Chapter 99 - HSGG Early Awakening?

"I will forever be Big Brother Long's wife, even if the heavens force us to separate, the only person who can say that they have conquered Xia Qingyue's heart is Big Brother Long"

Hearing the little pledge from this little girl that was filled with love, arrogance and pride, Yun Long just chuckled, which brought little Qingyue back to earth.

"Haiii… Qingyue since you spoke as such, I am guessing your memories of when you were 4 years of age are more vivid now? Then I ȧssume your Heart of Snow Glazed Glass must have awakened slightly early…" Yun Long sighed as he stroked her silky black hair.

"Un… Big Brother Long, did you mean what you said then? That the heavens are playing around with my life and would force me to do their bidding" Qingyue asked as her body shivered.

Yun Long felt her shiver and felt rage surging within him, he truly wanted to go right now and unleash all his powers on those puny heavens.

"Qingyue, I had already altered your fate that day when your mother agreed to stay, and I also have many treasures that can fȯrċɨbŀƴ sever the destiny and fate that chains you"

As he spoke two golden ripples appeared as he reached out and the Primordial Yin Yang Sword of Nil and the Samsara Sword he created came out and hovered around them with an incomparable aura exuding out of them.

Qingyue saw the swords and was stunned, she could tell her Big Brother Long wasn't lying and never doubted that he would lie to her so when she saw these swords, she was a little happy, so she was going to ask him to do so before he interrupted those wishes.

"Qingyue, whilst the heavens wish for you to struggle, it is only so that you can fully awaken your Heart of Snow Glazed Glass… the only reason I have not already removed those fetters that bind you is because of this, and I also am unsure of the consequences of doing so… if I sever them, will you be a cripple? Will your soul be damaged or destroyed? Will you lose your heaven defying comprehension? Your heaven defying physiques? Will the Heart of Snow Glazed Glass be rendered useless?" he kept questioning scenarios he didn't wish to see.

"You truly have the keys to my heart my dear Yue'er, so I will accompany you as we struggle against the heavens" he whispered as his pupils turned into slits, an eery feeling surrounded him as he looks into the vast skies, something Qingyue did not notice.

Qingyue listened to his worries and didn't really care about all those things, she just wanted to be with her Big Brother Long "Big Brother Long, I don't care about those things… I just want to be able to live at home with my family…" she said with a shaky voice… as she started to understand why her Big Brother Long always talked about needing power.

Yun Long noticed her slightly shaky voice and saw her face that was in deep thought "It as you have understood Qingyue, after all I only made Mother-in-Law remain here, I never cut her ties to the Moon God Realm…" He sighed as began to educate her once more.

"Qingyue, you have to understand that in the future, all of our family will have lifespans of over 10,000 years at the bȧrė minimum, and the peak of this world cultivators have life spans of 50,000 years, however did you know the amulet I gifted to your Aunt Mei is a pseudo Heavenly treasure I created when I had abused my powers previously…" he paused as he noticed the shock in her eyes.

"So long as mother doesn't die from outside means, she would actually live forever since the amulet grants her an immortal life span… however she isn't immortal as she can still die… what I am trying to say Qingyue, is that I do not wish to deny your future and talents for my own selfishness, my feelings will not change even I didn't see you for a million years, let alone a decade or two which is likely how long it would take for me to reach the peak of the Primal Chaos…"

"After all... what kind of man harms his women just for his greedy dėsɨrės?"


Hua Mei and Dongxue had been watching the two the whole time, when Yun Long kissed her with such gentleness and passion, Hua Mei was thinking that this son of hers was truly a lady killer, he had all the tools

'After all I witnessed what he was packing in there… Haiii I hope he can control himself in the future'.

Dongxue was crying tears of happiness, looking at her peaceful figure that was in bliss whilst lying on his ċhėst, she was happy she could feel such emotions in this life, after all she felt her previous mistakes in that alternate reality Yun Long showed her all those years ago had really ruined her precious daughters life.

Which was the main reason as to why she stayed with Hongyi all these years, but she didn't know that the main reason was that her feelings from the past had started to dissipate, and the only thing she longed for in this world was centred around her little girl and her little boy.

However, as they listened in the conversation, they realised Long'er was finally revealing a little about his secrets, something they all wanted to know yet had the decency to allow him to reveal it himself.

Hua Mei heard what he had casually gifted her in his early childhood, and started to tear up, to think this son of hers was willing to give her such a treasure, and the one to actually create a treasure so that she could have an immortal lifespan.

She didn't truly understand the concept but just the mention of immortality showed how much this child did for her… and she hadn't even told him that he isn't her real child.

Well Yun Long already knows he isn't a Xiao...

Dongxue heard him mentioned a separation of a decade and wondered what he was talking about… previously he mentioned that he would not allow them to go to the Moon God Realm… but then she remembered that although he wanted to change the outcome, he wouldn't change the process…


"Qingyue, life is never perfect, without facing adversity, we would never be able to rise, without failure, we would never understand how to become a truly successful… just know that even if you are a million star realms away from me, we are still connected from the heart, from the soul, and from your body"

Yun Long said as he placed his hand on her Yin Yang Dragon Mark as it brightened under the night light…