As the first sister of Jiangda, Feng Fangfei believes that her exquisite appearance with classical characteristics is enough for any man to ignore this problem.

But she misjudged Jiang Muye.

"I... the assistant took the wrong room card." Feng Fangfei bit her lip.

"Now that I know I'm in the wrong room and still appear in front of me, what do you want to do?"


"Jiangshi group's corporate culture lessons did not learn enough, or feel bored shooting TV?"

Jiang Mu wild Mou son lazy looking at her desire to talk and stop, in the heart head clear mirror seem to get.

In his cold eyes, Feng Fangfei felt a cold sweat on her back.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang."

Feng Fangfei bows an apology and quickly leaves Jiang Muye's room.

After staying, she knew that she might be suspended from work, and even worse, she might be snowed.

In any case, it will become the laughing stock of the whole Jiangshi group and even the entertainment industry.

Originally, she thought it was very easy for her beauty and popularity to succeed in arousing Jiang Muye's interest, but she didn't expect him to be so cold.

It's my own rashness.

Looking at Feng Fangfei's disappearing figure, Jiang Murano hums coolly, and suddenly feels that an Xiaoxiao is silly.

There are so many women out there who want to climb into his bed. She's good. She's full of excuses.


At noon, Ann called her mother Yulin.

"Xiao Xiao, didn't you work night shift yesterday? Why didn't you sleep more?"

Yu Lin's voice sounds very pleasant, and an Xiao puts down her heart: "I've been sleeping all morning."

"Well, I'm in Guzhen with Uncle Lin, and I'm preparing for lunch. Have you eaten yet? "

Ann small smile: "not yet, will go down to eat."

"Have you finished the dumplings I made for you?" Yu Lin paused: "I prepared it according to the amount of one month, but if you eat it with Muye, it's estimated that you'll finish it in half a month."

It seems that my mother doesn't know about the house being sold by Lin Yu. An Xiaoji doesn't want to talk about it.

"He doesn't like dumplings, and I'm reluctant to give them to him."

"You child..." Yu Lin laughs: "he is your husband now, the person closest to you, and he will be the same in the future."

Ann small pie pie pie mouth: "got it, Ma."

The person closest to her is full of secrets. Her business trip is a temporary decision. She will not take the initiative to send a message to her.

What kind of closest person.

"By the way, mom, when we were young, did a boy who was several years older than me stay for a while?" Ann suddenly remembered.

Yu Lin is a Leng: "right."

"Can he play the piano?" Asked Ann.


"Have we ever played with four hands?"

"Yes! He likes to play waltz with you most. Why did he suddenly ask

An Xiaoxiao frowned: "he is..."

"Arlene, order first. I think you're hungry." Lin Yi calls Yu Lin's voice.

"All right."

Yu Lin answered: "Xiaoxiao, mom is going to have dinner. There are old photo albums at home and the group photos of you two when you were young. If you want to see Muye go with you! Goodbye. "


Doodle doodle, the phone hang up tone, an Xiaoxiao shrugged, well, since there are old albums, then go to have a look, maybe it's the person who was yesterday.

The same waltz, vaguely familiar eyes, lip side light and cold smile

I'm really familiar with it.

Familiar with her own are trance, as if that person is around.