Noon sun.

Ralo, who has been lurking underground for three days, returned to the ground.

Today's light red clouds seem thinner than before.

Probably similar to the cloudy, sunny and stormy weather in the human world, there are similar weather changes in the night rule, and today is equivalent to the "cloudy day" of the night rule?

It's really bad weather for night creatures.

The thin sunshine shines on the body, warm, very warm, with a pleasant color.


He had not observed carefully before. Now when he came to the ground, Leiluo found that the shadow of the moon around his body, the complaining spirit and the wisps of black smoke, had disappeared, and the hazy moonlight spirit on the body surface had also disappeared.

At the moment, Leiluo has regained his normal appearance.

It's just a lot more mature than when he left the college. In the depths of his eyes, he showed that he shouldn't be mature at this age.

These are the gravitational properties of raylo's body, leading to the return of these exposed properties to the body.


Although there is no moonlight spiritual barrier, if people of the same level or even a higher level probe Leiluo at the moment, they will be absorbed by Leiluo's body like the moon shadow complaining spirit and moonlight spiritual force, as if they were looking at the eyes of the old monster Corleone and swallowed up by the silence and darkness.

It's like going back to nature after tedious.

After a brief surprise, Leiluo showed a touch of joy.

The body surface shrouded in black smoke and covered by hazy moonlight has become Leiluo's trouble after the initial novelty. This is not only the embodiment of his inability to control his own power, but also will bring great trouble to Leiluo's communication and travel after returning to human society.

After all.

Scholars still maintain a sense of superiority of nobility.

For the tradition of aristocratic origin, in addition to the enthusiasm in research, most scholars have quite high moral quality. Even the old monster Corleone claims to be a gentleman, not to mention the enlightenment scholars who have not left the campus.

Of course, if this change needs to pay the price of exploring the truth, raylo will never consider it.

Fortunately, it is only a positive role in the process of exploring truth.

"The absolute control of power is not just self-control."

After rejoicing, Leiluo went to the depths of pollution.

The weak sunlight seemed to make these blood devil flowers become listless, and their peristalsis speed was very slow, like falling asleep.

The forest is quiet.

Even the blood crow stopped barking.

As for those dangerous night creatures, they completely hid. Leiluo, wearing a camouflage necklace, walked happily to the depths of the forest without any danger along the way.

"Jie Jie, if this weather can continue, we should be able to reach the center of this polluted area soon."


As night approached, Ralo found a hole in the tree.

After moving a huge stone with the power of the moon to induce the tide, Leiluo hid in the tree cave.

The closer to the pollution center, the more dangerous it is. Just like the two mercenary teams encountered before, more and more mercenary teams choose to leave after realizing that the danger of this mission is far beyond their ability.

Of course, many people are reduced to the food of mutated organisms here.


The forest of blood devil flower was boiling again and restored its vitality. All kinds of monsters roared one after another, but Leiluo safely hid in the tree hole behind the stone wall and slept like a mouse.

the second day.

Leiluo, who left the tree hole, looked at the sky and sighed slightly.

Today's luck is not very good.

The sky is overcast, as if it is going to rain at any time, which is a rare good weather for night creatures.

Quack, quack, quack.

There were dense blood crow calls, one after another, and even groups of blood crows left the fog layer and passed low over Leiluo's head.

Not just blood crows.

Some large creatures also seem to be active during the day.

"It has been delayed for three days in the underground cave. The old monster is still waiting outside. We can't delay any more."

Thinking like this, Leiluo resolutely went deeper into the forest.

Fortunately, thanks to the protection of the camouflage necklace, the sense of exclusion of the forest has weakened a lot. At least it doesn't feel like the sense of crisis when entering the forest. Even the blood crows passing overhead seem to regard Leiluo as an ordinary night creature.


After all, this is a dangerous mutant forest.

Even though Leiluo was careful, he was still attacked by an unknown creature.


The sneak attack is extremely fast.

Leiluo avoided the monster's attack with the force of the tide induced by the moon, and cautiously looked at the thing that suddenly attacked him from the shadow of a blood demon flower.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Leiluo frowned slightly when he saw the creature.

The metal skeleton is exposed without skin. Only the joints are constantly crawling flesh and blood tissue. From time to time, soft flesh tentacles stretch out, like earthworms. The sharp metal claws, like a scalpel, exude a sense of killing.

However, contrary to its cold, violent and cruel body.

The monster's head is actually a lovely bear doll, with a cartoon like gentle smiling face, and even two red spots on both sides of his cheeks!


Leiluo suddenly remembered the introduction of derivative animals in blood at night.

The reproduction mode of night creatures is quite different from that of the creatures in the star curtain. Leiluo has a preliminary understanding through the reproduction of blood crows and various polluting organisms.

However, the reproduction mode of blood demon is still a mystery for scholars.

But to be sure.

Although each blood demon is very powerful, even the weakest juvenile blood demon also has a level 1 biological level, but the number of blood demons is not large.

According to the profound rules of evolution, they must be limited by the way of reproduction.

At least, compared with many principality humans in the star screen, the hundreds of millions of terrorist numbers have established countless towns and villages, which can be almost ignored.

In addition to all kinds of ferocious and terrible night creatures, there is also a terrible metal monster, which is the derivative beast mentioned in night blood.

This is a night monster that can compete with Aurora's bright angel!

This is how to describe derivative animals in the blood at night.

They have metal bodies and almost no so-called key points. They act like the wind, have powerful power and appalling survivability. I suspect that this is not a creature at all, but a war weapon created by blood devils, but lack of practical evidence.

If we have to say their weakness, it is that there is no energy attack, intelligent thinking is simple, and the biochemical meat substances at the joints can not leave the unique energy range of the place of night, that's all.

"Derivative beast?"

In Leiluo's induction, the strength of this suspected derivative is not too strong.

of course.

This so-called is not too strong. It refers to raylo after secondary evolution.


The monster attacked Leiluo with more amazing speed, and the smiling bear's face was in sharp contrast to the blade's claws.

Leiluo didn't move, stretched out his right index finger and pointed to the monster.

The tip of the index finger emits a trace of internal energy, the gravitational ripple diffuses in all directions, sucks and pulls the surrounding energy to the tip of the index finger, and the dark red high-density energy ball is formed almost instantaneously.

It's gravity fireball!


The gravity fireball flashed away and exploded on the monster's metal body.

The powerful explosion fire is bound within half a meter by the gravitational field, and the dark red fire contains terrible destructive power.

Explosion impact.

The monster rushing towards Leiluo flew several meters away in black smoke.

The Cartoon Bear's face was burned in large areas, exposing the soft muscle tissue below, like earthworms, intertwined with each other. The metal body was only slightly melted and deformed at the center of the force fireball explosion.

The flesh and blood tissue at the joints seemed to be affected. The activities of the metal monster became quite stiff and struggled to get up.

Ralo walked away with a cold look.

As Leiluo approached, the monster began to struggle violently. Leiluo stretched out his index finger again and blasted it into the soil.

But this time, Ralo's face changed slightly.

"Even if it is innocuous, the gravity fireball can't kill it? Its defense is probably no worse than the formal war weapon!"


Having said that, Leiluo released the third gravity fireball without expression.

The earth has been blown half a meter deep by Leiluo, and the metal monster is still struggling slowly without dying.


Raylo took a deep breath.

"If this guy is really a so-called derivative animal, it's really like the introduction in the book. His vitality is appalling! If he is a formal war weapon, he has been attacked by three gravity fireballs in a row, plus harmless hints to disturb the physical properties, the head spiritual resonator may have been scrapped."

Rillo lifted the thing from the mud pit.

Leiluo noticed that its head was still intact, and its earthworm like flesh and blood tentacles climbed to the joints of its body along the metal bones.

It seems to replace the biochemical meat tissue destroyed by the leilo gravity fireball at the joint.

"Is this thing the prototype of the black smoke tentacle of the magic eye pyramid?"

After Leiluo skillfully put on a pair of white rubber gloves, he was quick in eyes and hands, and clamped a soft tentacle with tweezers.

Ralo was about to put it into glassware when a strange scene appeared!

After the metal tweezers clamped the tentacle, after the initial panic, the tentacle immediately settled down and attached to the tweezers. This feeling is very similar to the characteristics of night crystal that Leiluo accidentally obtained in the alchemy furnace before, and has a very intimate special reaction to metal.

"If this thing is really created by the blood devils, that is to say, those creatures have already learned to use the mysterious energy of night crystals?"

The tweezers were no longer under Leiluo's control, but instead clamped Leiluo's fingers. They were surprisingly powerful and fought back against Leiluo.

Once you come into contact with metal, the power of this thing will change qualitatively!

It's the opposite of the image of a soft bug.


On the head of the metal monster, the tentacles that climbed down also reached the arm joints and replaced the original dead meat. Then the thing sat up again, fighting for time to let more flesh tentacles reach other joints along the metal bones, and fighting back at Ralo.

All these were completed in just over 20 seconds in raylo's concentrated observation.