Ten Wen?

The crowd was shocked.

What is this money for them?

Even if they fall on the ground, they don't bother to pick it up.

Zhang Feng actually sold them this kind of brine with ten Wen cents. What's the difference between it and the one given?

And it's the formula handed down by their family for hundreds of years!

Zhang Feng belongs to the Phoenix Ridge area in Yangzhou. Moreover, they have also been to the Phoenix Ridge. They even took Zhang Feng's portrait back and compared it with the people there. When they saw Zhang Feng's portrait, they all sighed.

It is said that there are descendants in Zhangjia, and so on.

The tragedy of Zhang Jia can not be fake. If only a few families say so, they suspect that it may be Zhang Feng.

However, they have almost traveled all the children from childhood to teenagers and old people from 70 to 80 in the area of Fenghuangling. They can recognize it at the first sight when they see the portrait. Unless they have lived together for a long time, they can't remember it so clearly.

However, after these things, I was so generous to give this formula at a cheap price for ten Wen.

What's the difference between this and free gift?

Several people couldn't help but thank Zhang Feng again. Then several people discussed some details of cooperation between the parties again.

After sitting for three hours, ouyangkai's people left with satisfaction when they were about to put on the oil lamp. Looking at the back of several people leaving, a cold look flashed in Zhang Feng's smiling eyes.

However, at this time, he Zhongzheng, who had already left, hurried back and looked at Zhang Feng's forehead and said: "Oh, I almost delayed all the big things. Isn't this the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting after the 12th? There is an invitation letter here. I hope brother Zhang Feng Haihan. We also wait because of the procedure. Therefore, in addition, I forgot the previous autumn harvest. I remembered this matter when I was young. I couldn't get in without this invitation letter announcing the three parties of the Ministry of rites and the Ministry of officials That place. "

Zhang Feng took a smoke from the corner of his mouth and scolded the old fox, but his face was very surprised. He Zhongzheng took the invitation from he Zhongzheng's hand. At this time, he Zhongzheng said, "brother, let's meet again in Yanlai building after the 12th?"

, Zhang Feng hugged his fist and said, "well, after the 12th, Yan Lai Lou will see you again!"

Twelve days!

Since there are only twelve days?

Zhang Feng sighed and looked at the back of several people away. Only then did he spread out the invitation in his hand.

The invitation details the precautions and other things of the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting. Looking at these precautions, Zhang Feng is also secretly preparing in his heart. The center can pick up the things and poems of the Mid Autumn Festival poetry meeting this time. However, it seems that some of them are too monotonous for basketball.

Football is even worse. As for morning exercises, do you show it to the ghost in the middle of the night?

The light in the night of the Tang Dynasty is not good. It's a shame to do this. After counting such a row, Zhang Feng suddenly found that he really didn't have anything to take. Zhang Feng couldn't help searching in his mind some pictures of future generations participating in this activity, flashed one by one in his mind, and then, according to the current situation, Michael Jackson couldn't help it It was suddenly fixed in Zhang Feng's mind.

Father of Hip Hop!

If the first class dances, it's more and more buildings. That's where these things are specialized. If Zhang Feng just finds some women to go, it will only discredit Zhang Feng's face.

Except for the top singers in Datang, they are all the lowest positions and pleasing things. They are the lowest people.

As for Jingshu, her own accomplishments in temperament have already reached the peak. If it weren't for the difference between men and women, maybe at this time, Jingshu could really become a great player in temperament.

After Zhang Feng ruled out female dance, Zhang Feng couldn't help but look at Wei Dashan outside the door. These young men are obviously guys with excess energy. If they are tutored, they should be able to complete some simple actions, hip-hop moves in the 12th day


The weather is getting colder and colder, and the fog in the mountains is getting bigger and bigger. It's another morning. Jushan is as mysterious as a fairy mountain hidden in the clouds.

At this time, the wake-up bell has sounded three times. At this time, the academy is already overcrowded. Those students have already got up and hung their voices in the courtyard in twos and threes, chanting poetry against each other, or playing five birds opera.

But since the emergence of morning exercises and so on, what all students are most keen on is basketball.

No one is seen at this time. Go to get the basketball court on the playground and you will see it.

But these days it's a little weird.

It seems that it is because of the cold weather. After the three bells have sounded for a long time, we can vaguely see the students in twos and threes walking around the Academy in a hurry. Some people even have a rice basin in their armpits, shrink their neck, look at the book and walk to the canteen. Obviously, they have no sense of vitality before. This is all heaven Cold made.