As Zhang Feng's voice fell.

Li Chengqian's face was blue and white, and his smile was still frozen staring at Zhang Feng.

He stared for a moment, as if his eyes were sour, and paced back and forth with his hands on his back.

It's too big.

No one started from the Tubo position.

And the Turk who lost 100000 elite, no one thought.

But now Zhang Feng's words immediately reminded Li Chengqian of a terrible thing. Perhaps 100000 Turkic people did not disappear, but sneaked into Tianzhu without anyone's knowledge!

Although this is a kind of speculation, it increasingly makes Li Chengqian have a taste of conspiracy.

Suddenly, Li Chengqian's eyes narrowed deeply: "Fengzi, do you mean that the 100000 troops that disappeared from the Turks have sneaked into Tianzhu, and at the same time, they have encouraged the civil strife of Tubo and the most real war, which means they want to disperse the military power of Datang?"

Chumo and others were shocked at the speech.

But when Li Chengqian finished looking at Zhang Feng, he found that Zhang Feng was staring at him in amazement.

"Li Qian, how did you know? Who said this?"

Zhang Feng really doesn't know about it.

At this time, Li Chengqian saw something wrong and hurriedly said, "well, this is the last time I went down the mountain. Didn't I overhear when Lord changsun went to my house to consult my father about Tubo business? At that time, Lord changsun praised you..."

"That's right. Don't digress!"

When Zhang Feng heard the speech, he interrupted Li Chengqian's chatter.

Frowned and thought.

The recliner under his ass was creaking. A moment later, Zhang Feng's toes were on the floor, and the creaking sound disappeared.

"If the Turks really sent 100000 people, there would be some trouble!"

"In other words, the Turks are waiting for our soldiers of the Tang Dynasty to drill into the big net!"

Hearing the speech, Li Chengqian couldn't help but change his face.

"Do you mean that the current affairs of Tubo and Zhenla are all Tianzhu's conspiracy against Datang? In that case, his real intention is to go south to Datang?"

Li Chengqian was a little flustered.

The 100000 soldiers who had set out to enter Tubo did not know anything about it, and it was really interesting from the current situation.

So far, the 100000 Turkic army seems to have suddenly disappeared. Combined with the current situation, it is likely that it has long been hidden in Tianzhu and Tubo, and even many have entered Zhenla.

Zhang Feng thought for a moment, nodded and said, "yes, think about it. If you were given a sand table for 100000 people, there were hundreds of thousands of hungry people behind you, but next door you were full and warm all day, what would you do?"

"Now, think about how you should move this sand table. Your neighbor has the power you want to be. What will you do so that the people behind you can eat enough?"

Li Chengqian doesn't understand.

But Chumo suddenly understood.

After all, he never played less.

"Feng Zi, do you mean that it is likely that this Tubo affair and Zhenla affair are all an action of Turks against my Datang? And the purpose is to win my Datang?"

"Or do you want to fight Datang in this way?"

Zhang Feng nodded fiercely.

At this time, in his mind, he thought of the war between Datang and Turks next year.

In the third year of Zhenguan, a war broke out between Datang and Turk!

In this war, Zhang Feng thought that by encroaching, the Turks would be able to win completely under the immovable and subduing soldiers, but now it seems that the Turks are not fools and understand the intention of the Tang Dynasty. It seems that the sudden dispatch of troops from Tianzhu this time is not without intention.

At this time, if the troops are divided, it seems to be right in his mind. At that time, the garrison along Longyou road and the defense along Tubo and other places are lax. It is uncertain that the Turkic army will take a surprise. At that time, even if the people sent by Datang want to return aid, it is too late.

Li Chengqian and others also wanted to understand at this time.


But Zhang Feng, after trying to understand all this, was in no hurry.

Looking at Li Chengqian's several humanitarians: "don't worry about this. The soldiers are going out, but they don't go to Zhenla. All your industries are saved. Now, you'll wear them for me honestly. You haven't finished the college for me and haven't graduated. If you dare to run, even if you beg me, you won't want to enter the college in the future!"

Facing Zhang Feng's threat, Li Chengqian automatically filtered it and asked, "do you mean that Zhenla is not saved? But now I hear that Prince Zhenla has come to Datang!"

Zhang Feng became interested and asked, "does he mean the same as Tubo? That is, as long as the Tang Dynasty sends troops, they send out grain and grass?"

Hearing the speech, Li Chengqian glanced at Chumo's eldest son, and then nodded.

Zhang Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "don't worry. As long as our emperor is not a fool, he will not send troops this time! And you don't think about such a good thing in the world. Who doesn't lack food? But why do they pull so much military food from their teeth?"
