With Liu Sheng's body getting younger and younger, loster can feel that this guy's attack is getting stronger and stronger.

And unscrupulous, there is no scruples about anyone at all..

At this time, he is more like a killing machine, born for killing, and doesn't care about gratitude and resentment.

Even his son Liu Shengyi was almost affected just now. He was so frightened that Liu Shengyi ran far away at this time. If he didn't want to see the situation here, he might have left Liusheng martial arts school at this time...

And from his lean expression, we can see that he was completely frightened.

Mentality explosion, all kinds of doubts, but don't dare to ask or say anything..

There is no time. Liu Sheng's martial arts school, which used to be lively, has at least hundreds of people. Now there are only a few guys who have a little confidence in their own strength.

As for those who are relatively weak, there is no need to say more. Those who did not run out have all been lying on the ground..

The blood flowed into a river. At least more than 100 bodies had to be left here by Liu Sheng's five guards. Among them, there were more than a dozen capable people, and several of them still worked together.

But he was killed by Liu Sheng's five guards..

After all, there is a big gap in strength. If those martial arts school owners who have been watching without taking action together, they may be able to support it for a longer time.

But it's a pity that Liu Sheng's state of the fifth guard gate is obviously wrong now..

Let them deal with Liu Sheng's five guards at this time for those who are not familiar with or even competing with their peers. All of them have chosen the same goal from their heart

Refuse, refuse!!

This is impossible.

Ignoring the changes of the people around him, Liu Sheng's five guard gate now has only himself in mind..

"Keep you waiting ~ ~"

Perhaps there are no people around, or Liu Sheng's five guard gate has been satisfied..

He took a deep breath of the bloody air around him. Liu Sheng's eyes seemed to be a little red, although his face was calm..

But as long as he is a man with a clear eye, he can see the excitement in his eyes and the unreserved desire to kill.

It's just like the devil possessed. The desire to fight and kill is completely undisguised..

He wants to fight, he wants to kill.

And the object does not need to say more, it is the person in front of you..

For a long time, no one could make him want to fight with all his strength.

"Is this over?"

Looking at the guy in front of him who killed a man comparable to him, loster simply responded

[recovered: energy value + 155546]

It's not that the bloody rain rolled up by Liu Sheng's five guards just now did him no good

Hundreds of thousands of energy value, direct white whoring.

As for stopping this, we don't need to think about it. If it's just a single target, loster may be able to stop it, but with so many people, Liu Sheng's five guard gate kills people at will

It's impossible to stop him completely. Maybe if he's not satisfied, he'll go outside to kill.

Loster doesn't care whether to kill or not. If this guy loses it and runs away, it's a trouble to find it again..

At this time, there are not many people left in the whole martial arts hall. Those who dare to stay here at this time are more or less powerful and can be regarded as experts..

However, the gap between them and Liu Sheng's five guards at this time is still very obvious, not at all.

Just Liu Sheng's sword intention released with all his strength at this time is not something these people can approach casually..

"Well, next, it's your turn."

Liu Sheng's red eyes stared at loster, his tone was slightly ferocious, and he was very confident, as if he were talking about lunch..

After saying that, Liu Sheng held a knife in both hands, and his face was calm and peaceful, as if he were admiring some god or believing.

[Liu shengliu · blood Yang]

With the lightning attack, Liu Sheng's hands directly waved down at a speed that ordinary people can't see. This speed is very fast..

Even those who read ability on the scene can't see clearly. They can only see Liu Sheng holding a knife over his head with both hands. In a blink of an eye, his hand has fallen and the attack has been waved..

With his chop.

A blood red sword Qi cut that was several times stronger than before and directly attacked LOS..

The blood red light, which is more gorgeous than the sunset, can be said to illuminate the whole hall of the martial arts school in an instant.

In an instant, it was in front of loster.

[how fast!]

It took less than half a second for Nianxiang to come to him from Liu Sheng's attack on the fifth guard gate.

Loster has responded..

The body moved slightly and left the original place directly with a rapid pace, because the sword Qi was obvious, the power spread range was unusual, and the distance he left was not short.

After all, it's too extreme to be affected..

The facts proved that his idea was also correct. It was like the sun falling. Where he struck, he was invincible and everything was broken.

"Bang wipe ~ ~"

The blood Yang chopping attack appeared and disappeared in an instant..

It even makes people wonder if this is an illusion.

However, it is obvious that this is not an illusion, because the directly split martial arts school gate and the ground fissure trace extending for unknown meters are all proof that the previous bloody Yang chop did exist..

Loster looked at the crack on the ground in front of him, which split directly outside the martial arts school. He didn't know how many meters.

I can see that this guy's strength has really improved a lot..

His previous attacks were like a family affair.

Liu Sheng's five guard gate now and he who killed ordinary people before are two levels of existence.

You can get such a powerful improvement when you are young..

Looking at the guy at the level of the former landlord, his strength is really extraordinary.

The attack was dodged. Liu Sheng's five guard gate was not surprised. If the attack can kill, he doesn't need to use this ability.

The distance between the two sides is more than 200 meters, which is not short for ordinary people, but such a distance between them is really nothing..

"What are you thinking?"

Just in a moment, the distance of 200 meters was really nothing for Liu Sheng's five guard gate. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the distance of 200 meters.

He came behind him and waved his long knife quickly as he spoke.

Countless swords and shadows seem to have no connection, and they seem to hide something strange, as if they are involved in these dozens of cuts..