After dealing with Qian's house, Zhang Feng.

He hurried back to the Academy with Qian Chuaner, Ma Zhou and others. When they just went out, the gate of Chang'an city was deeply locked.

Looking at the brightly lit Chang'an city.

Zhang Feng waved and said, "go back to the mountain!"

He never saw Chengqian Li, Chumo Cheng and others since he left at the gate of the Tang mansion. Zhang Feng also knew that although he took revenge today, someone was bound to take care of the mess.

So I didn't think much.

All the way.

Gao Kan was on alert in the whole city. He didn't know where to get a Fang Tianhua halberd. With his horse and burly body at this time, he had a bit of the shadow of a general.

And behind Gao Kan, a group of people were waiting, and they were also walking up the mountain with Zhang Feng's carriage.

Although everyone was silent along the way, everyone's eyes were quite strange. The reason for the strangeness was that Zhang Feng was followed by a timid, thin and dark boy since he left the money house.

The young man had a shadow of a few cents and thousands of miles, but he was like frightened, clutching Zhang Feng's robe and hiding behind Zhang Feng without saying a word.

And Zhang Feng didn't explain much.

After all, it is useless to explain anything now.

And Zhang Feng is also thinking hard about the next countermeasures and the way to go in the future.

Such a big thing happened today, but it still didn't let the big hands behind the Tang family stand up. Even the Wang family didn't react too much, let alone the big families behind the Bai family, the Gao family and the MI family.

It seems that they don't know everything about today, and it has nothing to do with them.

However, the more so, Zhang Feng felt that things were a little tricky.

At this time, no one stood up and said a fair word for the four families. What does that mean?

This shows that they have long thought of the consequences of all this, that is, they have long thought of the Countermeasures for the consequences of what they have done today!

This is the most terrible place.

From the beginning.

What are they planning?

Phosphate fertilizer?

This thing is just an excuse to deceive the world. This thing is bound to be implemented in large quantities, and whoever dares to stop it is to resist the purpose and be enemies with the people all over the world. No one dares to do such a thing.


What are these people planning?

This is what Zhang Feng didn't understand most. It was said that it was the best time to deal with him. In fact, Zhang Feng wanted to be a bait to see if these people would take the bait. However, the result disappointed him. These people still didn't move

What the hell are they plotting?

Medical skills?

Or the smelting method of steel?

Or his business skills?

The reason why Zhang Feng thought of the art of merchants was mainly because of Qian Wanli's death.

If Qian Wanli didn't die, Zhang Feng wouldn't think much, but Qian Wanli died. That is to say, the key at this time is to find out whether Qian Wanli was killed by mistake or deliberately.

This is the breakthrough at this time.

And the MI family

Why did mother-in-law Mizhi let all the important people in the family die before he went?

In this matter, as long as someone confesses, his rice family will not die!


All this, however.

At this time, it was like a mountain, and the pressure of Zhang Feng couldn't wear through.

But Zhang Feng knows one thing. Today, his actions are bound to knock on the mountain and shake the tiger. Those who want to start with him or covet the idea of collapse mountain are bound to dare not come again.

The next danger is bound to be more dangerous.

This time, all his layout, from fire gun to strong crossbow, composite bow to armor manufacturing, had to be accelerated.

Zhang Feng also thought of a more important point,.

That's the idea that had a little bit in his mind before. It's time to decorate.

That is to form a special combat team.

Think about it.

Zhang Feng opened the curtain and was ready to call Lao Ma to ask, but before he could speak, he heard Lao Ma say, "Your Excellency, the academy is here!"

After saying this, Zhang Feng found that he didn't know when they had arrived at the gate of the Academy on the mountain of Bailu Academy.

At the gate of the Academy, Yu Shinan and others were already holding lanterns and torches early, waiting with the students of the whole Academy. The light of the torch made the whole collapse mountain red.

Turn around and look up and down. The same is true in the square market at the foot of the mountain.

All merchants, as well as Hu merchants, seemed to be spontaneous, holding high torches and standing on both sides of the dark road.

At this point.

Zhang Feng slowly opened the curtain of the car, and the people breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing Zhang Feng.

"The dean is back!"

"Welcome the president back to the mountain!"

"Welcome the president back to the mountain!"

The roar of excitement and loud and clear, like thunder, was heard by the soldiers guarding the city upstairs of Chang'an.