Li Er and Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing and others were stunned. Bet?

What bet?

Li forgot to worry. Hei hei, the thief said with a smile, "I bet I can find a way to bond the bricks together, and it's very strong. If I can do it, your majesty will allow me to build the residence according to this. Uncle Cheng, how about you guys pay for the woodwork in my residence?"

Woodwork refers to the decoration and furniture said by later generations. Because most of the buildings were made of wood at that time, the residence was mainly decorated with wood.

Li Er told him to build the county men's residence, but it did not include decoration and furniture, which was as stingy as later developers.

Since Cheng Yaojin and they don't believe they can build a house with bricks, Li forgetful naturally doesn't mind betting with them and blackmailing them. Who makes him poor.

Hearing the speech, Li Jing suddenly asked, "Ziyou, can you bond the bricks? How firm can they be?"

"The hammer won't fall." Li forgot to worry and replied confidently.

Li Er's eyes also brightened. He looked at Li Jing, and there was a smile in his eyes.

"But I bet with you! Ziyou, if you can stack bricks without falling down with a hammer, I will promise you to build this castle!"

Li Jing also twisted her beard and said with a smile, "ha ha, Ziyou, if you can really do it, what if I pay for the woodwork of your residence? How long will it take Ziyou to get it out?"

Li Qieyou, who thought he had taken advantage of Li Er and Li Jing, narrowed his eyes with laughter.

He pondered that when the old house was rebuilt last time, there was still a lot of cement left over from his manual grinding. When you go back to Dingzhou village, you can ask the masons in the village to build a brick wall for themselves, and then wait two days for the cement to set.

Li forgot to worry and put up three fingers to the people: "in three days, your majesty and the princes can come to Dingzhou village. I'll show you the brick wall that can't fall with a hammer."

"But!" Li Er directly stretched out his hand, clapped his hands with Li forgetful, and made a bet.

Li forgot to worry. Looking at the smiles of Li Er and Li Jing, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn't find anything wrong after careful thinking. He simply didn't think about it.

After leaving the palace, Li forgot to worry and rushed back to Dingzhou village to find a bricklayer to build the wall.

Three days later, in Dingzhou village, Huxian County, dozens of people rode into the village. Li Er led a group of national leaders to the Li family's old house with light clothes and simple lines.

Speaking of it, since Li Qieyou moved his family to Dingzhou village from Huxian County, the quiet village at the foot of Qinling Mountain has become more and more lively.

The village households are used to seeing all kinds of dignitaries who were not seen in the past. They go to the Li family's old house.

Originally, there were farmers who hid far away and talked with each other. Now no one is interested in the visit of the Li family except those little children in the village.

On the same day, after Li forgot to worry and was knighted, the plaque of "Huxian men's house" was hung on the door of the Li family's old house, which really frightened the farmers in the old village.

Xiao Lang of the Li family was knighted!

Even the lowest County Baron, in the view of the farmers in Dingzhou village, is a great nobleman, who should be respected as a Lord.

In the eyes of farmers, Yang Mingfu of Huxian County Yamen is already the parent official of Qingtian, not to mention the male of Kaiguo County, who is an aristocrat of the Tang Dynasty!

Now there are 127 families in Dingzhou village, but they are all closed by the Li family. From now on, the rent of the family will be handed over to Lord Li.

For a time, the roads in front of the Li family's old house did not dare to pass by. They would rather go around the long way than disturb the county baron.

The bear children in the village were taught a lesson by the adults at home. They told them not to be naughty and offended the county baron. They would lose their heads.

Before, because the ducks of Li's family ate locusts, the farmers who blocked the door of Li's family were even more frightened and afraid of being hated by Li's family.

But the agitation in the village caused by Li forgetting to worry about being knighted soon dissipated.

Because the farmers found that after Xiao Lang of the Li family was knighted, he seemed to be the same as before, no different.

Whose Baron squats on the ground without image every day and chats with others?

Whose barons will be in a hurry? Like the farmers, they swear with foul language?

Even after being knighted, Li forgot to worry. In the eyes of Dingzhou village, he was still the original Xiao Lang of the Li family.

In addition, the business of the four wheeled carriage shop is getting better and better, and the farmers have more and more copper money in their pockets. They feel that the Li family is still the original Li family, and it is still so pure and good.

Slowly, the farmers' fear of Li forgetting to be knighted dissipated, and their attitude towards the Li family returned to the original, but more respect.

In addition, the name has changed. The "Li Xiaolang" in the mouth of the old village has become "Sir", that's all.

Li Er led a group of national leaders to Dingzhou village. The farmers passing by the village just glanced at the horse and horse. They didn't show any strange performance. What should they do or continue to do.

The door of the Li family's old house was open. Li forgot to worry and led the beautiful boss, Alfred and others to respectfully welcome Li Er.

"Ziyou, did you build the brick wall?" Li er jumped off his horse and threw his whip to the guard. He couldn't wait to ask.

Li forgets worry and is busy to present Li Er and the leaders. He replied, "it's already built. Please check it with your majesty."

Li Er nodded with satisfaction and led a group of big men into Li's house.

In the front yard of Li's house, there was a brick wall out of thin air, which Li forgets worry and asks the village Mason to build for himself.

In order to be strong and firm, Li Qieyou even asked people to dig a foundation for the brick wall.

Li Er stepped forward and patted the wall with his palm. He found it unusually strong.

"Ziyou, is this really the brick wall you asked someone to build? Didn't someone transport a slate to deceive me?" Li Er asked in surprise.

In front of the brick wall, Li forgot to worry. In order to be firm, even the wall was plastered with cement. Now, after drying and setting, the cement really looks like a slate.

Cheng Yaojin also smashed the brick wall twice with his fist, smiled at Li forgetful and said, "my good nephew, you're cheating. Where is this brick wall? It's obviously a slate!"

With a smile, Li forgot to worry and pointed to the iron hammer already prepared on one side.

"Uncle Cheng, you'll know as soon as you hit it."

Is this really a brick wall? Li's attitude of forgetting to worry made Li Er and the big men suspicious.

Cheng Yaojin was not vague. He picked up the hammer and hit the brick wall.

With a bang, there was only a white mark left on the brick wall after being knocked.

"Zhiniang thief, Li niangyou, are you sure you're not teasing me? It's obviously a stone slab!" Cheng Yaojin shook his palm shocked by the hammer and scolded Li niangyou.

Li forgot to worry and smiled: "Uncle Cheng, do you want to stop gambling?"