Ann opened her mouth and wanted to stop talking. She couldn't tell the truth from the falsehood in his words. In this case, she shouldn't be so boring.

"Dinner is ready, sir and madam." Liu Yuanli stood at the door in a respectful tone.

Her arrival relieved Ann's little encirclement, and she struggled: "it's time for dinner."

Jiang Muye didn't let go. He just asked coldly, "how insecure are you to yourself?"

In the end, an Xiaoxiao was defeated in his angry question. He replied with an aggrieved look: "I know."

Finally, Jiang Muye let go, looking at an Xiaoxiao's figure, he said, "maybe I should let you have a baby as soon as possible."

When Ann turned back, she had a flattering smile on her face: "Muye, I believe you. Now let's go to dinner, OK?"


The next day, Ann went to the coffee shop on time, but was told that she had resigned.

"Yesterday afternoon, someone came to help you with the resignation procedures, and said that you would not come again."

May looked curious: "sister an, that man came here in a luxury car. Are you going to marry into a rich family?"

Ann glanced at her: "I won't resign, don't gossip, start!"

"No, no, no!" May stopped her: "this time, it's really no good. It's very clear that if you continue to work here, I'm afraid the coffee shop won't be able to keep it."

In the end, an Xiaoxiao leaves with a helpless face. On the way back, she calls Jiang Muye and asks for the reason of love.

After listening to Jiang Mu Ye's reply in silence, "it should be the housekeeper Wu Shu who can help you to leave. Since that's the case, I won't do it."

"No way." Ann is not happy: "Home Cafe is my hard work. Although it doesn't belong to me now, at least I can watch it..."

"Didn't you say you had to work because you were bored?" Jiang Muye asked directly.

Ann thought for a moment: "this is a reason."

"I'll ask Lin Zheng to arrange a job for you in Jiangshi." "Let's have a good rest these days," he said

"But the cafe..."

"If you don't mind, I'll buy the coffee shop." Jiang Muye interrupted her: "is that ok?"

"No, no!" Ann small refused: "I listen to you, go back to work Jiangshi."


Jiang Muye hung up and told Lin Zheng: "let the personnel department find a simple and comfortable position suitable for girls."

"Madame is coming?" Asked Lin Zheng.

Jiang Mu Ye nodded: "don't worry, she has other things recently."

He started to smile from the corner of his lips. Since she is not so confident, go and learn something. Maybe she will be interested in the cultivation of celebrities.

Sure enough, an Xiaoxiao only had one day off. The next morning, she received a call from Dazhai, asking her to come to Dazhai at 10 am on time to learn how to arrange flowers

So she stayed in the mansion until 5 p.m. with a pious attitude. Besides arranging flowers, Hu Mingyun also taught her to cook a dish.

As a result, when she came back in the afternoon, she collapsed on the bed and didn't want to move.

To be honest, it's much more tiring than going to work!

After all, when she was in the mansion, she was in Hu Mingyun's field of vision all the time, and it was impossible for her to make a small difference!

What's more, as soon as she arrived at the mansion, Hu Mingyun set up a clever and sensible flag for her. Where can she not be obedient?

After half an hour's boring lying in the big bed, an Xiaoxiao decided to find a friend to complain. The video phone was soon connected, and the blue sky and white clouds of Britain suddenly poured into the mobile phone screen.

Tang Xin was drinking coffee outside and asked her with a smile, "Ann, are you happy when you get married?"