Half a month later.

Accompanied by the "squeaking" sound of wheels, hundreds of barbarians of the Garu tribe drove sheep carts on the rugged pangura highlands.

Rumble, rumble

The clouds in the sky gradually formed a vortex and made a dull rolling thunder.

"Your Highness!"

Dora in front of the team ran over and looked at Leiluo and said, "elder, let me ask you, there is a dark thunderstorm ahead. Shall we go around the thunderstorm area or find a place to camp temporarily?"

In the eyes of barbarians, sacrifice is God's servant on earth and the symbol and embodiment of wisdom. Therefore, elders will ask for instructions from sacrifice on many important matters.

Especially after the failure of the previous six tribes' joint Jihad, in the eyes of all the Garu tribes, the great God of light obviously has more wisdom and power than the barbarian God.

Leiluo looked up and looked at the terrible thunder vortex in the distant sky.

This is the edge area of the eye of the star curtain. Coupled with the plateau environment, the climate is very unstable, and Leiluo has been in contact with the so-called natural phenomenon of Mingshen thunderstorm in the law of nature.

In the dark thunderstorm area, under the pressure of high-intensity vortex, the cloud will squeeze the thunder from gaseous state to liquid state, form terrible sinking thunder, fall like raindrops and explode on the ground.


Leiluo's words seemed to be the highest instruction.

Soon, the barbarian tribes who were migrating to the east of pangura highland began to settle down and wait for the dark thunder storm ahead to disperse.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

The barbarian soldier who was setting up a stable tent quickly saluted when he saw Ralo.

Raylo nodded.

"Tell the elder that I want to go in and have a look."

"Go in?"

He looked at Leiluo in surprise and said, "priest, it's very dangerous in the dark thunderstorm. In addition to the liquid thunder that will explode, it is said that it will also attract the guardian beasts of pangura highland to appear and devour the power of the thunder."


Raylo looked surprised.

What else?

After thinking about it, Leiluo continued to move forward and gradually moved towards the shadow area below the thunder cloud vortex.

I don't know when the dark thunderstorm will disperse. The Garu tribe may be stationed here for quite a while, and they have a special curse of the super star people. In case a human passes by without being noticed by themselves, it will inadvertently become the target of the super star people. In order to avoid such a thing, go in and stay away from the crowd as far as possible.

Under the whirlpool of thunder clouds, the air seemed to become viscous.

Affected by the strong magnetic field pressure in the sky, the ground stone particles floated and suspended within tens of meters from the ground.

The static electricity in the air made the fur coat fluff stand up.

The wind raged, and the sand soon drowned Leiluo's figure.

Rumble, rumble


Drops of liquid thunder fell to the ground and exploded like a dense black powder bomb.


Supporting the 1024 night guard shield, under the protection of the crystal like transparent film shield, Leiluo looked at the distance of the thunderstorm area behind him. According to the experimental data he obtained before, his cursed pollution area is about one square kilometer in diameter, which should be about the same.

I hope no one is interested in this thunderstorm area.


Suddenly, with the subtle connection between the essence and the real body, what seemed to be what Ralo perceived.

I don't know when, the movement speed of the real body of the star to the place of the star curtain seems to be much faster!

Affected by this, I was blessed by the power of the astral body, and the growth rate also increased several times. At this rate, the astral body may reach the place of the star curtain in another year or two at most.

"What's going on?"

After his astonishment, Leiluo was puzzled.

After thinking about it, Leiluo decided to sit on the ground with 1024 night guard shield and try to establish a will connection with the astral body.


This is a huge red sphere with a diameter of nearly 200 meters.

It is moving slowly in the interlayer of the star curtain floating island at the edge of the atmosphere of the star curtain world.

Above it is the star screen blockade of the super body man, and below it is the natural law protection layer of the star screen world. This sandwich like central area has countless meteorite floating islands.

With this huge sphere as the center, in addition to the majestic heat, there are gravitational ripples that ordinary people can't detect, as if it were crying.

Affected by it.

Countless small stone fragments or absorbed by it rub the natural laws that permeate its surface, turn into a fireball and fall to its thick mantle surface.

Or around it, struggling to resist its unparalleled level 4 gravitational magnetic field and becoming something like a microsatellite.

This is also one of the basic physical rules it has.

The star screen world revolves around the sun. I don't know how many years it has existed.

Superbody stars and star screen floating island layers have been operating around the star screen world for more than 40000 years.

The birth time of Leiluo star is very short, only a little more than two years, but with the moment of its birth, its unique birth history has given it some very different physical rules.


The surface of the earth is cracked. The depths of the cracks are white flames. But when these flames reach the surface, they become red and red. This is the unique physical law attribute of its unique star essence.

The solar force extracts JINGWAH radiation, triggering reactions such as chain reaction, fission and fusion, releasing the incomparable solar physics rule strength in the way of losing quality, and after collecting the star essence, the star body has the power of the sun.

In this way, Leiluo star is like a small sun, constantly releasing light and heat to the void of the universe.

Only because its total internal mass is too small and insignificant compared with the real sun, so that only the creatures in the star screen world directly below it can barely feel its existence.

The moon brings in the tide.

The essence of moon can also be called the essence of superbody.

This is a variant of the essence of the screen, which is polluted by the super body.

Its existence enables Leiluo star to have some special physical magnetic field control ability, which is similar to the basic ability of star siphon and star curtain blockade, but it is also too insignificant compared with the real star siphon and star curtain blockade of superbody stars.

Star Screen essence.

This is the instinctive will of the star screen world to protect itself and the variable power to promote the adaptive evolution of its surface organisms.

Leiluo star, which has obtained this attribute, takes the power of fire as the source of life. For the life on its body surface, losing the fire of the sun is like the creatures in the star screen world losing water, so as to promote the growth of grievances. However, these grievances, like the vegetation in the star screen world, are at the lowest end of the food chain and nourish the growth, variation and evolution of higher organisms.

Xiaobai is like the patron saint of Leiluo star. While absorbing the power of the sun and the moon, Xiaobai is mobilizing the unparalleled energy of nature every day and promoting the evolution and variation of three-phase rats.

It is worth mentioning that.

The small insulating essence of raloxin actually blended with its natural rules and incorporated itself into a part of the self energy cycle.

Therefore, the thickness of the atmosphere formed by Leiluo's natural law has far exceeded its due degree, making this celestial body with a diameter of less than 200 meters look almost 300 meters in diameter.

that day.

According to Leiluo's account, Xiaobai tried to eat the broken stones of Leiluo star while walking. After digestion, he defecated the fertile soil, changing the real soil structure of the star a little. It hummed a tune.

"Grass is what you eat and milk is what you produce. Is there still such a diligent grass, tree and ginseng spirit in the world? Gaga, when you arrive at the star screen, you have to pay that bastard Leiluo for the ice cream machine! I don't know how my Lilly baby is, and my real reason * * *, I really want to go back early, Hei hei..."

She was so flirtatious that Xiaobai kicked the tall and thin dog leg around her.

"Do you think so?"

The pea seedling spirit riding a three phase mouse quickly nodded desperately.

"Hey, hey."

Satisfied Xiaobai smiled with satisfaction.

Just then, it seemed to notice something and looked up at the sky.

"What is that?"

In the distant space outside Leiluo's atmosphere, a giant beetle of more than 30 meters is slowly emerging from the other end of the meteorite floating island with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

It was a powerful creature that had briefly communicated with Ralo.