After repeatedly confirming that Zhang Feng was all right, Li Chengqian said.

"Fengzi, what happened yesterday was wrong. I apologize to you, but you also know that I really have no way to help these pigs at the foot of the mountain. Watching so many pigs die every day is as painful as poking a knife in my heart. You also know that the hundreds of pigs lost every day are in your hands.

At least hundreds or thousands of people can have a full meal, but in my hand, if this thing dies, it can only be buried in the soil. Therefore, I feel distressed. In the end, I can only rush you up the mountain. "

"Well, it's not bad for you, it's also my problem. I didn't make it clear, but now that you've caught up, to be honest, although it's a little troublesome for the time being, I found that it created a business opportunity for our white deer academy and a chance to thoroughly launch the name of our white deer academy!"

At this time, Li Chengqian's head can't turn around. They seriously doubt whether Zhang Feng was excited by that thing last night and had a problem with his head. How can we see that everything is a business opportunity, or a matter of making a fortune? This is what a normal person and a normal Dean of the academy should think of?

However, they also know the embarrassment of being alienated now. All the food depends on those people donating to the mountains. The original 30000 stone food has basically been consumed by half. If they can't think of a way, it's estimated that it will be less than a month. When the Academy opens, it's also the time when they are hungry. Therefore, making money and fame is what the academy needs most at this time.

After confirming that Zhang Feng really had no problem, the people put down their worries and gathered together.

Li Chengqian put down his resentment and asked, "you said you were rich. You have said this many times. You told me it was wrong three days ago. You told me it four days ago, but now I wonder. When you saw these pigs yesterday, you decided to build such a thing here."

Li Chengqian, speaking straight, said to the strange shed around the people, "what on earth do you use this thing for? Do you want to kill all the 150000 pigs here?"

When they heard the speech, they couldn't help staring at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded, but shook his head.

This can't help but make you more cute a few years ago. This is nodding and shaking your head. What does this mean?

"If there are 150000 pigs, I really had that idea before yesterday. After all, this matter is too big. If we don't take out something, the reputation of our white deer academy may be really discredited this time, but it's good. After thinking about it all night last night, I really thought of a solution."

Thought about it all night?

Brother, did you think about it all night?

You had a frightening night, okay?

You slept well last night. Do you know who had an eye on our mountain?

They all stare at you.

Several people rolled their eyes.

But for these, it is not important. After all, it is the most important to solve this big problem first. After all, these things eat more than people every day.

If it is not solved in one day, it is estimated that it will take less than three days. The food on the mountain will have to be prepared for some damn pigs. At that time, everyone will have to be hungry.

Chumo looks at Zhang Feng with bright eyes and asks, "what do you think? Do you want to open a big restaurant here? In that case, brother, I promise to bring you three or five hundred brothers before noon today."

Zhang Feng stares at Chumo.

"If you want to eat, you want to eat. What are you doing with your brothers? The big deal is that you want to bring all those people in your family over for a meal. It's easy to say, but you have to pay. You know, brother, I'm crazy about lack of money, but I'd better exchange grain for a kilogram of grain for a kilogram of meat."

After seeing Chu Mo's murderous eyes, Zhang Feng quickly changed his mouth.

"Well, I'm talking about stewed meat, not raw meat."

After hearing the speech, several people also said that they could bring many people together to see the world today.

But it's all a joke. After all, everyone knows that the mountains and forests are deep. Even if you come to so many people, where do you sit, and they can bring people, they don't worry. If one or two big mouths leak out their identity to them, won't it be over?

The most important thing is not at ease, so this thing can only be regarded as a joke. After a few people laughed and made trouble for a while, Du Gou's sentence immediately brought life back to the real problem.

"What about so many pigs?"

Zhang Feng also put away his playful smile.

But just now, he just pretended to show it to these guys and everyone watching him while working.

When the topic came back to the text, Zhang Feng thought for a long time before he said, "the way Tieniu said is actually a way, but this thing doesn't have to be here."

"Where is that? Do you really want to open a restaurant?"

Everyone asked in unison, even those in the distance who were eavesdropping on Tong Huifang painted by Zhang Feng couldn't help pricking up their ears and looking at Zhang Feng.

"Yes, it's to open restaurants and restaurants."

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "do you remember why I didn't suggest opening a restaurant after the beer barbecue came out?"

He knows these people don't understand.

Before everyone could answer, Zhang Feng continued, "barbecue beer is a small dish, which can't be elegant. However, you have also eaten the dishes I made. What do you think of my dishes compared with the top restaurants in Chang'an City?"

"I don't have to say. You don't know. Since the fat cook surnamed Zhou studied here for a period of time, now basically, my Li family's kitchen has become a place for these bastards to cheat. Originally, my kitchen can only accommodate a few people, but now the good guy has moved directly to the yard. Every cooking is like opening a big meal, dozens of hundreds of people , staring at the guy surnamed Zhou, you don't know what the fat man surnamed Zhou is like now. "

Li Chengqian took the opportunity to complain, but after seeing the bad faces of Chen Chumo, he quickly changed his mouth and said, "talk about business. In fact, Fengzi, you don't have to bother. Before I come back to Bailu academy, I have ordered my servants to make room in the downtown areas of the East and West markets of Chang'an city. If you need time, the store can become a restaurant in an instant!"

Zhang Feng's face changed instantly.

"All this you did with your boy was set up for me?"
