I... I went? "

Xiao Kang, holding the scroll of flying, stared at the scene.

The swordsmen who were busy cutting the rope on the deck also stared. The silver armor captain, who was just arrogant, suddenly exploded into pieces, and the broken meat mixed with plasma splashed everywhere on the deck.


Wearing a metal helmet, his head fell into the cabin. A passenger with a big belly "ah", fainted on the spot.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Xing slowly put away his bow and arrow, looked at Leiluo, and recalled his trip to the melting pot mountains six months ago.

"Sure enough, this guy!"

White star obviously regards Leiluo as a guy who plays with the enemy and secretly seeks the pleasure of blasting and killing.


Leiluo got up slowly and wiped the blood on his face.

After the first experience, he seemed to get used to it. He pushed the lower body of Captain silver armor aside. Leiluo slowly stood up. The first thing was to lower his head, grope for captain silver armor's body, and look for possible money bags and space boxes

It's a pity.

As a fighter, Captain Yinjia's wealth is far inferior to that of a scholar. In addition, he went deep behind the enemy and went out on a mission. Leiluo fumbled for a long time and didn't even find half a copper coin.

The swordsmen cut off the chains and finally avoided the fate of the airship falling. However, it was just too chaotic. Clara's head didn't know where to roll. Leiluo kept looking. When he saw where, people nearby couldn't help shaking. Obviously, like white star, Leiluo was regarded as a terrible guy who was persistent in blasting and killing.

Especially after this guy got up, he was quite calm, skillfully wiped his face, and directly began to search for the enemy's body.

If this is the first time to do such a thing, shouldn't it be nervous, screaming and all kinds of panic!?

In the cabin, Yulia limped out, held Clara's head and said painfully, "Clara is here."


Furnace fortress is located at the pass of furnace mountain.

After the balloon airship was attacked by the enemy and docked at the air port, it was interrogated by many people. After reviewing and confirming the identity of everyone, it was officially released, and a large number of flying troops were sent to escort the airship.

As for the merits of Leiluo's successful sabotage of the enemy's attack plan, they will not be rewarded until the incident is thoroughly investigated.

"Clara just left. It's my fault."

Bai Xing muttered to himself, tears in his eyes, and blamed himself very much.

Several people watched Clara's body and were slowly carried away by the military headquarters. They were all a little sad. As the daughter of count will, the military headquarters was obliged to give a detailed and full investigation report.

"It's all our fault. We're not strong enough."

Yulia comforted the white star.

Leiluo stared at Clara's body gradually disappearing, unwilling to let anyone see the difference in his heart, and his expression was very calm.

Life and death make people grow.

In particular, scholars who don't know how many specimens they have dissected must learn to look down on the impermanence of life and death. Bai Xing dried his tears, looked at Xiao Kang, Leiluo and Yulia, and took the lead to the airport of the melting pot fortress.

When they got off the airship, the four people could clearly feel the bloody smell in the huge fortress. Soldiers in metal armor walked in groups, and rude abuse could be heard.

White star stood on the top platform of the airport and looked around for a week. He soon found the location of the fortress tower. Different from the tower energy vortex of the grand Academy of natural sciences, the top of the tower is a light blue light column directly into the sky. I don't know what profound meaning it contains.

When four young magicians arrived, the sheriff in charge of the identity examination of the floating personnel in the airport was a greasy, fat man in his twenty-five or six years old. He smiled at the magicians from the St. glanburg Academy of Sciences. After several people took out the college identity certificate, they were released after a little examination.

"Beautiful Miss White Star, if you can't find the ideal style here, Maide, No. 45, building F, Third Street, will give you romance from olsy."

The greasy fat man's eager eyes, the other fat man quit.

"What do you mean, brother? Do you mean that our men in St. granburg don't understand romance?"

The greasy fat man is stronger than Xiao Kang. After looking at Xiao Kang, he smiled and shrugged.

Don't mention what happened between two fat people.

Yulia, with short black hair, was attracted by a small brown Griffin next to the sheriff. She squatted down and gently stroked the fat little guy. Obviously, the little guy also enjoyed her touch and kept rubbing.

"Dragon and lion?"

Griffin, also known as dragon and lion, is called differently in different places.

Leiluo also squatted down and stroked the little guy, his eyes shining.

A trace of greed flashed. Leiluo imagined that the scalpel gently slid over the little guy's soft abdomen, slowly peeped into the mysteries of its physiological evolution structure, recorded it in a notebook, and then soaked it in antiseptic solution as an eternal collection in his specimen room.

Leiluo's hand kept groping on the little dragon and lion. After generally understanding the basic physiological structure of the little dragon and lion, regardless of the little guy's struggle, he smiled and turned it over.

After seeing the teapot shaped thing under the crotch of the little Griffin, Leiluo playfully bounced it.

"It's a male."

Yulia rolled her eyes. The little guy who was ravaged by Leiluo's claws finally couldn't bear the pain anymore and cried.


Leiluo only felt a strong wind coming from behind, like the exhaust box of a balloon airship. He turned his head in amazement, but he was a big guy more than three meters, staring at himself angrily.


Leiluo put down the little dragon lion with a stiff face, and the little dragon lion ran to the big guy's feet.

After seeing the crying little dragon and lion, the sheriff who was hooking up with white star hurriedly ran over and ordered the guards around him to take the angry adult Griffin away. The airport was temporarily chaotic and calm again.

Quite embarrassed to leave the airport, several people also saw the empty defensive power here. This adult Griffin is just one of many flying Warcraft.

The party came to the tower registration office.

Compared with the college tower, the fortress tower is obviously much lower, but stronger.

Hundreds of portraits were pasted on the wall in front of the tower. Leiluo looked at them for a few times. They were all rewards offered by scholars of the Principality of Xilan. They were as few as a few gold coins and as many as thousands of gold coins. They were given various nicknames with the portraits, such as violent hammer, sword of Xilan, thunder controller, corpse divider, shadow of darkness, etc.

Yulia envied, "if only I could be offered a reward."

At this time, a thin old man with a goatee, white hair, dark purple bachelor's clothes, leaning on a magic wand, looked academic and profound.

"Welcome to the furnace fortress. Are you all students of the Academy of Sciences? I'm one of the magician consultants of the furnace fortress. I'm responsible for assigning tasks to students like you, introducing the simple rules of the fortress and arranging suitable accommodation. You can call me ghost master."

The people looked at each other, and the chicken nodded like pecking rice, looking forward to it.

Seeing this, the old man smiled strangely.

"The melting pot fortress is an important military area of the principality, and the conditions are very difficult. However, as a high-pressure aristocrat of the principality, we naturally can't squeeze together with the soldiers, but the fortress resources are limited, and the tower room is empty, cough, cough..."

As he spoke, master ghost kept weighing with his empty right hand, and kept waving his hands, an expression you know.

Seeing this, they didn't know what the ghost master meant, and their faces suddenly darkened.

Leiluo was stunned. He almost took out the letter of introduction from guru GuBo. As a result, the other party even hinted at this. A master even hinted at bribes to several young students. No matter how small mosquitoes are, they are also meat?

What about the agreed principality honor?

What about the noble elegance?

What about the good master's character?

It's totally different from St. glanburg's routine!