in the sky.

The cool moonlight fell, and the shining sea became more and more glittering. There was no wind at night. The sea was calm like a mirror, and only big fish jumped out of the water from time to time to make some noise.

In the face of such a scene, Qin Shiou couldn't help but see two poems:

The stars hang flat and the fields are wide, and the moon surges into the river.

What is floating like? There are sand gulls in the world.