Two meter diameter bubbling aircraft, moving in reverse along the submarine undercurrent.

After three months of tracking, Bai Lan inferred from a large number of data and came to a conclusion that this submarine undercurrent, like countless death vortices on the mainland, is likely to be a trace left by some extremely terrible cataclysmic weapons after an ancient war of destruction.

But obviously, the weapon that left this violent undercurrent should be a biological civilization based on the ocean.

There are many similar undercurrents in the ocean, and anthropologists have found hundreds of them with detailed records.

However, the ocean current that stretches hundreds of millions of kilometers across the bottom of the ocean and has exceeded two star screen units according to white and blue estimation still seems to have no end, but it is quite rare.

After all, if calculated according to the same number of death vortex destruction weapons, this is almost equivalent to a super death vortex covering the whole principality at one time. Even in the boundless death desert, this super vortex is probably quite rare. At least, it has never appeared in the information contained in scholars' road signs..

"It seems that at least in a certain period of time, a super powerful civilization has been born in this ocean, which is a higher civilization far beyond the current human academic circles."

Bai Lan draws a cold conclusion from a large number of data inferences.

The more she devoted herself to the task of this racial war, the more deeply she felt that she was not fighting alone, but represented the will of a civilization. She stood at the peak of a civilization's science, technology, consciousness and productivity, groped in the vast darkness, and carefully faced every unknown creature and enemy she came into contact with.

The result of one's own thoughts is likely to be the complete destruction of a civilized species similar to human beings in thousands of years... Or the extinction of human beings themselves.

Dong Dong Dong!


There is a specific frequency signal coming from the sonar receiving device of the foam aircraft, which makes the white blue that has been in the latent exploration for a long time suddenly alert. Fortunately, the ultrapure water characteristic of the foam aircraft can provide her near perfect concealment in the deep sea, so she is not too worried about being discovered by other creatures or civilizations in the same case.

The position perceived by sonar is not far, it's only a few thousand kilometers away.

This distance is almost negligible for advanced civilized aircraft with curvature space-time jump technology.

Bai Lan carefully manipulated the aircraft, and even his breathing was as light as possible.

The sea current environment has not changed, and she has not found any trace of civilization.

After sneaking for some distance, she finally found a rising super submarine volcano from the bottomless trench. There was a violent conflict between the magma in the earth's core and the sea water, but it formed a combination, mutual integration and mutual restraint, which led to the nearby sea area like an oil pot, forming an extremely terrible death field.

The field seems to be a huge bubble.

In this death field, under the high sea bottom pressure, the temperature will rise from negative degrees to hundreds of degrees in a very short time, and it is likely to fall to the bottom of the valley from hundreds of degrees. Such frequent changes will be a disaster for any material and life in the field.

Bai Lan didn't approach rashly.

Through data observation, even for her ultrapure water aircraft, it is a huge disaster in this death field. I'm afraid it will cause irreversible damage to the internal structure if it can't last too long. However, this place has long been far away from the star screen. Once the aircraft is damaged, she will face crisis and despair that she can't return to the society of anthropologists in her life, Even if we can survive, we will never see a second human, living like a beast.

What despair it will be.

But here, the signal with that specific frequency is abnormally close.

After waiting for nearly an hour of hourglass, Bai Lan finally got an accurate conclusion that the signal source is only a few kilometers away from here, and for such a short distance, for a bubble vehicle, it is just an instant.

As long as it does not stay in this terrible death field, it should not cause too much damage to the aircraft.

Thinking of this, Bai Lan made up his mind.

Her mission this time is to find all clues about the tidal civilization, lock the coordinates in the unknown darkness as far as possible, and destroy the civilization before it has undergone technological overflight to improve the civilization level.

It's about the life and death of an anthropologist. Even if she takes risks, she will do her best!


At the moment when the foam vehicle broke into the field of death, the seawater under the super high pressure was below freezing point, and the ultrapure water of the foam aircraft produced an adaptive structure to resist the influence of the external environment.

But this situation lasted less than ten seconds.

From below freezing point to ultra-high pressure boiling, the transition to Baidu was completed in just a few seconds.

The adaptive structure of the ultrapure water flying messenger didn't even have time to change, so it suddenly fell back below the freezing point. After repeated falling, white and blue could obviously feel the truth, and the ultrapure water protective shell was becoming fragile.


Even though he had expected this situation, Bai Lan still felt that he underestimated the danger he might encounter.

But fortunately, the sonar source is getting closer and closer.

Ultrapure water aircraft passed by.

Almost without a pause, white blue captured the device explored by the sonar source, which is a crystal clear water drop crystal aircraft!

It is smooth, almost without any surprise, as if it were a perfect work of art.

There is no time to make a detailed analysis of this apparently damaged alien civilization aircraft. She must escape from this terrible field that is extremely unsuitable for life before her ultrapure water aircraft has been completely irreversibly damaged.

Didi Didi.

"Tip: find the law structure of anti gravity anomaly."

The voice of tutor Leiluo came from the aircraft. This is an early warning device specially installed and disassembled by the grand Academy of natural sciences for the aircraft.

Through the alarm light curtain, Bai Lan finally understood the reason for the formation of this terrible death field.

This is another unknown and terrible civilization. It destroyed the crustal structure of the trench with the cataclysmic weapon of the law of anti gravity, resulting in this abrupt super volcano and forming this terrible death field.

The reason why this civilization used anti gravity law weapons to destroy the crustal plate here is probably to cut off the catastrophe of the submarine undercurrent and resist this terrible ocean current with law weapons.

It's a defense mechanism!

Sure enough.

When white blue piloted the ultrapure water aircraft out of this terrible death field, although the submarine undercurrent still exists, its scale and intensity have been significantly reduced by more than one grade.

The environment here has barely allowed some low-level organisms with strong adaptability to survive.

In this environment, white blue can finally relax and assess the damage of ultrapure water vehicles, and the data of the water droplet aircraft with a length of more than ten meters and far exceeding the volume of its own foam vehicle.

Looking back here, the super volcano is like an undersea dam, guarding the safety of a civilization.

Didi Didi.

Tip: no life information detected.

The ultrapure water vehicle has conducted an in-depth inspection of the internal structure of the huge lens aircraft.

"It's like a huge tear. It can maintain its structure in such an extremely harsh environment. It's incredible material. The civilization that shaped it must have mastered extremely terrible technology, but it's a pity... The creatures inside seem to have died, and I don't know how long they have been sinking here before they were accidentally explored by themselves."