Chapter 122 - Making a kid

Zako and Lan went to separated directions leaving Ye Mo lying on the ground, after all, he is very old and he deserves some rest.

Lan went to look for Mimi and Zako went to The City Lord Mansion where Yu Yan Took the Heavenly fate plateau people.

"You have come," Yu Yan said looking at Zako who made her the protector job.

"Yes, anyway, what are you planning to do for now, " Zako asked looking to her red eyes.

"I'll wait for the coming war, but, Why didn't you tell me about existence of the other spiritual gods " Yu Yan asked Zako, when She arrived at the Glory City, she was amazed by how many Young Legend Rank cultivators are here, and after scanning a bit, she found the aura of other four, which made her wonder why Zako acted ignorant about the existence of the other spiritual Gods when she asked him in the pound.

"Those, they just broke through lately, " Zako said honestly.

"Mm, I see" Yu Yan sighed as she became just too old to react surprised, besides she knows that Zako already found the trick to mastering the law power, so it's possible he taught the others in the time he left the pound.

"Anyway, I'm leaving, there is a palace in the north, you can go and live there."

"Mm," Yu Yan just nodded.

"Oh, just remembered, Do you want more mastery over the fire law " Zako turned to her and smiled.

"More mastery? " Yu Yan said with a questioning tone.

"Here, I have written some books that explain the intent or the Law of fire, It can rise your understanding and power level," Zako said.

Yu Yan found herself suddenly getting attracted to his offer, having a more mastery over the law,  does he know how much she lived and she couldn't advance in her understanding despite how many thousands of years she spent sitting cross-legged: " I want it".

and Yu Yan suddenly vanished as she appeared 5 centimeters away from Zako.

"Hey, Take it easy, I won't give it to you for free" Zako said as he pulled the books back, this Yu Yan is really going to eat him for them.

"Say what do you want, As Long it's not a pervert thing or something that will make me betray to the humanity, I will give to you, " Yu Yan said, one doesn't know that the understanding of laws is actually with no limits. If she only can understand her fire law better, she would get strong enough.

"Kiss me, " Zako said, standing with the side of this white-haired beauty who had both beautiful face and curvy body with big b.o.o.b.s for days, and even she walked half-n.a.k.e.d next to him which really had tortured him, so he decided that at least he deserves a reward for a patient.

"kiss?" Yu Yan looked at his face and didn't see any pervert d.e.s.i.r.e, only an innocent face.

"Just a simple kiss in the cheek, " Zako said with a fake childish tone. 

" he still very young, I see" Yu Yan sighed, It seems That Zako still a little kid no matter what, maybe he is lacking the warmth that kids need, so he wants to sell something precious for a simple cheek kiss, how innocent that could be.

"I'm a big man, Okay, " Zako said innocently, if he is in kid's body, then he will take advantage for that.

"Yes yes, big guy " Yu Yan just treated him as a kid, she walked toward him and bent down to kiss his cheek, her very b.r.e.a.s.ts fell on his shoulder, and her red lips started getting close to his face.

As her face was only 1 cm away from his face, Zako lifted his finger, turned his face: "Oh, I forget.."

Classical trick.

*Kiss*  Yu Yan's lips felt on his mouth instead of his cheek, and Zako couldn't help but let his tongue go and touch her Divine tongue,  kissing Yu Yan really felt better than he expected so he let his tongue express more.

Yu Yan's pale white face didn't blush, but her red eyes were opened wide, she just realized what did happen, did she just got tricked by someone who is 1000 times younger than her or was it just an innocent accident.

However, the kiss gave her a strange feeling. It was tickling yet not tickling, it made her feel some strange electricity go through her body. After all, this was her first kiss after tens of thousands of years.

'Yes...Finally..' Zako thought, this kiss had almost melted his heart from a woman whos look can meld the stones, but he put an innocent expression on his face:" Oops, I didn't mean to, all I wanted to say that I forgot something "

"It's Okay," Yu Yan took the first book from his hand and gave it a quick glance, if the content isn't genuine then it would mean that he had tricked her. And her Goddess pride won't allow her to make things pass easily for him.

but after a quick glance at the Volume, she felt her understanding toward the Law of fire had increased and Zako wasn't tricking her about the law, so she gave him a small smile:" Do you want another one on the cheek or the lips".

".." Zako got speechless, Does she even know what a kiss on the lips means.

"Anyway, I'm going to cultivate, Call me when there's something " Yu Yan without giving more time here. took the rest of the books and flew out to that palace where she can grasp over the laws, after all, there is a war to prepare for it.

"Well, The Kiss wasn't bad" Zako touched his lips, then he decided to spend the rest of the Day as a break, so he went to give his girls some Visit.

At first, he went to Ning'er who reacted happily and she cooked him some cake, then they went on a date where they ate it together. 

"So the wedding would be the next month," Ninger said while holding a piece of cake with her hand, and Zako opened his mouth ready to eat it.

"Yep, are you nervous," Zako asked as he tried to eat that cake, but as soon He tried to eat it, Ning'er pulled it back.

"Nervous, after all, we have done and you ask me that " Ning'er chuckled as she played with Zako who is trying to take the cake piece, it was really fun to tease him like that.

"Right, Now would you like to put the cake where it does belong,"  Zako said.

"Sure " Ning'er opened her mouth and ate it with a large grinned:" Yes it's good ".

"Sigh, you forced my mouth" Zako without waiting put his lips on her mouth and shared the cake while kissing...


After some warm time with Ning'er, he visited Shen Xiu, they chatted and played a little which made the time passes quickly, and it ended up by some a.d.u.l.ts matters.

Then when the Night came, Yang Xin was the last one to Visit.


"so you have finally come back " Inside His palace, Zako and Yang Xin were inside their bedroom sitting.

"Yeah, sorry if I took so long for you" Zako replied.

"it's okay, I know you have been busy, Even though it hurt me to stay all alone," Yang Xin said as she buried her head in her big c.h.e.s.t.

"Xin Xin, Don't be sad or I will be too" Zako patted her back.

"Zako" Yang Xin Called.

"yes" Zako replied.

"now the Glory city has laws Spiritual Gods, many legend rank expert, tamed Demon Beasts, So it should be a very safe environment," Yang Xin said as she took his hands and put them on her c.h.e.s.t.

"Yes," Zako nodded.

"And you know that I'm an orphan who just wished to have a complete family, Right? " Yang Xin said giving Zako a sad glance.

"Yes" Zako lowered his head a bit feeling guilty for being selfish all of the time, while she did everything to make him happy.

"I can't wait anymore, Give me our Kid," Yang Xin said as her hands pulled his clothes off, she just wanted a complete family for herself and she can only blame Zako for stalling the time saying that he wants a safe place.

"But are you sure, kids cry a lot, poop and need to be feed every one hour," Zako said as he was n.a.k.e.d now.

"Don't worry, I can take care of it, besides mother in law and other sisters are here for help" Yang Xin took off her clothes revealing her curves, smooth skin, very big b.r.e.a.s.ts, and large rounded a.s.s.

Soon Zako and Yang Xin started Kissing.

then Zako sat on the bed and spread his legs open revealing a big soft little brother.

Yang Xin kneeled on the ground, then she took his Semi erection Big D.i.c.k and put it inside her mouth giving him a blow job.

*m.o.a.n* Zako left a small m.o.a.n as hands grabbed the back of her head and pushed it closer.

her mouth took care of the upper part of the D, while her hand was rubbing the lower half, and she continued until it grew to 9,3 inches.

"My turn" Yang Xin went to the bed and lied down on her back, at the same time her legs were in the M shape.

Zako simply turned and went between her legs as his face closer to her p.u.s.s.y's lips, then he started using his tongue to lick the walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a while his left hand's finger was rubbing her C.l.i.t.

And after some minutes of eating p.u.s.s.y.

"I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g" Yang Xin who was putting her arm on her b.r.e.a.s.ts, m.o.a.n.e.d as her a sweet liquid was leaving her v.a.g.i.n.a's entrance, she was experiencing her first o.r.g.a.s.m for the night.

Soon Yang Xin got up and let her slightly red face get close to Zako's.

Both of them started kissing deeply again.

then without wasting Time, Yang Xin pushed him to the pose where he is lying on his back.

then she crawled forward until her rounded b.u.t.t was above his rode and her big b.r.e.a.s.ts covered his face.

Zako was looking to Yang Xin's face and pushed his d.i.c.k after aiming it.

Yang Xin also slowly sat down until her v.a.g.i.n.a swallowed his D and squeezed it within its walls. Meanwhile, Zako was s.u.c.k.i.n.g her n.i.p.p.l.e, Then She started moving up and down faster.


The pa sound filled the room as it was her b.u.t.t made that sound each time it hit his balls.

*Mmm* Yang Xin and Zako both of them were m.o.a.ning.

"c.u.m inside me " Yang Xin yelled feeling his c.o.c.k's head kissing the entrance of her w.o.m.b.

"I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g" Zako let his load insider her filling her w.o.m.b with a white liquid.

"Phew, that was amazing"

Xin Xin commented as Zako now was lying on her c.h.e.s.t.


"Zako" Xin called

"Yes," Zako replied.

"If I found out that you used that trick again. I swear that I'm going to lock you here and won't let you off until I get what I want " Yang Xin said with a threatening tone.

".." Zako looked to her with a dazed face, we are married, why would she do that, it's not like he would run to another world suddenly.

"Just kidding," Yang Xin said as she took some medicine that raises the chances of pregnancy.