Rumble rumble.

It was the oppressive sound of giant celestial bodies passing through the atmosphere. After a short pause of will, everything returned to calm again with the gradual extinction of the boiling fire.


Ralo, who had been frozen for several hourglass times in the dark ice, opened his eyes again.

Shadowy, he saw a completely breathless fuzzy shadow, and looked at the solid ice that made him unable to move, flashing past him.

"Creatures that shuttle freely through matter? No, there should be some special conditions."

With the support of the real body power of the noumenon, his limbs and bones were full of energy. In the dull hum of continuous struggle, with the fine cracks of the ice around him, ray Luo's body surface also showed wisps of pale fire.

It is a flame that breeds vitality from the deep vein of Leiluo.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, in the ice layer surrounded by strange black unknown substances, these unknown black substances are like shadows, dispersed by pale fire.

Then there is the continuous melting of ice.

"Level 4, singularity!"

A low murmur.

This black bubble is different from the previous three-level black singularity.

Already close to the law of gravity, it impressively distorts and absorbs the light emitted by raylo's body surface, which makes it look like a strange black hole surrounded by light.

Such a wonderful magical scene, let Leiluo, who is in danger, show a lot of indulgence.

Black bubbles easily dissolved through the solid ice at the top of raylo.

Click, click, click


The black bubble collapsed the ice with a diameter of more than three meters above Leiluo's head into the dark bubble. Affected by this, only the back part of Leiluo could escape its strange suction force and spread outward, and the light of the rest was distorted to it one after another.

"Because the structure is more stable than in the solar furnace laboratory?"

Raylo's thoughtful color.

With enough space to move and no longer bound by the ice, raylo waved to it and lifted the black bubble.

Affected by this, at the moment, even the white flame behind Leiluo twisted 180 ° and rushed to the black ball the size of a fist.

Raylo seemed to hold an infinite mass.

"The law of physical gravity?"

He frowned slightly. The deep feeling of peeping into the tip of the iceberg made him feel at a loss.

It was the first time that people who had lived in the mountains saw the shock of the sea.

Breaking through the critical value of the sun's essence and causing the fission reaction, the force of the radiation law is the power that Ralo first discovered, because he firmly believed in the truth of the heliocentric theory, believing that this is the most powerful force in the universe.

According to the principle of the second real body of the tree of truth, Leiluo breeds vitality with his real body and collects the evolutionary overflow in the closed cycle of all creatures. This is the force of natural vitality. Leiluo shapes the subtle connection with the noumenon, which is the force of law he comes into contact with the second time.


Leiluo found the mysterious change of the law of gravity. For a time, his world outlook was slightly confused.

He gazed at the black sphere whose internal matter was in an astonishingly active state.

It is like an embryo. Although it has not been formed and has not really appeared in the form of the law of gravity, its ancient, noble, profound and vast powerful breath, as if the most essential framework between the universe, is something that Leiluo can not feel from the radiation law of Heliocentric theory.


Doesn't this mean that the force of the sun, the center of the universe in heliocentric theory, is not the real source?


The idea was just formed for a moment and then erased by Ralo.

For scholars, this is a very dangerous thing!

The higher a scholar is, the more focused he is on his world outlook and the direction of truth pursuit. He is unswerving and must not have any doubt. Otherwise, he will be half hearted and destroy his future.

Similar to Gauss Adolf, who pursues the laws of nature, and Antonio, who pursues the profound meaning of evolution, they represent the worldview framework of the older generation of scholars. It is impossible to pursue the objectification of a certain force of law with Ralo and Sicily as the watershed.

Leiluo and Sicily should also follow this constraint. Perhaps one day, they will become the shackles of a new generation of scholars and exert pressure on them to expel bad coins from good ones.

If there comes a day when….

When the concept of a world closer to truth is formed, the scholars of the generation of Ralo and Sicily will become bad money of the new generation!

Not even Ralo and Sicily.

These ancient creatures in the ground also migrated to the underground world because of this bondage.


Holding the black singularity light ball, Leiluo's figure broke the ice wall, floated out silently, and returned to the crack of the snowstorm again.

Leiluo at the moment, in the eyes of other creatures, is a grotesque virtual shadow with distorted luster, just like a creature out of illusion.

He looked down at the fourth level singularity in his hand.

The collapsed material inside has become extremely unstable and may explode at any time due to the violent movement between materials.



The black ball flashed away. With the violent explosion, an ice pit with a diameter of about three meters was blown out on the solid black ice.

The firmness of the ice here is several times that of the above!


Leiluo also restored the burning human form from a strange biological image distorted by light and shadow.

He collected some black powder produced after the singularity explosion and some black ice crystals.

The black powder is the fine dust formed after the pressure of collapse material is released after the fourth level singularity operation.

As for the black ice crystal, it is the mysterious matter of this space, not even matter, because Leiluo found that particles could not be extracted with his portable microscope, which is likely to be closely related to some power of the wall shadow devil rebels.

Hoo Hoo

Several frozen human remains have been preserved for hundreds of years.

With the blown ice scattered, in the fierce wind in the abyss, affected by the severe pressure at the bottom of the abyss, these fragments of human remains flew high into the crack and became the food of those surface abyss creatures.

"Without the painting, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the clue of mubi love here. I hope it hasn't been eaten by the abyss tyrant."

Raylo took out a box.

Inside is a bloody strip.

This is the blood token given to Ralo by the painted skin for long-distance communication.

Some energy is input into the blood token. Affected by this, the blood color strip is like a gecko with a broken tail, crawling slightly, and the internal blood energy is constantly consumed.

It seems that due to the influence of subtle laws in the cold wind of the abyss, Leiluo can't use it to connect with the painting skin noumenon, but can only vaguely perceive the general direction of its nearest noumenon.

Frown slightly and Ralo put away the blood token.

He gazed at the bottom of the dark abyss with a steady stream of violent cold wind. He must take advantage of the strongest time period after communicating the body, find the Canary as soon as possible, and then use the Canary to find the target.

"Astral body, open."

Amazing flames, supported by sufficient energy, continue to erupt.

Gradually, Leiluo suddenly turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of 15 meters. In this dark, cold and strong wind, it continuously radiated amazing light and heat around.

For a moment.

In the cold dark abyss, it is like a sun rising slowly!

Although the real body of the star is a little smaller than the real body of raylo, it should also be able to support raylo to dive into the bottom of the abyss.

Rumble rumble!

With unparalleled pressure, this huge fireball dragged out a long flame trail and dived deeper into the dark abyss.