Seeing Qin Shiou holding Xiong Da to tickle him, the other little guys were unwilling and scrambled to get in front of him.

There was only a little space around a person. Xiong Da also occupied a front, so the tiger and leopard went to the side to pick up Qin Shiou's pants, stood up, and bent their small head down his arm. The little lynx and the mink brother and the mink sister were so worried that they could only get behind him. In this way, it was too late for the little carrot to start. There was no place for him.

The wolf is domineering. Little carrot's head is usually taught to be elegant and clever by Winnie, but it has to fight at this time. Its hands and feet are not soft. If there is no space, it will create it by itself. Brain melon seeds squeeze around Xiong DA and then squeeze in.

But the brown bear is more domineering. This position is reserved by Xiong Da for Lori's little daughter-in-law. How can it be robbed by a little white wolf? So without hesitation, its bus palm roared away and slapped the little white wolf to the ground!

Little carrot is not discouraged. He can't rob the bear. I can't rob your ferret lynx? Although the back position is almost, it's better than nothing, isn't it? So he went around the back and knocked King Simba away from Diao and Diao, and lay down at the feet of Qin Shiou.

Zhong Dajun looked silly and asked, "lying in the trough, what's this?"

Mao Weilong sighed and said, "haven't you seen the ancient harem competing for favor? Well, that's it. You're lucky today. It's an eye opener. "

Qin Shiou smiled bitterly. He had to throw away the wine bottle and go back to the stern to direct the fishermen to work.

The little guys have been in the fishing ground for a long time, but they have improved their eyesight. They play coquettish and play together. Qin Shiou will do so when they are free. Once they are busy, they will go aside and wait.

Qin Shiou waved Mao Weilong and Zhong Dajun over and shouted, "lying in the trough, what do you mean by holding a coffee cup? This is for you to work, not for you two to travel - shit, it's very British aristocratic. Can you put down your cup and come to work? "

Throughout the year, the strongest winds in the Atlantic generally occur in summer and winter, when there are storms and snowstorms. The characteristic of the strong wind in these two seasons is that the wind is very violent when it rises, with the feeling of destroying the sky and the earth. However, whether the snowstorm or storm will not last long. After a few days, the strong wind passes through, and the sea will become calm.

The spring and autumn are different, especially in spring. Because of the ocean current, there is wind almost every day in this season, and the wind is not small, which will make the ship bumpy.

When working in the bumpy hull, the biggest problem is the potential safety hazard. First, the fishermen can't stand stably and are easy to knock where they hit; Secondly, the placement of goods is also unstable. The ship is equipped with either entanglements such as fishing nets or sharp tools such as harpoons, which is very dangerous to meet people.

Secondly, there is also a problem of physical exertion. It takes effort to stand firm on a bumpy fishing boat. It takes more effort to stand firm and work. This is why it is dangerous to catch crabs and lobsters in Alaska in winter.

Qin Shiou released the Sea God consciousness to look for bluefin tuna. He can use this skill wantonly at sea. The fishermen on the melon princess are his lineage. These people think he has a dragon hunting formula to look for tuna, while the fishermen on other fishing boats will only think that he found the fish through the fish detector or the distribution map of fishing resources collected at ordinary times. No one will doubt this.

Bluefin tuna like to live in groups, but like other large fish, they separate when they are too many. Because this fish keeps exercising all day to let the water flow through the gills to obtain oxygen in the water, it naturally consumes extra physical strength and needs to eat constantly to supplement energy.

In this way, when there are more fish in a group, there is not enough food to eat. They can't feed so many fish. They can only be separated. In addition, fish are different in size, speed and endurance. They have to be separated. It's not that people don't enter a house.

In this way, the big fish is with the big fish, and the small fish is with the small fish. There are dozens or hundreds of bluefin tuna groups in the fishing ground. Of course, small fish groups are the main ones. In the past, there were thousands of small fish. Those small fish were eaten by other fish in the process of growth. Now these remaining fish are tempered and lucky to survive.

Qin Shiou avoided the small fish group. At present, there are 12 large fish groups. The largest fish group has more than 120 bluefin tuna. These fish are usually brought from St. Lawrence Bay and George shoal. When he has nothing to do, in addition to looking for treasure at the bottom of the sea, what he likes to do is to seduce precious fish, shrimp, crab and other marine organisms to the fishing ground.

It is the 120 big fish to catch. Poseidon consciousness can't control some big fish with a little wisdom to come from the pitching net, otherwise his Poseidon energy will lose particularly quickly and his body will feel uncomfortable.

But he has some methods. For example, there is a group of sperm whales around the big fish group. Among them, the leading brother of sperm whales is the rescue sperm whale granted by the Holy See. Qin Shiou controls these whales, surrounds bluefin tuna from all directions and drives them to the water.

At this time, what to do is to deploy the fishing net. Qin Shiou solemnly selected the position and made an action of anchoring and netting to shack. Shack shouted: "anchor, let go of the eagle wing! Guys, get ready to work! "

The fishermen couldn't work well on the bumpy boat, so a new equipment was developed, which is usually found on fishing boats, that is, Eagle wing. People who have seen fishing boats will find that in the center of modern fishing boats, two large mechanical arms are extended, and the end of the mechanical arm is two tower cranes.

These are eagle wings. When they are opened, it is like an eagle spreading its wings. However, the eagle spreads its wings to fly, while the fishing boat opens its steel eagle wings to stabilize the hull: an indestructible mechanical arm is connected under the tower crane, and the mechanical arm extends vertically downward, which is an iron plate like an aircraft wing. These iron plates are folded together at first, so they don't seem to occupy space. Once they are opened, It will become a large area.

The expanded iron plate will eventually contact the sea surface and increase the contact area between the fishing boat and the sea surface. It is not exposed on the sea surface, but slightly immersed in the water, which can increase the stability of the fishing boat.

The two eagle wings opened slowly, and then the stability of the fishing boat became stronger and stronger, and the range of turbulence became smaller and smaller.

The trembling little guys suddenly brightened their eyes and snuggled together. Little carrot head, King Simba and mink brother and mink sister slowly got up. They walked tentatively for a while. When they found that the fishing boat was stable, they were immediately excited and began to fight.

The fishermen came to the stern with complete chopping and hanging. Shaq and the sea monster commanded from both sides of the stern, and the fishing nets were scattered into the sea.