Fishermen are good drinkers. Living on the sea is windy, sunny and humid. Drinking can resist the cold, so they drink a lot. Mao Weilong pulled Zhong Dajun to do the right thing. They gathered together and poured down a glass of beer without saying a word.

You know, these people drink beer with large beer glasses. A glass of beer must have 800 ml!

Zhong Dajun grinned secretly. He looked at Mao Weilong and said with a bitter smile, "are they drinking or drinking water? Even drinking water, there is no such crazy drinking method?"

Mao Weilong sighed, "so I said, don't lean against them if you don't want to die. Come to Taipan, man, I'll show you around the party. There are many beautiful girls in this community. Let's see if we can find one for you. "

"It's useful. I can't find it. I don't have money and appearance. I don't know the language!"

"It doesn't matter. Maybe some foreign girls just want to change their taste. I'm not sure they like your taste. What should they do?"

"But I don't speak English very well."

"Pretend to be dumb then. These white girls have special compassion. I'm sure they'll pity you and give you a shot."

"Vako has, Xiao Wulang!"

"Vico vomited. Don't you know English?"

Of course, the final result is that Zhong Dajun is still alone tonight, but he won't be unable to sleep, because he has an average amount of alcohol. He hasn't turned down in a circle, and he's already drunk.

After cleaning up the apartment building, Weini left the hospital with her children and moved directly. Qin's parents, Miranda and Mario stayed here. Qin Shiou took Mao Weilong and Zhong Dajun back to the fishing ground to live.

Before leaving, Qin Shiou asked whether melon was here to accompany his brother or go back to accompany his father. Melon shook his little fat hand and said, "I accompany sister Duoduo. Sister Duoduo is the best to see and the most fun."

In fact, if nothing happens, Qin Shiou also wants to stay with his wife and son. However, there is a new guest in the fishing ground, that is, bearded black uncle Butler. He came to discuss with Qin Shiou how to catch bluefin tuna.

Bluefin tuna in the fishing ground has formed a large-scale population. They have not been caught in four seasons. Small fish have successfully grown into big fish. Big fish have successfully hatched eggs and brought out small fish groups. A virtuous circle has emerged. It doesn't matter to catch them wantonly.

The tuna spring auction in Tokyo is about to begin. Butler hopes to bring a large number of bluefin tuna into the auction, impact the local market in Tokyo, catch all fishing clubs such as hidai village and rule the high-end tuna market.

In the past, Qin Shiou used to fish bluefin tuna, but if you want to fish in large groups, you have to use purse seine fishing, a prohibited fishing method on the high seas. In addition, he will use longline fishing to check leaks and fill vacancies. The combination of these two fishing methods makes it difficult for the targeted fish to escape from the sky even with God's blessing.

Therefore, the fisheries departments of Canada, the United States and other countries have issued fishing laws to prohibit the use of purse seine fishing, but long-line fishing can also leave a way for fish to survive. The combination of multiple fishing methods is to kill all fish.

Butler first asked Qin Shiou about the new year after his arrival. He knew the birth of watermelon and brought a Guanyin jade pendant and a watermelon jade carving the size of a little thumb belly.

Among them, whether the pendant or watermelon jade carving, the color is green, and the color has a sense of hierarchy. The color of watermelon is refreshing. The lotus throne of Guanyin is a transition between dark green and light blue, which is not only like lotus, but also like waves.

At least he is a member of Tiffany's board of directors. Qin Shiou knew the preciousness of the pendant after he saw it. He picked it up and looked at it in the sun. The jade was translucent like water mist. Holding it in his hand, he felt warm and cool. It was obviously an old pit glass treasure jade.

Butler said with a smile, "the man wears Guanyin and the woman wears Buddha. I specially consulted a teacher in San Francisco Chinese street and brought this pendant to your little melon. As for the small jade carving of watermelon, I can only say that God bless us. I got it by coincidence. Before coming to the White House, I attended the new year charity auction and saw this small watermelon on it. I think your child's name is watermelon. Shouldn't this little thing belong to him? "

When it comes to the White House New Year's charity auction, Butler joined hands and showed a proud expression. Obviously, the entrepreneurs who can participate in the auction are of extraordinary status.

Qin Shiou accepted the two small gifts. He smiled and said, "I thank you for my children and wife. Man, the gifts you sent are great. I have to repay you. Come on, what kind of return do you want?"

Butler grinned and showed his white teeth: "well, how about dozens of bluefin tuna?"

Qin Shiou patted him on the shoulder and said confidently, "expand your ambition a little. Dozens are too few. How about hundreds?"

"I got a snow!" Butler, who was as knowledgeable as he was, was stunned by this.

Qin Shiou came back this time to lead the fishermen to catch bluefin tuna. The melon princess was the flagship. Shaq and they brought two fishing boats from the town, a total of three fishing boats to sea together.

Mao Weilong and Zhong Dajun were also taken on board. Qin Shiou said, "I'll take you to experience the fisherman's life and let you see how to catch the golden fish in the sea!"

Zhong Dajun has never fished at sea and is longing for this trip to the sea. Mao Weilong has been there and suffered from it. He knows that fishing at sea is much more tiring than working on a farm. He shakes his head again and again. Unfortunately, Qin Shiou dragged him into the boat.

Not only guys, Qin Shiou also took a group of little guys with tigers, leopards, bears and wolves, while the three young people in the sky soared over the fleet. Two big bears lay on the railing and looked down. Tigers and leopards played on the deck. Rob head and mink brother and mink sister leaned nervously together. They screamed in horror as soon as the waves beat up.

Zhong Dajun looked at the messy little guys and smiled while drinking hot coffee: "Hey, it's good to raise these things on horses. It's fun to see them fluffy."

Mao Weilong nodded and asked, "it's really good. Do you like dogs? I have some great American bullies there. Do you have a dog? I'll leave you one or two when I have a son of a bitch. "

Zhong Dajun saw his tiger headed bully dogs, nodded happily and said, "OK, leave us two. Your dog is really fun, but it looks fierce and won't bite?"

Mao Weilong said proudly, "don't worry about it. As long as you don't give orders, they won't talk. My dog's IQ is very high. At least it's much smarter than those two yellow haired little bastards."

Naturally, he was talking about tigers and leopards. Lalawang has always been hostile to him, which makes young master Mao unhappy.