
All the students were in an uproar.

In their cognition, reading is the most noble, but how come reading has become so cheap here?

And now you have to plant it yourself?

Although these things are nothing for most of the students, they are uncomfortable for some of them who have been spoiled since childhood

For example, Du hook

For example, Li Chengqian and his gang.

At this time, one by one, they frowned

Ouyang Xun laughed and said: "You should remember what the dean said today. Of course, the Academy pays for the planting of all grain, seeds, fertilizers, etc. if you can't plant, I have two suggestions. Besides, this poem is like an old man in his 70s and 80s or a doll in his 50s and 60s. Who can't recite a few poems?

This is the simplest one

"No, no, no, Mr. Bosch, you think too much. In fact, I really feel this poem. It is not a good poem. It can only be regarded as a limerick..."

Yu Shinan's face was even worse when he said so.

He patted the table and said, "do you mean that we don't even have the qualification to pick up the pen in the future?"
