Chapter 275: Fix

Name:Grand Ancestral Bloodlines Author:
'What did you just say…!?'

Ailsa wasn't one to lose her cool. In fact, all the moments she spent doubting herself were done in silence. If it wasn't for Ryu's connection with her, he wouldn't be aware she even had insecurities at all. She would always be that confident big sister to him.

However, the words Ryu had just spoken were too shocking.

A Realm Heart was what differentiated a Small Realm from a True Realm. It wasn't a matter of size, it was a matter of substance. There were many Small Realms in existence that even rivaled True Realms in how expansive they were, but in the end, they could only rely on True Realms to sustain their existence.

Ryu was very familiar with Realm Hearts. After all, he spent many days sitting upon Shrine Mountain, the dignified Realm Heart of their Shrine Plane. Its power was unimaginably vast, and even as the Scion of the Tatsuya Clan, Ryu only had respect in his heart for it…

Realm Hearts and Protector Spirits, they were one in the same in the same way your days as a newborn are related to your current self.

A Realm Heart has no sentience. It is a core that gives a Small Realm substance to rival a True Realm that runs purely on instinct. As for Protector Spirits, they hold their own intelligence that often far surpasses normal lifeforms. Should a Realm Heart evolve into a Protector Spirit, a Small Realm would then become a True Realm. However, forming a Realm Heart in the first place would make even a one in a billion chance seem like great odds.

"Ailsa… I once read a book of folklores. Among those folklores, there was a story about the birth of a True Realm. It's said that the creation of every Realm Heart is accompanied by many great things…"

'Ryu, are you certain?' Ailsa regained her calm.

"I can't explain it. I just feel like this is the case."

'[Intuition]…' Ailsa mumbled.

[Intuition] was one of the most enigmatic abilities of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils. It had no rhyme or reason for when it appeared, but there was one thing in common with all of its occurrences: when there was an opportunity its owner most definitely could not miss.

Many epochs ago, the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils were not even ranked top ten among the slowly growing number of Heavenly Pupils. However, as time passed, something incredulous began to happen.

Numerous young geniuses with overbearing Heavenly Pupils were steadily outshined by those wielding these Pupils. Once may have been a coincidence, twice rose eyebrows… but a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth… It seemed that with every passing generation, those who held the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils were blessed beyond one's wildest dreams.

There were any number of abilities of that could have been the reason.

[Focus] was an invaluable Talent after the Path Extinction Realm. It made cultivation Realms even geniuses were forced to spend millions of years in fall one after another.

[Lines of Fate] was another candidate. The ability to steal the techniques of others simply by battling for extended periods of time, to learn the techniques of your Clans and Sects instantaneously, to peer down upon the world and gaze into its secrets…

And these were just two. There were many more that Ryu was still yet to qualify for. [Death Acupoint]… [Heaven and Earth Gate]… [Fate Reversal]…

Each ability rang fiercer in the minds of cultivators than the last. They all had mind numbing abilities, the likes of which were just the stuff of fairy tales.

And yet, there was still none as enigmatic as [Intuition]. In the lifetime of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupil wielder, they would only be allowed its use three times. And they would have control of none of these three occurrences.

One would occur between the first and a ninth seal. The second would occur between the tenth and ninety-ninth seal. The final would occur between the hundredth and nine hundred ninety-ninth seal.

And if one crossed these seals without experiencing it? That chance would disappear forever.

This was both the boon and tragedy of the First Ranked Heavenly Pupils. There were many who never became lucky enough to experience even one bout of [Intuition].

'… A Realm Heart is indeed worthy of that cursed technique.'

Ryu frowned. "Cursed?"

'Ah, it's nothing.' Ailsa giggled. 'The most hated technique of my Cultus Clan is [Intuition]. I'm sure you can guess why.'

Ryu came to a sudden understanding. It was the job of the Cultus Faerie to find opportunities for their Life Partner, not the other way around. Though it was rare to become a Faerie's Life Partner, that was only for normal individuals. Those outstanding enough to be born with the First Ranked Heavenly Pupils or any Heavenly Pupil at all had a greater than fifty percent chance.

Simply put, the Cultus Clan had likely run into their fair share of those with Ryu's pupils. Maybe they had their own stories about [Intuition].

'I didn't even want to mention this to you because there was always the chance it wouldn't appear at all, but it seems I've underestimated your luck. If what you've said about this Realm is true, many possibilities have opened up.'

Ryu didn't mention that he actually didn't need Ailsa to explain [Intuition] to him… This wasn't the first time he was experiencing it, it was the second… And the first time? It was the night he committed suicide.

Ailsa's brows raised, but she didn't comment on this. She knew that whenever Ryu thought of that night, he would feel endless complex emotions. It was best if she simply changed the subject. 

'Let it lead you then, Little Ryu. A Realm Heart would not only be a great help in the future, but if used appropriately, it may very well fix much of the problems you're faced with now…'