The tiger and the leopard did become fine. Hearing Zhong Dajun's scream, they both raised their heads and stared at him fiercely. Their eyes seemed to warn him to shut up and don't let Mao Weilong find their little movements.

Mao Weilong's trousers were soaked. He was unconscious and vomited wildly on the side of the ship.

Qin Shiou was worried that he would fall into the sea. He went up and grabbed Mao Weilong. At the same time, he stamped his foot to drive the tiger and leopard away: "go, go, what are you doing? Respect your elders, you know? This is your uncle Mao. Why do you pee on Uncle Mao's leg? "

The tiger and the leopard shook their hips and finally left reluctantly.

Zhong Dajun said in amazement, "I said Lao Qin, are you too pampered with these two little things? Let them pee on xiaowulang like this? No, as Kogoro's brother, I can't stand it. "

Qin Shiou explained: "in fact, you misunderstood. These two children are not urinating and insulting Xiao Wulang. They are confirming their relationship. Only when they recognize themselves can they urinate, just like when they urinate. "

Zhong Dajun drank a little too much and his brain was almost mushy. He shook his head incredulously. Qin Shiou asked him to send Mao Weilong to the cabin together. In this way, he held Mao Weilong, and he forgot to continue to pursue the root and dig the bottom to ask about it.

After staying at sea for two days and two nights, they caught more than ten bluefin tuna. Butler, who stayed on the ship together, marveled repeatedly. Zhong Dajun didn't understand what the old black was surprised. Mao Weilong explained to him and told him the low probability of catching bluefin tuna now, so he understood what was happening on the ship.

The last thing to do is to take up the line and pull up the rope net put into the ocean with a machine. The fisherman who left two days ago came back, and more than 20 fishermen stayed at the stern to prepare for work.

Seeing this, Mao Weilong was surprised and asked, "isn't it just taking in the net? Why do you need so many people to work? I mean, we've been guarding the net. If there's a fish on the hook, we'll catch it. Isn't there any fish on the net now? Don't use so many people? "

Qin Shiou directed the fishermen to use the direction finder to measure the electrical signal, find each hook, and then explained: "we catch big fish that can drive the rope net. There are many fish on the net, including the small fish in bluefin tuna and other kinds of big fish, such as cod, which should be picked."

The fishing boat moved slowly. The bow and the rope were at an angle of 30 degrees. The boat took the line and the speed increased a little. At 6 knots, the ship's speed stabilized.

The process of longline fishing is a test of the driver's technology and experience. When there is no fish and there are fish, the ship speed is different. Qin Shiou acts as an observer at the stern and constantly transmits the catch signal to the sailing Sark.

When there are no fish, the fishing boat travels in six knots. When there are fish, shack will control the ship's speed to slow down and try not to let the fish swim to the bottom of the ship to facilitate fishing.

There are so many fishermen at the stern. Their work is very cumbersome. When the line is pulled up, they have to quickly remove the float, branch line, alarm buoy and buoy light from the main line and sort them out.

This work is as busy and heavy as setting out. In order to facilitate the next net setting out, the fishermen have to check whether there are problems with the main line and branch line. If they find any damage, they should cut and connect it immediately, then twist the main line directly into the main line barrel behind the ship, take off the branch line, sort it out and put it in the basket.

Of course, fishermen should also sort out the fish brought up by the line, mainly some salmon and COD, especially Atlantic cod. These fish are easy to appear in the upper waters, greedy and easy to catch.

At last, they caught a little shark. Qin Shiou looked at it and found that this guy was one of the seven brothers of cat shark. This guy was frightened. When he was pulled out of the water by the rope, he struggled desperately. A fisherman who grabbed the rope was almost dragged to the sea.

The fishermen marveled and someone said, "Wow, this little guy is really energetic. Look, it's like an electric rabbit. There's no time to stop."

At this time, a cat shark jumped out of the sea, and then another cat shark jumped out. Several cat sharks jumped out of the water one after another and looked at the fisherman in panic.

In this way, Qin Shiou confirmed the identity of the cat shark on the net rope. He must be one of the seven brothers. This guy is really unlucky. He must have just taken the bait. Otherwise, with the strength and sharp teeth transformed by the sea god energy, the cat shark seven brothers would have bitten off the rope long ago.

Although it is not a legitimate family, the seven brothers with full funny temperament are also acquaintances of Qin Shiou, so he has to help.

Some fishermen are going to cut off the sub line and let the cat shark go. This kind of fish can't be eaten or sold. There's no need. Fishermen won't catch it.

Qin Shiou shook his head and said don't do this. Cutting off the sub line can really release the cat shark, but it will leave the huge hook in its mouth. It can live, but it can't live well. Cat sharks are not other large sharks. This big hook for bluefin tuna is very harmful to them.

He dragged the shark up and Qin Shiou went up to appease it. These guys have been absorbing the energy of the sea god and are very sensitive to the breath of the sea god on his body. Therefore, when he came into contact with Qin Shiou, he just struggled violently and calmed down. Only his big tail kept slapping the board of the boat to make a "bang bang" sound.

In this way, Qin Shiou pressed his gills with one hand and put the other hand into the fish's mouth, shaking gently and gently, took out the hook with barbs, and finally threw the cat shark into the sea.

Seeing this scene, the fishermen around exclaimed: "Xuete, the boss is really great. How did he do it? This is a cat shark. It's also aggressive! "

"You don't know. Boss is an ocean Druid. Fish in the sea especially like boss, just like me."

"Bull, it's disgusting for you to say that. Of course, I like the boss as well. However, I think this matter should be explained in this way. Love can surpass species. This shark must have felt the kindness of the boss, so it calmed down. "

"OK, OK, stop fucking bullshit. Pack up the rope and go home. I'm going to see Winnie and my son." Qin Shiou said unhappily. The fishermen laughed and dispersed to continue their work.

Of course, the cat shark seven brothers can't feel Qin Shiou's love and kindness to them, but they are full of kindness to the fishing boat and the fishermen above. They have been following around the fishing boat and jumping out of the water from time to time.

The fishermen were moved when they saw this scene. They said one after another: "these sharks are thanking the boss. Look, they have been following around. Is this the way sharks thank humans?"

Senior official Qin thought so. He was quite moved. These cat sharks have a good conscience. But he put Poseidon consciousness into the sea and found that it was not the case at all. The reason why these little bitches followed the boat all the way was that they went to eat the fish caught on the line in advance!