In front of the magnificent Aurora Cathedral of light, there has been no such sacred religious judgment for a long time.

The white marble square is crowded with people. Every breath seems to be under great pressure. Believers push and squeeze to see the supreme glory of the bright red leader.

"The festival of light says that the creator God of light creates the kingdom of heaven. Human beings should have lived in the kingdom of heaven carefree, but because of desire, they open the magic box of original sin and the star screen world, so they fall into the magic box. Only by completing self redemption through selfless dedication can they return to the kingdom of heaven."

The leader of the Great Church in red showed mercy and looked at bainevans on the gallows.

It was pity for the foolish, as if watching an ignorant child.

"Duke benevens, your heliocentric theory thinks that the sun is the center of the universe, the star screen world is a huge spherical celestial body, and countless celestial bodies similar to the star screen world are moving around the sun, which is contrary to the grand ceremony of light , in view of your hereditary status as a duke and aristocrat, you can now complete the final self redemption by modifying the heretical concept of blasphemy against the God of light in the book. "

On the cross, bernevans was very calm at this moment.

He looked at the trial jury of the religious court, at the light Pope overlooking himself from above, at the endless holy light on the top of Aurora's light Cathedral, and the scholars of colleges hidden in the crowd.

He can make a compromise and continue his Duke title on the condition of revising the natural research in the book contrary to the festival of light. He can also make an attempt and give an order to let the scholars hidden in the crowd fight for themselves.

But when he saw the angry eyes of endless believers in the square, he was looking at the intolerance of heretics. He knew his choice.

Bernevans knew that if he resisted, "heliocentric theory" would be the eternal heresy in their hearts. The time for foolish beliefs to rule human thought would be longer, and the truth would be more difficult to break through the thick darkness and bring the brilliance of wisdom, rationality and civilization.

Bernevans slowly turned his head and looked at the twelve cardinals in red on the high platform.

In their eyes, bernevans seemed to see his compassion for himself. In their eyes, the heliocentric theory, which he had worked hard all his life, was just the fantasy of ignorant people.

There must be a martyr in this world who issued a rational cry and died for adhering to the truth!

"There is no bright heaven in the universe!"

Bernevans roared and looked at the people in the square who were drowned in anger and hatred because of his words.

"Damn betrayer, he is still insisting on his heresy and burning him!"

"May the LORD have mercy on this lost lamb..."

"It's ridiculous. He said that the star screen world is a huge sphere? If so, why didn't we fall, ha ha!"

"He said there was no heaven. I will never allow him to defile the sanctity of the great creator of light. Dirty and stupid guy, all the existence of blaspheming the God of light is heresy and will be burned!"

Some people picked up stones and threw them at the fire rack to vent their anger.

Sporadic scholars are so insignificant in the crowd. They look at the endless bright believers around them and the pioneers who are bearing the anger of believers at the stake, leaving unwilling tears.

However, bernevans just calmly endured everything and looked at the sky shrouded by the holy light and roared with emotion.

"The law of truth can never be extinguished by violence. Even the so-called creator of the God of light can never change the law of order among celestial bodies in the universe!"

The mainstream of the twelve big red churches showed disappointment.

This poor fool who died of ignorance is no longer worth saving. His soul will fall into hell and be tortured forever.


Just then!

With the agitation of the holy light at the top of the aurora church, it was the anger of the creator of light. In the tears and surprises of many believers shouting "miracles", the indifferent and calm Pope got up in horror, put on a magnificent divine power from the sky, and drowned benevince on the fire rack.

Bernevans looked up at the magnificent power that did not belong to the secular world, smiled calmly and faced death.

"You will also be angry, you will also be afraid. After all, you are only a higher creature, just a living body that claims to be the God of light, not an omnipotent creator."

The blazing light and fire completely drowned bernevans.

Countless believers knelt down on their knees, filled with tears for witnessing the miracle of light in their lifetime, and vowed to eradicate every heresy, strengthen light and justice until death.

Even scholars who mingle with believers can only yield to theocracy and unwilling to kneel down.

At this moment, imperial power succumbed to divine power, and natural science lost to bright theology.


Among the crowd, some rational people who were loyal believers of the God of light were shocked by the burning of the power of light at the moment of witnessing the birth of the power of light. They were also shaken by their belief in light.

The great God of light, why can't he pity and forgive this fool?


Hundreds of years later.

The Principality of Gran, agate lake town.

"I know your mood very well."

The priest's eyes showed kindness day after day. His white and delicate right hand patted the boy's shoulder to show comfort.

"Although you have the power of prayer and proved your pious belief in the Lord, in order to support the church's expedition to heresy and spread light, Mr. Bob volunteered to donate 100 gold coins. He has obtained the number of missionaries in advance through selfless dedication. You can only wait for next year."

Forty years have passed since the night of the last light crusade. It is said that the incoming new pope can't wait to wash away the shame of the failure of the previous expedition.

Raylo raised his head and looked at the priest with discontent.

"That's what you said when Lars's umpire uncle took the place last year!"

The priest's eyes were still so compassionate.

"A hundred gold coins is enough to teach and cultivate several excellent light knights, and maybe give birth to another arbiter. You give up your own quota, which is also a kind of self sacrifice and dedication, and complete a self redemption."


Although Leiluo looks thin and weak, he is a 17-year-old vigorous boy full of unwilling.

"They don't have the power to pray, and they can't preach the greatness of the Lord at all! And my mother chose to sacrifice herself when she had a difficult birth 17 years ago because of her devout faith in the Lord. On the first day of my birth, I took my original sin and tried to atone for myself! My father, the most devout believer in the small town, hopes that I can become a missionary and go to the remote poor Barren land, preach the greatness of the Lord. Now he is seriously ill in bed. Only when I become a priest can I ask the mercy of the God of light... "


The priest said angrily, "your eyes are full of anger and jealousy, and you don't understand the real meaning of self sacrifice and redemption! You just think of your small family, and you don't think about the tens of thousands of believers persecuted by heresy. Come back when you understand the selfless dedication of the Lord!"

With that, the priest went to the bright and holy church and ignored Ralo's sad plea under the steps.