"Hey! Don't tell me that the Apostle is here and calls the Unknown God behind him!"

A magic handsome, staring at the gap in the thick cloud, revealed the dark red giant eyes of the iceberg, and swallowed hard.

Its voice went from low to high, and finally to hysterical roar.

"Impossible, impossible."

The third level evil eye devil, under the pressure of the sun's eye, constantly denied himself.

Don't admit the facts in front of you.

"There is no temple, let alone a torrent of faith. How can we support the coming of gods? It's impossible!"

"Even the gods have come, and to this extent... It is beyond the scope of our war. Unless the decadent God or those near attendants come, we will never win the war!!!"

After the Four Eyed devil screamed, he took the lead in escaping to the distance regardless of the deterrence of Leicha evil eye king.

The rest of the magic Shuai no longer hesitate.

While the dark clouds in the sky continued to break up, the sun once again fell on the earth.

God level war destroys the sky and the earth. Even the demon kings may die at any time, but they can't stop it.

The dark magic cloud is getting lighter and lighter, and the crack is getting bigger and bigger.

The exposed area of the unprecedented giant sun eye summoned by Leiluo is also getting larger and larger.

Its emergence has not only caused great psychological oppression to the demons on the ground, but also human beings.

"What the hell is that?"

A sense of inferiority emerged in the hearts of several members of the sky knights.

Even when the dragons and eagles under them looked up at the sky, they couldn't help crying in horror, their bodies were stiff and trembling, as if there was an indescribable terrible giant peeping here in the unknown.


Paint the night sky.

The sunlight with a diameter of more than 1000 meters refracted from a distant place once again shines on the earth and envelops the tower.

The demons who have just poured into the tower are now moaning in the shadow, constantly trying to rush out of the shadow and fly back to the darkness with the demons.

No way.

After tens of thousands of years of underground survival and evolution, their skin has obtained extremely strong vitality, sensitive perception and various hiding abilities. At the same time, their skin has degenerated and had extremely serious allergic reactions to the sunlight that surface organisms are exposed to all year round.

If there is no energy protection, the skin of these demons will "Zi" after contacting the sun, emit violent white smoke and endure the pain of burning.

The omni-directional energy control ability also needs at least level 2 higher magic soldiers to have.

Take this opportunity.

Scholars rushed into the tower and cleaned up the demons that had just poured into the tower. They must not enter the top area.

The top of the tower, the source of energy.

Ralo was relieved.

For these underground creatures, sunlight is an ecological disaster, but it is a protective barrier for mankind. At the moment, the "pocket" disaster blow caused by itself in a range of more than 1000 meters is, to some extent, the power mastered by the lighthouse civilization.

Use the law of evolution to cover, protect yourself and destroy the enemy!


Ralo knows that's not enough.

At least it is far from enough to extinguish the ambition and desire of the Leicha evil eye king in the dark.

Once the power of the noumenon called by itself is exhausted and the sunlight refracted by the noumenon disappears, it will surely make a comeback tomorrow night or the night after tomorrow.

At that time, the crisis of life and death will come again!

In that case.

After Leiluo's short rest, the warm sun fell on his clothes.

It is the sunlight that comes from the deep space of the distant universe hundreds of millions of kilometers away. The eternal brilliance of the sun falls here after being refracted by a celestial body with a diameter of more than 100 meters at the edge of the atmosphere of the star screen world.

Slowly looked up and his face became warm.

The bloody breeze swept his hair. Leiluo stared at the sky. It seemed that the sun was a little harsh, and he closed his eyes.

Everything in the world has a gravitational magnetic field.

It's wonderful.

Even if it is a distant distance and gradually weakened to the limit, it will not disappear completely. It will spread to the unknown end in the form of ripple.


What raylo wants to perceive is not his own eyes, but his own gravitational magnetic field instinct.


It was a 36 meter long irregular floating island fragment at the outer edge of the atmosphere at an angle of 77 degrees in the direction of Leiluo at seven o'clock. It floated at a speed of 325 meters per second, resisting the pull of the gravitational magnetic field of the star screen world.

There are hundreds of millions of such small and medium-sized floating island debris at the edge of the world's atmosphere, which is difficult to calculate.

Leiluo, who stands at the peak of the tower and is the source of energy, suddenly opened his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he pulled his hands and roared low.

The four-level gravitational magnetic field has been able to support raylo's long-awaited higher learning.

"Star meteor art!"

This is no longer the meteorite strike that Leiluo used his own gravitational magnetic field to slowly lift high-quality stones into the air.

The power of meteorite art is just one of thousands of natural laws. It is still bound by the natural laws of the star screen world and restricted by the limits of the caster.


StarCraft is different!

Its power has transcended the natural laws of the star screen world and involves the laws of cosmic physics.

When Leiluo entangles with the magnetic field of this floating island fragment with its gravitational magnetic field ripple, changes its trajectory and pulls it down from the inherent orbital law, the impact force is no longer just Leiluo's own energy, but its mass and speed after floating for tens of thousands of years, as well as the macro pull of the gravitational law of the star screen world!

Rumble, rumble

The dull sonic boom gradually came from the high altitude, which made the humble creatures on the ground have a sense of depression that is difficult to breathe.


The evil eye king of Leicha in the dark shadow stared at the fire gradually blooming in the high sky.

With the rumble of doomsday depression, it was the friction and collision between the natural laws of the star screen world and it, a miracle he could not understand.

The giant meteorite, accelerated by gravity, kept falling, leaving a trail of thick smoke hundreds of meters long, impacting here.

The creatures on the ground can't help staring at the bright beauty that lights up the night sky.

For a time, they had the illusion of death before the ecological extinction!

That is the glorious civilization destruction experience that they have witnessed in the long biological evolution history of the star screen world, inherited in the deepest memory of their cells!

"Be sure... Accurate."

The source of energy.

At the moment, it is not easy to summon Leiluo who fell from the meteorite.

He must be bound by his own gravitational magnetic field, try his best to affect the orbit of the falling meteorite and ensure that it is under his absolute control.


In case of deviation, it's not a joke to cover yourself in the scope of influence.


The fireball falling at an ultra-high speed quickly cut through the night sky and burst out like the sun on the not far horizon.

The nearby demons were evaporated in this terrible light, leaving only a layer of shadow on the ground.


Accompanied by the terrible flame heat wave, a visible shock wave swung away in all directions with the power of destroying Gula.

The land was opened layer by layer, tearing up the shadow imprinted on the ground by high-temperature evaporation, almost the same as in the death storm.

The humble creatures below level 2 who do not master energy control are involved in the storm and have only a dead end.


After that.

It was an earth shaking explosion, like the roar of doomsday volcano, drowning everything along the way.


Several members of the sky Knights far from the core of the explosion were like wooden boats in the rough waves.

The tower's energy shield flickered.

Even ankalev and Xiaohei can't help but make a defensive posture in the violent turbulence and wait for the chaotic past.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

After the meteorite fell to the ground and exploded, it split into thousands of smaller fragments and bounced up at an obtuse angle to the falling orbit, causing a second blow.

All this is in raylo's calculation.


The turbulence finally stopped.

In the night, there were burning high-temperature flames everywhere.

Looking from a distance, on the not so far horizon, a hot crater nearly 300 meters in diameter and bottomless appeared out of nowhere!

Lava flows in the crater.

This is the underground nest developed by the evil eye king of Leicha. Leiluo accurately attacked it with the skill of star meteorite and destroyed it with one blow.

In the further direction, there are hundreds of craters with a diameter of more than ten meters!

Such a blow.

Although the absolute damage caused by the overwhelming demons is only 12 / 10, which still does not affect the absolute power, the deterrent shock of these demons is incalculable.

After all, no one is willing to survive the war completely by luck, including anemo and the Leicha evil eye king!

Anemo hoped to avoid the next divine war by killing the Bone Demon grandmother.

The evil eye king of Leicha hopes to avoid the next god level war through Leifeng sacrifice?

"Such magic, the existence behind him..."

The burning stones sliding at high speed fell on the metal body of Leicha evil eye king, making a harsh friction sound of metal collision. It was indifferent and silently looked at the top of the distant tower, the figure who summoned the great power of divine skill.

One third of the towns were completely destroyed in the impact storm.

But it doesn't matter.

At present, Leiluo overlooks the dark place shrouded by the sun, and has not seen the figure of the Leicha evil eye king.

"Hum, hum, I'm Royal Academician [the power of the sun] Leiluo. How dare you touch my field? If you don't get out of here, you'll die!"

Ralo's undisguised roar of contempt rang through the sky.


Staring at the human figure and deeply imprinting it on the bottom of his heart, Leicha evil eye King no longer hesitated and fled to the distance in the dark.

Although Nirvana phoenix eggs are precious, they are not worth it compared with the divine danger they have to face now.