After two hourglass hours.

He also controlled a blood crow with the eye of hint. Leiluo still couldn't find the entrance to the second floor.

On the way, he encountered two mutant tree demon creatures, both of which were detonated by Leiluo with harmless hints in the way of Yan Long roaring fire hammer. Some materials were collected as specimens.

The gravity fireball of the dragon roaring wand needs continuous fighting to absorb energy before qualitative change can be completed.

However, Leiluo found that in his current combat mode, after encountering creatures of the same level, it is often after the harmless hint of bubble art, one fire hammer explodes, or two hammers explode after the harmless hint of one fire hammer, and there are few opportunities to continuously absorb energy.

Objective analysis.

In this space, there is no distinction between day and night. When the sun's eye cannot be used, Ralo's strength still lags behind the appellant's level.

During this time, the first stage of Lelo's self-control has finally completed 100% potential development.

The characteristic of self-control is not the qualitative improvement of strength, but the development of potential, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort with other physical exercise methods.


After cursing the passive blessing of the real body, two bottles of D-type body hardener and the slow nourishment of Pisces pendant, Leiluo gave full play to the strength of a formal fighter with the absolute physical strength of a trainee fighter.

Coupled with the hot dragon roaring wand, harmless hint, 1024 night guard shield and dream moon skill, Leiluo can steadily enter the first ladder team of students of the same grade even if he can't give full play to the sun's eye.

The second stage of self-control is the self-control of the heart.

Blood is the basic energy unit of the human body. Look for extremely cold organisms and extremely hot organisms with regenerative ability, constantly inject their blood into the heart, the heart shrinks and expands repeatedly in extremely cold and extreme cold, and strengthen the regenerative attribute factors in the blood, so as to independently control the blood flow rate of the heart and obtain hibernation ability and short-term abnormal Explosion ability.

Raylo mused.

Self control, accompanied by the star core, seems to be the creation of an ancient human who focuses on physical research.

In the first grade, the ignorant Ralo spent quite a long time exploring the first stage of self-control, which really helped him a lot.

However, with the increase of knowledge reserves, especially after the completion of the first stage, raylo gradually found that, like the research on atavistic cloning, this is an inevitable choice for scholars to explore the growth path, and they must give up.

"Self control" and "star academic" are not compatible!

Although self-control was of great help to raylo in the early stage, it was two completely different fields from star academic.

Self control is more like the second potential development of physical function by scholars pursuing physical strength at balda Academy of natural sciences.

But for the star academic pursued by Ralo.

Personal physical strength is only the insignificant evolution of individual organisms in this world. Although it can be helpful for the initial stage to spend time studying these things, in the long run, it is a waste of energy and resources that should have been focused on Star academic.

And as far as raylo knows.

Some of the sophomores have begun to have media partners and have been promoted to level 1 energy magnetic field.

Leiluo took a deep breath, hesitated for several days, and finally made up his mind at this moment.

"Growth always comes at a price."

That is, after "atavistic cloning", Ralo once again gave up the power that seemed to be readily available, just to focus on adhering to his academic ideal.

Just then.

In the distant sky, Leiluo found that a strange red cloud was chasing the two scholars. The red cloud covered an area of more than 100 meters and made a dense "buzzing" sound.

"Demon insects!"

Leiluo quickly lay on the ground to prevent being found by these magic insects, and his heart beat wildly.

My luck was really good. I only encountered deformed blood crows in both flights.

Although I don't know what kind of these demons are, I'm afraid that even if guru Gu Bo encounters them, he will immediately turn around and escape. This is not something that only enlightenment scholars and trainee knights can resist with strength!

The two scholars' flying speed is not fast, which is similar to raylo's bubble technique.

Just as Leiluo watched the two people being swallowed up by the insects, suddenly, one of the people flying in front turned and sneaked into the chasing insects.



The man dived to the ground and fled.

"I'm sorry! One of us must stay here! I'm to complete the divine Oracle of the great sandstorm, and the God of the sandstorm will forgive me! Rest in peace! I'll complete the divine Oracle of the sandstorm for you. From today on, your relatives are my relatives, and I'll take good care of my sister-in-law!"


Dramatic changes.

The swarm of insects surrounded the man and shrunk into a dense insect ball of more than ten meters. With the falling body, it happened to be in the direction of Leiluo!

Leiluo was startled and hurried to the distance.


When the body fell to the ground, it had turned into white bones, and the insects spread in all directions. Some of them chased after Leiluo.

The other part stopped by the skeleton for a moment and followed.

Buzzing, buzzing

There are at least more than 100000 magic insects. Leiluo, who is anxious to escape, looks back a little and can barely see the shape of these magic insects.

This is a red beetle.

The big one is the size of a palm, while the small one is only the size of a nail cap. The surface of the shell is uneven and has many bulges. The sound of dense flapping wings all over the world really cools Leiluo's back.

The swarm of insects kept chasing him. Under the mask of X, Ralo's face was extremely ugly.

"Now, there is only one way."

Leiluo took a deep breath and ran after the fugitive who had killed his companion.

The insects behind him were like a talisman. The dense hum was getting closer and closer. Leiluo was fast. Soon he saw the fleeing figure in the thorn forest of the blood eye tree.

Silently, Leiluo launched the X mask to hunt the mark.

A huge x mark fell on the fugitive's back in the distance, emitting a dazzling light spot that only this mask can see. Leiluo calmed down and tried his best to catch up with the target.

"Please go down to another direction and don't lead the insects!"

The man in front, after turning his head and seeing the chasing insects, shouted righteousness and righteousness.

"One of us must stay here!"

With a sneer, Leiluo repeated what he had just said, and his feet were faster.

Seeing Leiluo getting closer and closer, the insects came overwhelming, and the man's eyes were gloomy.

"Then go to hell!"

The ring in his hand flashed, and a flaming fireball shot at the chasing Leiluo.

Leiluo saw this, but only waved the hot dragon roaring wand.


The head of the wand hit the fireball. In the explosion, the man was happy and his feet burned. However, when Leiluo ran out of the fire again, his face sank again.

The swarm is getting closer and closer.

The man seemed to have made up his mind to drag Leiluo until he was swallowed by the insects. Unexpectedly, he began to release all kinds of primary school skills behind him.

Leiluo had to wave the dragon roaring wand frequently to resist.

Seeing that in a moment, the insects would chase Leiluo, the man smiled.

"Hey, hey, hey! We're here to complete the oracle of the great sandstorm God. He sacrificed himself for the great sandstorm God. His soul will rest forever in the sandstorm kingdom. He wants to thank me for giving him this honor!"

The person in front was awe inspiring and excited.

Because he is not good at speed, at this moment, Leiluo can only pursue a little in a stupid way.

If you really have to, a gravity fireball is sealed in the solidified ring.

The swarm of insects behind us is getting closer and closer.

The front beetle is only more than ten meters away from Leiluo. Even if there is a 1024 night guard shield, if such an overwhelming beetle is surrounded, I'm afraid it will devour itself into white bones in an instant.

"Hey, hey, hey! Go to hell, too. No one can stop the will of the God of the great sandstorm!"


This is a liberal scholar who believes in the God of sandstorm for strength.

Therefore, his strength is not strong.

"Abandon the spirit of knowledge exploration and be willing to degenerate. Your strength will stop here all your life. You are no longer a scholar!"

Under the mask of X, raylo looked at the man with contempt.

In recent years.

The ancient moon family has a growing desire to establish an Academy of natural sciences, but as the main gathering place for believers of the God of sandstorm, the Principality of morsi certainly knows what the establishment of an Academy of natural sciences means to itself.

In this way.

It is not difficult to understand that the God of sandstorm will participate in the so-called exploration of the magic eye world of the ancient moon family.

The people in front continuously blocked Leiluo. Leiluo's hot dragon roared at the wand head, and the volume of the fireball became larger and larger. Just after Leiluo once again resisted the other party's blade of Yuan energy, the fireball burning the crystal hammer head seemed to reach the limit.


The huge 50 cm fireball at the head of the staff suddenly collapsed under the influence of the gravity stone and became a dark red fireball the size of a fist.

The fireball was shining with a little black silk, from which there was an amazing energy fluctuation, which twisted the surrounding air.

The free scholar who fled in front obviously noticed the terrible of the gravity fireball and turned pale.

"Go to hell!"

"No!! you can't kill me! My grandfather is the great Yan devil growler in Xilan, ah..."


Like tofu, the gravity fireball penetrated his wind shield defense. The fireball exploded, but it was firmly bound within meters by the gravity magnetic field, and the broken meat ejected more than ten meters.

The silk hair in front of the X mask was swept by the heat wave and was a little messy. Leilo quickly picked up the space box and continued to run forward.

The insects behind him were attracted by blood mist, broken meat and stumps and stopped.

"Yan devil growler?"

Although I have never heard of the name taboo of the Xilan scholar, it is obviously a powerful existence with great reputation to obtain such a title.

"Hum! You obviously have such a good learning opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it. Instead, you believe in God and covet the power given by God. You deserve it!"

Thinking of the hardships of his study, this man obviously has better conditions but doesn't know how to cherish it. Instead, Leiluo thinks he's even more damn.