
The cell phone rang just then, and Su Xiangwan was startled by the bell.

Who called so early?


"Evening, is it disturbing you?"

Lin Xi'er's cheerful voice sounded. Hearing Su Xiang's confused voice in the evening, she knew she hadn't got up yet.

Hearing Lin Xier's voice, Su Xiangwan suddenly felt refreshed.

"No, I'm ready to get up, too!"

"Evening, I think the weather is fine today. Do you have time? Why don't we go to the beach today?"

At the thought of going to the seaside, Lin Xi'er's mood was full of joy.

"Don't you have to work today?"

Su Xiangwan likes the sea best. He used to go to the beach with Lin Xier when he was in high school.

Once she imagined that when she had a boyfriend, she would take her for a walk and run on the beach.

"I finished working overtime when I came back yesterday. Looking at the fine weather today, I really want to find you to go to the beach!"

"OK, where shall we meet?"

Thinking that he hadn't been with Lin Xier for a long time, Su Xiangwan promised her.

"Wait for me at the cafe we used to go to. I'll pick you up later!"

Lin Xier said with a smile.


After hanging up, Su Xiangwan turned over and went to bed barefoot.

Took a long skirt and turned into the bathroom.

According to the agreement, Su Xiangwan got everything ready and came to the door of their designated coffee house.

Looking at the fine weather today, if Lin Ke didn't have to go to work, he would have called her.

Before long, Lin Xier drove a red sports car and stopped in front of Su Xiangwan.

"Late, I'm not late!"

Su Xiangwan opened the door, smiled and went in. "No, I'm early!" she replied while wearing her seat belt.

"Hee Er, let's go to the supermarket and buy something to eat!"

In the past, when they went to the beach, they would first go to the supermarket to buy some snacks and take them there.

"Don't worry! I bought it when I first came?" he said, looking back.

"I really don't have to worry about going out with you. Everything will be done!"

Lin Xi'er's face changed slightly, then smiled and said, "if I forget, I'm afraid we'll be hungry again later.


At that time, only the two of them knew how poor they were.

Lin Xier was brought up by her uncle, but her aunt took care of the pocket money. She deducted two-thirds of her pocket money every month.

And she is even poorer. Since Qin Hui was in charge, she always said that the company was short of money, so she saved money. There was almost little pocket money left every time. Fortunately, her father would give her a sum of money in the card soon, otherwise she would not be as good as a child of an ordinary family at that time?

"Xi'er, do you remember the time when we went on an outing and left more than ten yuan in our pocket?"

Su Xiangwan thought of what had happened in school before, and he thought it was very interesting.

"Of course I remember! We are thirsty. The students buy the best drinks. Only we drink mineral water. One student laughed at you. I also said that we just like to drink mineral water!"


"Yes! Who knows how much money we have after we buy water?"

At that time, I was still young. I always thought that no matter what happened, I wouldn't let people look down on me, so I had to face up and be fat!

If Lin Xier was a rose with thorns at that time, Su Xiangwan was a lily raised in the greenhouse.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I have married. I miss the days of school before!

They talked and laughed all the way and soon got to the beach.

Stop the car and get out of the car together.


"Boss, Miss Su went to the seaside of Daluo bay with Lin Xier early this morning?"

A man in a black suit bent over and said to the man in front of him.

Alan flashed a fierce look in his eyes and said coldly, "command to go down and protect secretly. Report anything in time!"


Alan's whole body sent out a cold breath, and his eyes showed a sense of killing.

When the man saw Allen like this, he could not help shaking a few times and was ordered to evacuate the dangerous area quickly.

"Yunhao, there's a way to heaven. You don't go. There's no door to hell. You have to come. Don't blame me for being cruel!"

His hands beat heavily on the table, and the sound carried through the whole office.

I took my cell phone and dialed a phone number.

"Within three days, I want to see the news of the collapse of Yunshi company!

As soon as the voice fell, the phone hung up.

Bai Zixi on the other side of the phone looked at Leng Yichen sitting in front of him.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Leng Yichen: "is it because I was dissatisfied with my desire last night and I can't go today?"

"Can you say something serious?"

Baizixi stared at the friend in front of him.

"Didn't he say that he asked me to create some trouble for the cloud family? Why is it now that it has become the acquisition of the cloud family within three days?"

Now he really doesn't understand which song it is.

People just came back and left me such a difficult thing before their ass was next to the stool. I don't want to live!

Baizixi's body has the blood of the Three Kingdoms, perfect outline, high nose and dark blue eyes, just like the prince coming out of a fairy tale.

"Well, if you really have the ability, you can kill him directly in his office and strangle him directly. Won't it be all right?"

Leng Yichen gloated aside.

"You think I don't want to!" the problem is that he doesn't dare. Don't be sent to Africa or m country by him before he sees him.

"Tut tut......"

Looking at Bai Zixi's decadent sitting in the chair, Leng Yichen couldn't help joking: "you said you'd be an heir of the Bai family. Why do you abuse yourself if you have nothing!"

Baizixi looked at him unhappily, "aren't you the same yourself?" he couldn't figure out why he came to abuse ah!

Leng Yichen raised his mouth slightly and patted baizixi, "you are now 25 minutes shorter from three days. Come on!"

He stood up and prepared to go out.

"Hey, why are you going?"

Seeing that he was leaving, baizixi hurriedly shouted that he still had a lot of things to figure out?

Leng Yichen said slowly, "my hurry to go back and stare at the source of lust, otherwise we will all be overwhelmed?"

No matter baizixi understood or didn't understand, he went out of the office directly.

What is this and what?

"Can you make it clear at one time?"

Baizixi hates being teased by others, especially about Alan?