Because the villa is empty except Gillian.

"Ah Jiao, Gu Chen?" I went downstairs and put my cell phone in my ear. "And who else?"

"Miss Xia, your clothes have been sent here. Would you please come out and take them?" Express brother voice some urgent, I quickly should, also can't care Gillian, open the door to take clothes.

When I came in with the gift box, Gillian just put breakfast on the table. When she saw me, she said with a smile, "Miss Xia, Gu Shao received a phone call from the company in the morning. There was something urgent, so she left first and asked you to..."

"What do you want me to do?" I frowned and opened the gift box.

"Well, don't be late for work..." Gillian to hang his head, some embarrassed to speak.

This Gu Chen! Don't call me when I leave. Now let me not be late?

Your sister is late!

I looked at the wall clock. It's forty minutes to work.

I quickly closed the gift box and went upstairs. After two steps, I remembered and asked, "by the way, who else? Why are you alone here? "

"Oh I don't know why I was called away by my wife. "

Did sun Shilan call away all the servants in the villa?

What's the situation!

I felt that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what was wrong, so I had to put aside my mind and go into the room to change the clothes in the gift box.

It's a White Sleeveless skirt with ankle length. The quality is very good, but this kind of skirt Are they really bought for me to wear at work?

I was full of doubts and called Gu Chen, but he didn't answer, so I had to send him a text message.

One hand picked up the skirt and looked around, how to see how strange.

I think if Gu Chen didn't give me a reasonable explanation, I might not go to the company today.

Because it's so strange.

Fortunately, Gu Chen sent me a short message soon, saying that there was a very important banquet at noon, so I couldn't be late, so I was directly asked to wear this to work.

And in the end, it's also a sign: don't be late for work!

I rolled my eyes and changed into a skirt.

After light makeup and lipstick, I went downstairs to get ready for work.

Ajiao is still standing downstairs. When she sees me, her eyes are full of amazement. She is stunned for a long time before she comes back to herself. She points to the breakfast on the table. "Miss Xia, breakfast is going to be cold."

I waved, "the overlord said that he can't be late. I won't eat breakfast. It's hard for you."

I finish saying, also don't wait for Jiao to say again what, directly change shoes stool to open the door to go out.

The taxi stopped at the door of sun group. I paid to open the door and get off. But I just closed the door. When I turned around, I saw a child holding a balloon tied with a string and smiling sweetly at me.

"What's the matter? What can I do for you, baby? " I squatted down to smile back, the child did not speak, handed me the balloon in his hand, and ran away.

"Hey..." I think it's funny. Is it because of this skirt? Let a child like me.

I am in a good mood, holding the thread to the company.

Unexpectedly, the sun group, which is always full of voices, is silent today.

"Good morning, Miss Xia!" The little girl at the front desk said hello to me with a smile. She came out from the front desk and helped me to open the door of the special elevator.

"Good morning..." I answered in silence, and looked around at the quiet, somewhat excessive hall, "that..."

"Come in, please." She smiles brightly, and I don't know what to ask, so I go in with the balloon.

Elevator began to rise, I bored, and full of doubts, eyes unconsciously fell on the balloon.

"Eh..." I frowned and leaned over my head to find a note on the balloon.

"Good morning, Tong Tong."



Before I had time to think about it, the elevator door opened, and there was a sweet smile. The man also had a balloon in his hand.

"Good morning, Miss Xia."

I was stunned for a moment, and the balloon had already been put into my hand.

I was shocked when the elevator door closed again. This is Did Gu Chen arrange it?

Eyes subconsciously fell on the balloon, sure enough, there is still a note on it.

"As you can guess, I arranged all this. In memory of the 180th day of our love. "

I hooked up the corner of my mouth and looked at the note with curved eyebrows.

Have we been in love for so many days? How time flies!

Every time the elevator door is opened, I can see a sweet smile and receive one or several balloons with notes.

"Tong Tong, do you remember the first time we met? I didn't believe in love at first sight, but you made me believe it"You may not know how excited I was on the day you promised to stay with me. I stayed up all night on the wall of the army."


I couldn't help laughing, but my eyes were moist.

"After we were together, we were happy and sad. After so many things, finally, you were still by my side."

"We will grow old together. We will watch dusk hand in hand in the rice fields at sunset. We will cook tea and watch flowers under the trees in front of the door."


"Tongtong, what I want to say to you is much more than that, but we have a lifetime. I will use this time to tell you slowly."

"You have 98 balloons in your hand, each of which is our memory."


The elevator door opened again. Unconsciously, I went all the way to the roof.

My eyes were red. I just wanted to close the elevator, but there was a man with a balloon in front of me.

I picked it up and walked out of the elevator. The man showed me the way, but I only looked at the balloon in my hand.

There are so many ropes that I can hardly hold them. But the balloon he gave me just now is the biggest and the note on it is also the biggest.

"A person's life will meet a lot of people, predestined, or predestined, these people are the road signs in your life, not long to stay. But only you, I want to keep you by my side forever, watch and live with me. "

I shed tears and my eyes were red and swollen, but when I was about to continue to look, a voice came from my ear.

"I want you to run through my world, from the past to the future, from the inside out, from the beginning to the present."

I can't tell what I feel in my heart. Large balloons block my sight. I want to see Gu Chen.

Right now.

Eager to see him.

I just raised my legs, then listen to him again, "Tong Tong, no matter how the future is, you just need to stand in the same place, because I'm behind you, you just need to turn around, you can see."

His voice was so warm that I closed my eyes and turned around. Tears ran down my cheeks. My hand holding the balloon slowly released