Before Li Er could speak, Cheng Yaojin ran away first.

"Bastard boy, how can you sell these military weapons for money? I'll beat you to death!"

When Cheng Yaojin finished, he reached out to catch Li forgetful and wanted to catch him and beat his fart - Gu. Seeing that the old rascal was angry, Li forgot to worry and ran away quickly.

What a shame!

This threat of force again is very angry!

Young master, I can't provoke you. Believe it or not, I'll take revenge on your three sons?

However, Li forgets to worry about Chumo's three animal brothers. He thinks it's a tragedy that he can't get rid of the old rascal's three sons.

In the face of the old hooligan's deterrence, Li forget worry can only raise his hand and Surrender: "Uncle Cheng, wait a minute, my nephew thought about it. I think something like cement should be dedicated to his majesty."

Li was satisfied with Li's "knowledge" and laughed. As long as he didn't hear Li's asking for money, he began to discuss the military use of cement with all the military leaders.

Li Er actually disliked Li forgetting worry and named it ugly. Such a sacred thing has a rotten name like "cement".

With a big hand, he renamed the cement directly.

The earliest lime in Chinese history was fired from the shell of big clams, which is called mirage ash.

"Records of Wenzhou Government of Hongzhi": "Mirage ash, with oyster shell burning ash as the top, small oyster shell as the second, small clam shell as the bottom, with different colors, and big oyster as the winner."

Since Li forgets to worry that cement is made of lime and clay, Li Er quoted scriptures and changed the cement into mirage mud.

In this regard, Li Qieyou can only turn his eyes silently in his heart. Just be happy. Mirage mud is mirage mud. It seems to be more educated than cement.

Satisfied with the mirage mud "offered free" by Li forgetful, Li Erlong and Yan Dayue ordered Li forgetful to have a banquet. He wanted to have a drink with Li Jing and other military leaders to celebrate.

Li forgets to worry. Countless sacred animals rush past in his heart. NIMA, is this too much?

I robbed Laozi of cement. Oh, no, mirage mud, and asked me to give you a banquet to celebrate. It's really deceptive!

With great resentment, Li forgot to worry and asked the old housekeeper Li Heng to prepare the banquet.

Li Ersi was not polite. She went to the main room of the Li family and asked the maidservants to pour tea and water.

For Li Er's behavior of not taking himself as an outsider, Li forgets to worry about his stomach, while Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing and others envy him.

Xiao Lang of the Li family is really simple in the heart of the emperor and only favored by the sacred heart. He really treats him as his nephew.

Although Yuchi Jingde is not familiar with Li forget you, he also secretly calculates that his two children seem to be very close to the man in Huxian county. It seems that they should be closer to Li forget you in the future.

However, not a few of these big men have the same ideas as Yuchi Jingde.

Li forgets to worry about where he will know the careful thinking of these big men. He is still thinking about how to revenge Cheng Yaojin and Li Er.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin yelling for him to serve wine again, Li forgets to worry about it.

Hey, old rascal, you can't walk out of my Li's house today!

You have to come in vertically and go out horizontally!

Li forgot to worry and asked Li Er and Cheng Yaojin to wait. He went to get good wine for everyone.

Since he had drunk the hard drinking water and wine of Datang, Li forgetful plans to set up a brewing workshop in Datang, and he has begun to try to brew a small amount of sorghum wine.

Although Li's third uncle's family opened a brewing workshop to brew sorghum wine, he knew the process and method of brewing wine, but he didn't actually brew it himself after all.

Therefore, as early as after moving to Dingzhou village, Li Qieyou tried to brew some sorghum wine for experiments, but he didn't expect to succeed once.

After more than 40 days of fermentation, the sorghum wine he brewed at the beginning has been distilled by Li forget worry. It is time to drink.

The difference between later generations of Baijiu and Datang's liquor is the distillation process.

Distillation is the process of heating wine into wine steam and cooling it into wine.

After distilling, Baijiu is colorless, but the degree of alcohol is much higher than that of the original liquor.

Most of Datang's Sanle pulp and wine are directly filtered after fermentation.

According to several Tang wine making methods recorded by Shen Kuo in Mengxi Bitan, the alcohol concentration of the finished wine is between 3% and 15%, which is similar to later beer or rice wine.

After distillation, the alcohol content of sorghum wine is more than 50 degrees to 60 degrees, which belongs to the range of spirits.

Li Qieyou doesn't believe that Li Er and others, who are used to drinking low-grade water and wine, can still drink their own high-grade sorghum wine. Today, they have to get drunk and revenge!

After greeting Niu Wu, he took out a jar of wine from the warehouse, on which the Arabic number of 65 was impressively written.

This is the best Baijiu liquor brewed.

Although Datang doesn't have an alcohol detector, Li's third uncle taught him a few tricks to roughly distinguish the alcohol content of drinks.

After shaking the liquor, there will be hops from small grains of rice to large grains of sorghum rice. According to the time spent in the pile, we can roughly judge the alcohol level.

If hops are the size of sorghum rice grains to corn grains, the stacking time is about 3 seconds, and the degree of wine is about 65 degrees.

The alcohol concentration of sorghum wine brewed by Li forgetful worry is three times that of Datang. This is the sharp weapon he is ready to export his evil Qi.

Li forgot to worry and smiled. He asked Niu Wu to bring the jar of 65 degree sorghum wine to the main room.

When Cheng Yaojin saw that there was only one jar of wine, he couldn't help but despise it.

"Good nephew, you are now a man in Huxian county. Why are you so stingy? Where can I drink this jar of wine? Go and move some more jars quickly!"

"Uncle Cheng, I'm not stingy. If you can finish this jar of wine, it'll be good," Li said contemptuously

I'm kidding. He asked Niu Wu to move out this big altar. This jar of wine is a bucket of 65 degree sorghum wine of 20 kilograms. You won't die from drinking it!

Hearing Li's words, Cheng Yaojin jumped directly: "boy, don't talk nonsense! I can drink a bucket of wine alone. Your jar of wine is not enough for me to gargle alone!"

Not only did Cheng Yaojin jump, but even Li Er, Li Jing, Yuchi Jingde and others showed dissatisfaction. They felt that Li forgot his worries and underestimated them.

To say that these drunken founding fathers can't drink is like pointing at their noses and saying that men can't do it. It's a great shame!

Li Er also stared: "Ziyou, what nonsense are you talking about? Go and get the wine quickly! Don't make a fool of yourself!"

Li forgot to worry, but the thief smiled and said, "Hey, your majesty, gentlemen, do you want us to make another bet?"

"Hmm? What do you want? What do you want to bet?"

"Just bet on whether you can finish this jar of wine." Li Qieyou pointed to the jar and smiled proudly, as if a fox tail wagged and wagged behind his back