The normal auction lasted about two hourglass hours and ended late at night.

You can see.

As the mysterious man offered 600000 West Flower coins to bid for the high price, which pushed the auction to a climax, the dark tide surged in the venue. Even some big people who rarely appeared on weekdays joined the auction one after another. They secretly communicated with each other and peeped at the mysterious scholar wearing an X mask in the back row from time to time.

Around Leiluo, the sergeant who "rescued" a Xilan woman was uncomfortable.

"The three presidents, the three generals, and the few members and ministers who hardly appear on weekdays have all arrived."

He has an ugly face.

Because too many eyes looked here from time to time, including his immediate boss, sir.

His vigilant eyes made him on pins and needles. He wanted to end the auction immediately and leave the depressed venue.


When the last dragon Eagle egg as the final auction item ended the auction at the price of 3200 West flowers, the eight character beard auctioneer was full of enthusiasm and bowed affectionately.

"Beautiful ladies and gentlemen, the good time is always short. It's time to say goodbye to you again. I believe most of you got what you want at this auction, but didn't get the corresponding harvest..."

"Master Suk."

[three eyed devil Frog King] Dean Amway interrupted the auctioneer's routine closing ceremony.

He said solemnly to the people in the auction house: "an emergency secret meeting will be held here. Except for the members of the Supreme Committee, others should leave quickly."

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Almost for the first time, the people who took part in the auction near Leiluo seemed to escape the God of plague and scrambled to disperse. Leiluo alone continued to sit in his place leisurely and calmly, looking quite abrupt, silently waiting for the idlers to leave the venue.

A moment later.

With a "squeak", the heavy metal gate of the conference hall closed slowly. In addition to Leiluo, there were only 13 people, seven scholars and six generals left in the conference hall.


Suddenly, with the full power operation of the energy source of the high tower, the defense barrier in the venue was opened to the highest guard level in an instant, which made most of the remaining more than ten people in the venue show surprise and shock.

"I let the command room open."

The [three eyed devil Frog King] Dean Amway on the high platform said so.


A veteran general said angrily, "this is the highest level of war mobilization. Once facing the invasion of foreign enemies, our tower guard cannot operate at full power. Will you bear the consequences!"

[three eyed devil Frog King] when President Amway heard the speech, he stared at the calm figure in black and inhaled deeply: "it's him after all. Even if we use any means, it's not too much."


Everyone looked at the mysterious man at the back of the meeting.

All they know is that a strong man with unknown intention came to the auction. Amway used the emergency convening signal of the Supreme Council to know the superficial causes and consequences through others.

People's eyes no longer hide, one after another fell on the mysterious scholar in black bachelor's clothes, as if they wanted to see some clues under his x mask.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, Jie, Jie, Jie."

Leiluo, sitting on the back bench, gave out a heavy laugh, which made everyone present feel nervous.

His eyes, which seemed to reflect the truth of the orbit of cosmic celestial bodies, looked at the people on the high platform and said with great interest, "I seem to smell the smell of fear in you?"

"What do you want!"

[three eyed devil] Amway stood up and said, "even if we hide here, you won't let us go!"

"Jie Jie......"

Leiluo shook his head slowly, but didn't speak. He just looked around the venue and punched everyone.

"Amway, you urgently summon us. Who is he!"


One of the elderly scholars swallowed his saliva hard, his body trembled uncontrollably, then sat on the ground paralyzed and said in horror: "he just, how terrible!"

Aware of the seriousness of the situation, several scholars took a step back slowly.

The veteran generals took out their weapons one after another. At the same time, a layer of blood-colored spirit visible to the naked eye appeared on their body, like a violent giant ready to go in their body.

Ceiling, wall and ground, layers of energy junctions emit light visible to the naked eye, and the electric light flashes and dies.

As if facing a great enemy, the crowd watched the man in black get up slowly in his seat.

He gave the paralyzed old man a surprised look.

"It's nice to be able to see through my power."

Leiluo's praise made the old man's face more ugly.

But in the eyes of other people, Leiluo at the moment has almost no energy and no danger. Even if they didn't see it with their naked eyes, they would hardly notice Leiluo's existence.

Compared with the prudence of scholars, several experienced generals should be brave... Or much more reckless.

"Playing tricks, my name is Zhou Engels!"

The white bearded old general in armor has a ferocious and violent face and can't restrain his intention to fight.

With his roar, the magnificent spirit in his body suddenly condensed into a crazy beast like a steel backed giant ape. The seats around him flew around with the terrible air flow emitted by his body.

Immediately, the terrible giant rushed towards the seemingly weak figure and pressed the mountains.


In a twinkling of an eye, another female scholar who had been silent launched the speeding state with the body of thunder. Unexpectedly, she was late and came first, exceeded the speed perceived by ordinary people's vision, and instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters and appeared on the side of the mysterious figure.

The thunder hammer inlaid with exquisite gemstones in her hand waved with the dignified eyes full of noble and beautiful faces.


In the state of speeding, she saw the figure who remained in place. With a sudden glance of her eyes under the X mask, her face, who thought the raid had been successful, changed greatly.

"Dong" sound.

The thunder hammer seemed to hit an invisible boundary. It was difficult to score half a point at a distance of meters from the mysterious man.

The mysterious man slowly turned his head and looked at her.

She seemed to hear the sarcasm of the other party under his mask.


At this time, the bold beast transformed by the old general white beard came late, fell from high altitude and hit the little spot in his eyes with his fists.

A creepy scene appeared!

The black robed man who looked sideways did not even look at the violent beast falling from the sky. He just calmly stretched out his right hand to it, and a bubble formed on the tip of his index finger and bounced out.


The next moment.

The original magnificent beast was faster than when it rushed. It flew to the high wall and hit it hard. Even though the wall was protected by many barriers, the terrorist impact still centered on the beast and spread cracks.


The old general at the center of the crack vomited a mouthful of blood and looked at the motionless figure in shock and disbelief.

Other people who didn't start or were ready to start, saw this scene, suddenly sweating and stunned, like falling into an ice cave.


Impressively, a two-color thunder fell from guarding the border.

Gold and blue electric arcs twined around each other, emitting terrible energy that made the air burn, and attacked the mysterious figure in black robe.


The violent lightning burst and drowned the mysterious figure.

"Damn it! Amway, who is this pioneer? When did we provoke such a terrible guy? He hasn't even started his real strength up to now!!!"

Hysterical screams of fear, a middle-aged female scholar who can't bear the great pressure, shows a slight gaffe.

"He is Ralo GuBo! The nightmare of the Gran nobility, the destroyer of the Principality of Gran, and the king of radiation waste land!"

Amway also roared hysterically.


No one was able to remain calm, and several scholars even turned pale on the spot.

No one knows the horror of that person better than them. This is not the powerful scholar they can face. A perfect fighter integrating strength, wisdom, experience and cruelty.

"We're done..."

The electric light gradually dispersed and a magical scene appeared.

In addition to the initial explosion electro-optic, the other two-color electro-optic even formed an extremely unstable light ball.

No one will doubt the terrible energy contained in it!

However, the electric ball is slowly rotating around raylo in a very stable trajectory, just like the planets around the sun.

"I seem to see the power of an ancestor from you."

Leiluo stared at the beautiful female scholar on his side, although the other party's real age is likely to be much older than himself.

"His name is [thunder controller] sugrian."

"He... Is my mentor."

The beautiful female scholar has been completely shocked by the rolling power shown by Leiluo, which is a higher-level power that destroys the withered and decadent and sweeps all directions, and the level of desire she can't face.


Leiluo's voice seemed to take him back to that era.

When the powerful principality of Ceylon fought in all directions and the Principality of Gran was forced to resist, the thunder giant was out of reach.


[three eyed devil Frog King] Amway roared, "we are already like this. Why don't you let us go? Is it because of your civilian background that you will kill us all?"

"Let you go?"

Raylo turned and looked at the old scholar.

"If you continue to hide, how long can you hide? Do you think that the principality will continue like this, forever? The land of the star curtain will continue like this, forever? Mankind will continue like this, like a cockroach and mouse, which may be slapped to death by passers-by at any time and forever?"

Leiluo said faintly, "do you think the radiation waste land is the final result I want?"

"What do you mean..."

Hearing what Leiluo said, it seemed that there was a turn for the better. Amway asked cautiously.

Standing with his hands down, Ralo looked at the crowd,.

"The old era has passed. I'm here to formally invite you to participate in the scholar civilization conference held by me, establish a new era, reshape human order and establish a civilization only belonging to scholars. The thing in your hand is my invitation letter. The secret you can understand depends on your own wisdom. Are you willing? ”

When they heard the speech, they took a deep breath and stared at each other, with complex expressions of loss and surprise.


Raylo got the expected answer.