This time, they will be ready to devote themselves to the battlefield and die for Datang.

Regardless of the wind and frost, the soldiers finally returned to Chang'an on the third day.

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong didn't hurry to unload their uniforms. When they got off the horse, they rushed straight to the palace.

In the imperial palace.

Li Shimin is putting a stove in front of him. He is wholeheartedly correcting the memorial.

This is what he must do every day, and it is also what he should do for the people all over the world.

A rush of footsteps came, and the waiter came in.

"Your Majesty, Duke Lu and Duke e have returned and are asking for an audience outside the door."

Hearing the speech, Li Shimin quickly put down the memorial and looked at the inner waiter: "pass it on."

The waiter said yes, then turned and walked out of the imperial study.

A moment later, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong in military uniforms came in.

"See your majesty."

Two people worship together.

Li Shimin winked at the little noble son around him. The latter immediately understood, sent out all the palace people in the hall, and closed the door himself.

"You are finally back. Let me wait."

Li Shimin quickly got up from the Dragon chair and hurriedly asked, "how's the border?"

When he was in Chang'an, he was always worried about the border. Now Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong came back, which also relieved him.

Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Shimin and said, "back to your majesty, the border has been implemented, and the people have moved into the pass. However, Fengzhou and Shengzhou are short of armaments and materials. The most important thing is that they don't have winter clothes. Please adjust some. In addition, Li Jing of Youzhou is ready to send troops to Fengzhou and Shengzhou at any time."

Li Shimin nodded: "well, with Li Jing guarding the town, Fengzhou and Shengzhou should have no problem. You should immediately pass on my oral instructions. The imperial edict will come later. Mobilize the cotton padded clothes of the state governments to Shengzhou, Fengzhou and Youzhou, and announce that all cloth merchants will help Datang tide over this difficulty together. Violation of orders will be dealt with as treason."

The border is one of the most important places in Datang. If the border is lost, the rivers and mountains of Datang will be threatened.

Therefore, it is necessary to distribute the best materials to the soldiers at the border.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong bow their hands together.

After that, they withdrew from the imperial study.

Now the border is so dangerous that they dare not delay at all.

After they left, the voice of little noble son came from outside the door, saying that Wei Zheng asked for an interview.

Li Shimin waved his sleeve and summoned Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng has been in charge of the agents lurking in the Turks in the Tang Dynasty. It should be for the Turks.

"See your majesty."

Wei Zheng bowed himself.

"There's no need to be polite in the study. What's the matter with Aiqing?"

Li Shimin smiled.

"Your Majesty, I received a report from the spies. There was no movement in Tuli camp. I don't know what I'm doing. I just heard that there was something unusual. I don't know the details."

Wei Zheng said with a positive face.

Hearing the speech, Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know what happened in the Turkic camp, it can at least give Kucha a chance to breathe.

Li Shimin smiled: "well, this news is very good for Kucha. Maybe we can turn the war around."

Wei Zheng stroked his beard and nodded: "yes, as long as the news is spread, it can not only hurt the morale of Turks, but also improve the morale of Datang."

Li Shimin looked at Wei Zheng and said solemnly, "I'll leave it to Aiqing."

"Don't worry, your majesty. I'll do it right away."

Wei Zheng arched his hand and left the imperial study.

Outside the palace, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong led their troops and horses all the way.

They walked among the major cloth merchants with the edict. The cloth merchants had seen such battles, which caused panic for a time.

At first, these cloth merchants didn't want to hand over their cotton padded clothes. After all, these things are their way to make money. Who is willing to hand them over easily, but as soon as they heard that it was the emperor's decree, they immediately began to soften their legs and presented their cotton padded clothes and cloth hands one after another.

Subsequently, the cotton padded clothes were sent to the cloth factory for processing. After processing, Cheng Yaojin sent soldiers and materials to Fengzhou and Youzhou.

After the cotton padded clothes and materials were delivered, the soldiers and men on the border immediately came to the spirit, saying that everyone could win the war. In addition, Li Jing, a big general, was in charge, and the soldiers and men were even more excited.

The wind and snow never stopped. It was like beating a drum for the war.

The sky was dark and the wind began to roar.

The soldiers on the border were waiting for the arrival of the Turks. The Turks also lived up to expectations and killed Fengzhou.

They went all the way to Fengzhou, where there was no grass.

However, they did not expect that Datang had already prepared and set up several cannons, which was the death knell to meet them.

With a roar, half of the Turks died before they reached the gate.

Li Jing drank so much that the city was already hungry. The thirsty soldiers rushed out of the gate.

They cut off the left ear of Turks, because this thing can be exchanged for military merit and is a symbol of their honor, which is enough to make future generations proud.