
"You can make it if you want to," he said

"This paper-making technology is either in the hands of the Ministry of industry or in the homes of those people who make paper. Do you think everyone can make paper?"

"If so, it can't be like the sentence in your poem just now."

"Chang'an Zhigui, a word spread, thousands of gold for giving up, cutting meat and returning it, sir, why is it cheap?"

"You know what it means. If you can make it, there can be no paper money in Chang'an!"

Yu Shinan felt that Zhang Feng was talking big.

Although Zhang Feng's skill as a merchant has shocked the world, is it so easy to master the art of papermaking?

Zhang Feng has no objection.

He knew how shocking it would be if he said it.

When Yu Shinan stopped, Zhang Feng said seriously, "Mr. Boshi, the boy didn't talk big just now. The word paper expensive will become the past soon!"

"I know, you still think I'm talking big. I don't know the height of heaven and earth, but I know my weight. Although rice paper is good, it also has disadvantages, that is, smearing a layer of wax on the paper is OK, but it's not easy to penetrate the ink when writing. The penetration is not good. If you put a book for three or five years, you must copy it again, What a waste of money? "

"But the boy's paper is different."

"Paper is less than half the thickness of this rice paper. It is soft and light, and the texture is very white. Just like the snow, the most important thing is the price. The boy calculated an account. According to the material of 300 kg of paper, 300 kg of paper, even with the salary of the waiter and the price of raw materials, it is less than 100 Wen!"


"This... How is it possible!"

Yu Shinan finally couldn't keep his elegant posture.

Paper, why is it so expensive?

It's the trouble of making, it's the trouble. Even if it's the largest paper mill in Chang'an, Qingxin mill, and 300 guys keep working day and night, even so, it can only produce about 100 kilograms of rice paper in a month!

It's not the merchants' intention. This is an industry subordinate to the Ministry of industry. It's mainly in the refining of materials, pulping, etc. It's too troublesome.

Yu Shinan once went to the work department and stayed in Qingxin square in January. After such a careful calculation, with the man's salary and the cost of raw materials, less than half of 100 kg of rice paper is capital!

But even so, the paper still can't be used. A layer of hairy things on it must be drenched with wax juice before the paper can be smooth.

But what did Zhang Feng say?

Three hundred kilos of paper, better than rice paper, only need 100 Wen?

How is this possible?

Even at this time, Sun Simiao did not believe it.

"Feng Zi, you said your paper is thinner than rice paper?"

While talking, Sun Simiao took out a book from the sachet on his belt, picked up one of the pieces of paper and asked, "look, this is rice paper. Are you sure it's thinner than him?"

"It's thinner than him!"

While Zhang Feng was talking, he looked left and right, picked up a jujube leaf from the ground and said, "look at this leaf first. Are they thinner than rice paper?"

They just glanced and nodded.

"If the boy says that my paper is as thick and thin as the leaves of this jujube tree, do you believe it?"

"Don't believe it!"


They said almost in unison.

"I've lived for 70 years with this kind of papermaking technique. I've never heard of such a wonderful technique!"

"You don't know, it doesn't mean there's no such thing! For example, the boy's wine that your second old man just drank. Before your second old man drank it, can you think of such a good wine in the world?"



They were stunned.


Before meeting Zhang Feng or listening to Zhang Feng's so-called Baijiu, where would they believe that there would be clear water like water? And still so mellow?

But now?

Isn't all this in Zhang Feng's hands?

The two people looked at each other in horror. At the same time, they thought of something they didn't dare to think about. Combined with all the things Zhang Feng did, could this boy really make such a paper?

But I can't figure it out.

They really can't figure it out. After all, they have lived for most of their lives. They don't say they are well-educated. At least they can find rare ancient books, isolated books and folk rumors. They don't drink more water than Zhang Feng, but after a long time, they really don't find any records about this kind of paper.

They were both shocked.

"Can you really make such paper, boy?"


Zhang Feng answered firmly.

"And soon, in about half a month, the boy will give you 50 kilograms of paper better than rice paper. How about it?"
