8 Greg on fire! Not literally

Name:Greg Tales Author:The_Chimp
"What the hell is this?" Greg stared at the computer with a weird expression in his face. It looked like he was happy for some reason—and some people would find his happiness face as absolutely disgusting and hence it is just a weird face and not a happy one.

"Why the fuss? And keep it down, it's really annoying!" Sean came by the computer to look at the thing that made Greg startle.

"Look at this! There's actual people reading GT man! I see a bit of traffic today. Me likey!" Greg exclaimed, seemingly loving the way he ruined 'like' into something disgusting.

"Of course, there would be people reading it if there's an update! So, let's not scare the new guys away with all this and let them enjoy the read." Greg didn't receive Sean's suggestion well as he smacked Sean's head with a comic book.

[P.S: Neither Greg or the Chimp endorses child abuse. This was just a friendly banter between two mates.]

"Well, Sean! You got to give the people what they came for, right?" The showing off and basking in the glory ensued on Greg's behalf, which Sean really didn't like.

"And they came for—you?" Greg didn't pay any attention to Sean's sarcasm and continued prancing around like a gorilla.

"Okay! Now that you've seen me in my full glory, I'll let you read the rest. And by the way, I'm totally fine if you guys hate Harry—I encourage you on that!" Greg bowed down thanking all of the newly existent commentators and readers.


"How the fuck did you miss him? He was right there!" Konner was visibly angry. There was just this one task and the merry boys ruined it. Now they had to redo it over again. But this time, he was thankful that he didn't have to raid the police station again.

"Leader, what are we supposed to do now? How are we going to find him? What if he's on the run?" A merry boy, concerned with his leader's anger, asked.

"Hey, don't bombard me with all these questions! And by the way, he's not the type to run away after an arrest. Some might call it bravery, but let's be honest here—he's just too lazy to run. As much as I know him, I've got a rough idea about his whereabouts. So, let's get going!" He marched his band of merry boys, singing jolly little songs to where Greg supposedly was.


"Konner's gone; Greg's gone; we just got fucked!" Harry let out a sigh. It was not a good day for the NYPD—especially Harry. He couldn't inflict pain upon Greg, couldn't beat Konner—twice, did let Greg escape and to top it all off, got shot which placed him on the sidelines for a good few weeks. It was plainly disappointing.

"Well, let's just put Greg aside for a moment and focus on the big thing—the King was here and we let him escape unscathed. That was a shame." Kevon shook his head. He was frustrated by his minimal involvement in the fight. "So, right now, we just have one thing to do—find Konner King and destroy him to the extent that even his merry boys won't be able to recognize him." Kevon rallied his troops as their voices soared through the building.

"We need to find Greg and we need to do it soon!" Harry proclaimed even after the fantastic rally that Kevon lead against Konner. It seemed like the hatred towards Greg was etched deep in his mind.

"Hey calm down, will ya? Konner is the top priority now; so don't worry about Greg now. We'll just get to him later." Kevon wasn't very keen on dampening the mood that he built up.

"Wait, I'm not talking about that! Look, Konner attacked with a very clear objective—save Greg. Well then, if you have to find Konner, then you'd have to find Greg!" Harry replied which confused Kevon even more.

"Well, Konner did escaped with Greg, didn't he? If I'm not wrong, that'd just mean that Greg and King are together, right? Then didn't we just say the same thing?" Kevon asked Harry, not knowing what he said wrong before.

"That's where the contradiction begins. If you have to find Konner, you might've to find the super-secret base of his that no one knows. But if you have to find Greg, just go to his apartment. Even if he escaped with or without Konner, he'd just go to his apartment to see that Sean kid. The Shepherd I know is too lazy to step a foot out of his crib, by the way." It seemed like Greg's laziness was known far and wide, from the policemen to the merry boys.

"But, if he's not there, wouldn't we be wasting time?" Kevon asked. He didn't wanted to waste the precious time that could be utilized to find Konner.

"Trust me on this, chief!" Harry said with glimmering eyes. Kevon decided to trust him this time. He took his squad to Greg's apartment.


Greg had nowhere to go, other than the old apartment that he lived in. And hence, Harry's prediction was right on queue. Greg took the key to unlock the door before he noticed that the door was already opened. He got himself inside and saw Olivia and Sean inside. The concerned Sean rushed towards him. "Greg, what happened out there? I heard about the blast in the department. Did you do it?" He asked.

"Hell no! That was just some stupid idiot and his troop picking a fight with the police." Greg walked towards the desk to take a lollipop and started sucking it like crazy.

"Hey, is that how you address your benefactor?" Konner entered through the front door, flinging it open.

"Well, how else am I going to address a stupid idiot?" Sparks flew between Greg and Konner as they spoke.

"Wait, who are you?" In the midst, Sean was the confused one, not knowing Konner's identity.

"I'm Konner. I'm an android sent by Kyberlife." Konner introduced himself very similarly to that one game he played as a teenager. But all he got was an awkward silence. "It seems like you didn't understand the reference. I'm Konner King. Some call me King Kon—let's just stop with the puns. Anyway, I'm the leader of merry boys."

"Merry boys? You mean the biggest anti-president faction right now?" Sean was amazed yet a bit concerned. The anti-president faction was a considered a terrorist group by most people.

"Why is the leader of merry boys here?" Olivia was the one who raised the question.

"I don't know. Ask him! He's the one who keeps on denying my invitation to join the merry boys." Konner's response shook Sean to the core. To think that his father was sought after by the Konner King, was just amazing and terrifying at the same time.

"Fuck you! I'm not going to join a group whose name seems like something that a pedophile would name themselves. Ah Sean, stay away from him." Greg dragged Sean away from Konner.

Konner laughs. And just when he was about to say something sarcastic, Kevon and his crew came through the door that Konner left open.

"Wow, Harry's prediction was right on point! Catch him, crew!" Kevon ordered. But it only took a split second for Konner to escape through an open window and do some cool parkour.

"You're not going to catch him when he's on the run." Greg said as he looked over to Konner escaping towards the horizon.

"I know. But I can always catch you." Kevon was about to handcuff Greg, before he saw Sean's sad face and Olivia consoling her—Olivia…The captain's sense of reasoning were long gone. The few officers like Yuki and Oleg who didn't chase Konner for some reason, caught a sniff of it. "Unless, you co-operate with the police."

"Co-operate? How?" Greg had doubts in his mind.

"Well, if he's so keen to get to you, I'm sure Konner will try to meet you again. So, if we are to monitor your every move, we might be able to get to him. And don't worry, we'll be like ninjas—you won't even know that we're onto you." Kevon replied.

"I see. But how do I benefit from this?" Greg questioned again.

"Remember that case we filed against you? Yea, that'll be wiped out—along with every other cases in your name. Your slate will be completely clean." Kevon put forth a tempting offer.

"Intriguing. Guess I'll just accept!" Greg shook Kevon's hand.

"So, normally I would've posted Yuki or even Harry to this assignment—but this time I'll personally carry out this mission!" Kevon was proud to say that.

"I didn't ask that." Greg wanted Kevon to leave now since the agreement was done between them.

"Ah, I told you so that you don't have to worry. Neither does little Sean or beautiful Olivia. You are all under my protection." Kevon patted on each of their shoulders.

"Don't care, uggo!" Olivia slapped Kevon's hand off her shoulders which Kevon seemed to enjoy quite a bit.

Seeing the captain's increased enthusiasm, the subordinates could only sigh. "Yuki, you do know what this means, right?" Oleg asked.

"Yea, our poor old cap is smitten." Yuki gave out a long sigh.

There was no saving him now!
