"I happen to be able to quench my Nirvana fire with the help of this cold heart!"

After the small piece is engraved.

Leiluo's helpless strange freezing force melted and dispersed slowly under the flame of Angelina.

There was a faint pain everywhere in the left shoulder wound, but Leiluo showed his joy and quickly changed some healing agents.

"It's a pity that your cold heart has too little power to enter the body. Do you remember what the student who hurt you looks like?"

Angelina was discontented and asked with a sigh.

"Er, I don't remember..."

Leiluo quickly turned off the topic.

"By the way, I met a half elf before. Many people fled last night. Why don't we try to search now and try to attack the gathering place and rescue the prisoners at night?"

A proud radian appeared at the corner of Angelina's mouth.

"Before, there were five people on our side. The other two, cherelia of class 3 and odegang of class 14, have been sent out by me to look for others. It was agreed to meet on the hill after 12 p.m."

Seeing Leiluo nodded quite calmly, Angelina first frowned slightly, and then it was difficult to get a channel: "don't you even know cherilla and odegang?"


Raloton looked embarrassed.

"Because I have no title, I have hardly attended social gatherings. I'm really sorry. Are they special?"

No title, that is, civilians.

The reason why he has hardly attended the fellowship party is that Ralo has not really attended it.

In fact, Leiluo was called by Xiao Kang once. However, Leiluo was not of noble origin, had no noble dress, and didn't understand the hidden rules of noble communication. Therefore, he just stayed awkwardly at the party for a while and left quietly.

After all, scholars are made up of nobles.

There are only a dozen people who are born as civilians and eager to change their fate through knowledge.

Leiluo wants to change his destiny through knowledge. In this era, it is more practical for ordinary people to change their destiny by obtaining a title through military merit.

Angelina was speechless.

On the one hand, it is moral and emotional sympathy for raylo.

A civilian even entered the Royal Academy of Sciences for further study. I have to say that he is quite determined and worthy of being a friend of Orn.

On the other hand, it is the contempt of aristocratic instinct.

After all, civilians have cognitive limitations. In a short time, it is difficult to change from those petty Philistines' cognition to the pure pursuit of academic knowledge.

I don't have much expectation for raylo, but I'm worried about it at the moment.

However, although Angelina is arrogant, her heart is quite honest, otherwise she won't come together with Orn. These thoughts just flashed by.

"It's all right. Cherelia is my distant cousin. Odegang's close combat ability is quite good. There is a gap between him and the psychic hull, that is, McGonagall. It should be no different from the strength of Mr. MI. At that time, you should try your best to help and protect yourself."


Raylo nodded.

At this moment, due to the weakness after semi demonization and the damage of the black dragon pattern robe, Leiluo is unable to protect the dragon pattern. Even the robe energy blessing can no longer reach 3 degrees. In this way, Leiluo's strength has fallen from the semi demonization and the quasi appellant level at the peak of the media scroll to the second ladder level.

Such strength is really nothing in the moon trace space node where elites gather.

In addition.

Hearing Angela's metaphor of odegang's combat effectiveness, leilo was also quite ashamed. I didn't know whether she was belittling McGonagall or praising hull.

Moreover, leilo remembers that guru GuBo asked him to pay attention to hull's alienated psychic learning. Unfortunately, he hasn't seen hull several times so far.

The other side.

The dwarf who was called Mr. MI by Angela suddenly showed surprise when he heard that Ralo had seen a half elf.

"Tereas or tecuti?"


Raylo looked at the dwarf, puzzled.

Although I remember that two half elves did come on this trip, I didn't know them at all. Even if I had been with that half elf for a short time, I didn't ask at all.

The dwarf was very impatient, and the red eyed macaque on his shoulder kept jumping up and down, "Zhizhi".

"Yes, yes..."

Trying to think of metaphor, the dwarf finally thought of the right way.

"Is it so thin and healthy, or does it look plump and graceful?"

Leiluo recalled the half ELF's figure. His chest was full and almost burst out. Suddenly he realized, "it's full."

"Oh... My tecuti!"

Seeing the dwarf's excitement, anyone can see that this guy must have a very special relationship with the half elf. Even Angelina glanced at this guy and looked at her smile.

As for what she thinks, only she knows.

The heavy shield warrior had a sense of existence of 0. He didn't speak from beginning to end. His whole body was tightly wrapped by black iron armor. He only showed a pair of frowned and puzzled eyes. I don't know why everyone looked strange.


Angelina said, "there's still a lot to go before the appointed time. One more helper is a helper. Where's the half elf?"

"It should be near the Banshee forest. We should hurry up. It will be very dangerous at night."

Led by Leiluo, the party walked quickly towards the wailing Banshee forest.

I didn't ask about the harvest of several people in the mine, but it's not difficult to see from the look of several people that there must be a lot of harvest.

Especially the dwarf, because he has no space box, his body is small, and the sharp eyed Ralo can see clearly. The money bag around his waist is bulging.

Walked for a while.

Several people came to the middle of the mountain again.

Looking at the distant fighting fire, Angela sneered when she saw Leiluo's worried look.

"Don't worry, that's the wind, fire and thunder determination array personally arranged by ORN and I. In addition, Prince Chen invited two free scholars specializing in magic array. As long as the energy is sufficient, it is by no means that the enlightenment students can break it in a short time. Those Syrians are good at energy runes and mathematical cornerstones, and they know this better than us."


Leiluo nodded and went on.


A group of four people came to the edge of the wailing Banshee forest.

At the moment, the sun is setting, but due to the relationship between space nodes, the transition between day and night is almost a moment. Leiluo stops in front of the forest and hesitates a little.

"There will be a lot of wailing banshees here at night. This creature directly attacks the spirit and soul. We should try our best to be careful to avoid fighting. If there is an accident, we will..."

Before Leiluo finished his words, there was an amazing vibration in the forest not far away. The four people couldn't help but change their faces slightly.

Judging from the shaking force of the ground, I'm afraid this guy's volume is quite amazing.

Understand, several people quickly hide.

A figure appeared in the view of several people. It was a female archer. It was obviously recruited by Prince Chen from the furnace fortress. Although there was no smell of Goddess friendship, there was no smell of curse.

However, when the people looked into the forest, the terrorist group behind her couldn't help taking a deep breath.


"This... This should be a descendant of a King Kong War elephant."

Angelina looked very embarrassed and said, "and look at it, it should have grown up here and entered adulthood. The King Kong War elephant is the front charge mount of the main Corps before the extinction of the Quran civilization!"

Tip: find the blood of Vajra war elephant.

Angela's words were confirmed by the star core, and raylo's eyelids jumped wildly.

Anyone who sees the big guy who is four or five meters tall and six or seven meters long, with a lot of fine light on his dark and rough skin, knows that it can't be handled by several enlightenment students.

And this big guy only has a part of the descendants of the blood of the King Kong War elephant?

Imagine thousands of such guys charging into battle. I'm afraid only the elite crusaders of Aurora's bright empire can compete with them?