Hu Mingyun looked at her light colored sweater with blue pants, simple horsetail is a diamond hairpin, fresh and neat shape in her eyes is particularly low.

She shook her head: "Muye is also the chairman of Jiangshi group. Our Jiang family's position in Jinghai is also unusual. You can't go out in this way."

Seeing her frown and dissatisfaction, an Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed. She left such a bad impression on her mother-in-law when she met for the first time

However, this rich family life is really not ordinary people live, really can not adapt!

I thought it was difficult to cope with the uncertain weather in jiangmuye, but I didn't expect there would be more difficult!

"Fortunately, your appearance is OK."

Hu Mingyun's words interrupt an Xiaoxiao's thoughts, which also let her breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the appearance conditions are up to standard. Otherwise, she would have to go for plastic surgery?

"Well, while I'm in Jinghai during this time, I'll report you some classes for the cultivation of celebrities. If you study hard, you can transform it."

Hu Mingyun got up and said, "I'll teach you cooking in person."

Ann small feel a little big head, but still obediently nodded: "thank you, mom."

So in the next hour, an Xiaoxiao witnessed Hu Mingyun's orderly cooking eight dishes.

It's really elegant. Even if she is wearing high-heeled shoes and cheongsam, her every move is full of the taste of a lady.

Of course, if it wasn't for the embarrassing lecture before, Ann Xiaoxiao had really admired her.

Why should such an excellent person treat himself as a man's accessory?

So on the way back to zhuxuan in the afternoon, Jiang Muye looked at an Xiaoxiao who had been depressed and asked, "what did mom tell you in the kitchen?"

Ann pursed her lips and said, "she's been teaching me how to cook."

"I want to hear the truth." The voice of Jiang Muye is slightly cold.

An Xiaoxiao thought about it and said, "mom has been teaching me how to please you."

Jiang Mu Ye seemed to be very interested. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "how do you say that?"

An Xiaoxiao pursed her lips: "cook, have a baby, be obedient."

Jiang Mu Ye frowned: "do you think so?"

"I beg your pardon." An Xiaoxiao said seriously: "if you also hold such an attitude, it's really embarrassing. We'll have a disagreement and divorce as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Jiang Mu said: "an Xiaoxiao, do you have a bad memory? I don't want to say the same again! "

An Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and looked at him. Today, he was wearing a black suit, striped shirt, no tie, with two buttons open. His honey skin seemed to shine in the strong sun. His resolute and handsome facial features and tight Lipliner all showed the man's anger.

An Xiao hung his head and was quiet for a long time before he said to Lin Zheng, "Lin Zhu, put me in qingshuiju."

Lin Zheng, who is trying to reduce his sense of existence, responds: "good wife."

Jiang Mu Ye glanced at him, and Lin Zheng was busy driving seriously, with a posture of "no propriety, no propriety, no listening".

The car stopped at the gate of qingshuiju, and Ann pushed the door to get off. Suddenly she thought of something cool and said, "by the way, there's something else to remind you. My mother said that I'm afraid miss Feng's identity can't enter the Jiang family. If you really want to marry her, you'd better make plans."

At the end of the speech, an Xiaoxiao didn't look at Jiang Muye's reaction and got out of the car.

Jiang Muye almost jumped out of the car and caught her back. Word by word, he asked her to take back what she had just said.

This wench is dead brain!

Seeing that Lin Zheng was still in a daze, Jiang Muye kicked over: "drive!" Two words instantly make the closed space warm as spring and cold as the top of snow mountain.

Lin Zheng shuddered, stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out.

Ann looked at the car and sighed, not happy, not happy!