Chapter 15 - Hiding In the Dark

Two days later Zako decided to stop adding weights on 800 Kg or his physique would become buffed, so he decided to focus on gaining enough Stamina before adding weights, for one day he took a break, training with no stop will do reversal effects mentally.

What he did in these days was going to a Pavillon where some commoner girls Do massage services.

"Yes, Yeees, Good" Zako said as a beautiful blond girl was rubbing his shoulder.

"So Do you like it " She was like 14 years old girl, the Owner told her to treat him nicely since he paid for private service.

"Yes, rub my back and If you are good I may reward you " after intense training, his muscles were pretty much hard, but feeling the soft hands made him feel very relaxed.

"Here young master " Hearing reward she used her c.h.e.s.t and rubbed against his back while giving few small strikes.

"Good, here a tip " Zako took a crystal paper that worth ten thousand Demon Spirit Coins.

The Girl shocked, this was her Clan gaining for three years.

"Thank you, young master," that girl said happy, now she will be able to enter the Institue.

"Don't thank me and do your job? " Zako said closing his eyes while observing his host memories.

One Day in the future here when he reached Gold Rank, he joined a group of adventurers to go outside the City and discover the ruins.

That day one of the Saiyan came and killed them all, that Saiyan tried to take him saying that he is his uncle because he refused a battle started, he lost two times and survived two times, during that time his host discovered what the Ki and Developed some Legendary Techniques on his own, then he went back and defeated that Saiyan .

After that another two Saiyans will come, he would leave this planet to get them away, and so on they will chase him across the Universe, one Day a Mysterious Portal would appear that would take him back to his world, he doesn't know when, but he will.

As for the rest of the memories, they are still blurry.

'My next step is to start preparing for their arriving '

'I'll study other materials, maybe I can make Androids Fighters, but still, I'll enjoy today since I'm taking it as a rest '



In the same realm but On a different planet.

After discovering that here people don't buy Plato nets he stopped conquering them.

There were warriors were kneeling in front of him and several black golds too.

" Toma Sama, the beasts hords will take over your Kingdom"

"I urge you to save us" an Elder kneeled and said while shivering.

"I see, what is the level of them," Toma said while moving his tail up and down touching the girls that were sitting on his l.a.p.

"There are 2 million Demonic beasts, twenty black Gold rank with one leading Legend Rank," That man said.

But then Toma got up and kicked him sending him flying.

The people around were angry but no one dared to speak it up.

"legend rank, " Toma floated up, when he arrived he wasn't this strong but with continuous battles his power raised with no No Stop.

"Finally worthy Opponent blood was boiling hearing Legend Rank.

"Our battle will be Legendary," Toma said as flew up to the sky and looking down at Millions of the beasts that were running in their direction.

"BIG BOMB " Toma lifted his hand, a concentrated a Red ball of energy appeared there, as he threw the Ki Blast toward the Beast Hord, it made a Very Huge explosion, Almost beasts has died.

Only some Black Gold survived and the Legendary rank stood unharmed as he made some Kind of Barrier.



"I have to say, I really underestimated you " Toma jumped and landed in front of them, he was in a bad state and can barely survive against the Legend Rank with black gold beasts.

"But it's my lucky day since it's the full moon Day If Can' kill me in more half-hour, then you will meet the Great Ape" Toma smirked as he shot a fast beam to the Black Gold Humanoid Wolf which barely could dodge and Lost his Arm.

Saiyan can Evolve during the Fight so he isn't worried.